
Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use with hepatitis B
  6. How does it affect the child
  7. Possible complications for the fetus
  8. Contraindications
  9. Method of administration and dosage
  10. special instructions
  11. Analogues for HB
  12. Video about Totem preparation

Totema is a popular modern drug against anemia. Its main component is iron. This substance is complemented by manganese with copper. It is not uncommon for this important combination of minerals to be prescribed to women who are breastfeeding. The compatibility of totems and lactation, as well as the effect of the drug on the child, is described later in the article.

Composition and form of release

The drug under discussion is a combined modern remedy for anemia. It helps to get rid of the deficiency of 3 important minerals in the body at once.

The tool allows you to cope with the problem in a short time. This is possible due to the composition of the drug.

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The table will allow you to understand it in detail:

The constituents Peculiarities
Iron The main substance in the preparation. It contains 50 mg per 10 ml.
Manganese Additional substance. 10 ml contains slightly less than 1.4 mg.
Copper Additional substance. 10 ml - 0.7 mg. Both auxiliary components are used in the form of gluconate.
Liquid glucose, citric acid, sucrose, caramel color, Tutti-Frutti flavor All these auxiliary components are used in the composition to obtain a sweet taste and caramel shade of the preparation. Fruit flavoring was used in production after repeated complaints from patients about the unpleasant taste and smell of similar drugs of the previous generation.
Glycerol It is a substance with a strong laxative effect. It is added to the drug, since a high dosage of iron in the composition can lead to problems with stool.
Sodium citrate Regulates the process of elimination of drug residues from the body in a natural way.
Sodium benzoate A popular preservative for medications.
Polysorbate 80, water These 2 ingredients are used as binders and to obtain an easy-to-use consistency.

Only the first 3 substances are the main ones in the preparation. The rest are auxiliary components. For example, to improve the taste and consistency of the product.

Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews
Totem while breastfeeding

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for oral administration. If you open one glass ampoule, you can see a clear, dark brown liquid. It has a bright smell, typical for preparations with a large portion of iron in the composition.

Terms of sale, prices

Breastfeeding totems can only be prescribed by a doctor. Women are not recommended to make their own decisions about the need to take a remedy to eliminate anemia. Uncontrolled use of the solution can lead to negative consequences. For this reason, today you can buy the drug in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

The product is sold in most specialized outlets throughout Russia. You can also order it from an online pharmacy, but in this case, the prescription will have to be presented to the courier upon receipt of the goods.

The totem is packed in a small cardboard dense box of white and red color. Inside there is a substrate with transparent glass ampoules. They resemble an injection drug. In this case, the agent is taken orally by mouth.

The standard package contains 10 glass ampoules. Each of them contains 10 ml of the drug. To receive the solution, you will need to gently break off the glass tip of one ampoule. After that, its contents are poured into a glass or other suitable container.

The cost of the funds depends on the region in which it is purchased and on each specific outlet. On average, its price ranges from 300 to 700 rubles. per pack with 10 ampoules of 10 ml of solution.

Pharmacological properties

Totema belongs to the combined preparations of iron. In it, the main active ingredient is combined with 2 additional ones. The use of such a remedy allows the patient to compensate for several important deficiencies in the body at once. Most often it is prescribed for anemia.Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

Iron from the composition of the drug is necessary for many important reactions in the body and its normal functioning in general. For example, for the synthesis of heme. Copper and manganese are combined with it, since these components are enzymes that improve the absorption of iron.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When the solution is taken orally in the stomach and intestines, no more than 20% of the dose taken once is absorbed. Soon after, the drug takes effect and replenishes the body's iron stores.

Iron begins to be absorbed primarily in the duodenum and also in the upper part of the jejunum. One part of the substance immediately enters the bloodstream. And the other lingers on the intestinal mucosa. She stays there and waits for her turn. As required in the future, the substance again enters the plasma.

If you take the drug constantly in a course prescribed by a doctor, then all the symptoms of anemia gradually disappear. The patient's well-being improves markedly.

Indications for use with hepatitis B

Totem for breastfeeding is prescribed for women who have a lack of iron in the body. The drug is used to treat anemia. Often - as the main and only means.Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

Sometimes the solution is chosen as a prophylactic agent to prevent possible negative consequences from a lack of iron in the body. This is especially true if a woman has an imbalance of important substances after childbirth. This often happens with a large blood loss, after a cesarean section.

If a woman has an iron deficiency during pregnancy, then after childbirth its level is necessarily measured again. In the event that the problem is not resolved, the young mother is advised to continue taking medications against anemia during lactation. Totem is often appointed, which allows you to quickly and budget to correct the situation.

If a woman's iron deficiency has just been detected, and it is not critical, then the doctor may suggest waiting until the end of the feeding. It is important that at the same time the woman does not have any obvious symptoms of a lack of this substance and does not worsen her well-being.

How does it affect the child

Totems for breastfeeding are increasingly being prescribed to young mothers by modern doctors. But to date, large-scale studies have not been conducted on the effect of the drug on the newborn. There is no even data in general on the penetration of the drug into breast milk. For this reason, doctors advise not to take risks and if there are any doubts about the use drug for a nursing mother - refrain from this or simply postpone therapy until the end of the period lactation.

Interestingly, the drug can also be prescribed for newborns. It is approved for admission for children from 3 months. In this case, the optimal dosage is calculated by the weight of the baby. For every 1 kg of his body weight, it is optimal to prescribe 3 mg of the drug. For the reception of Totems for newborns, the solution is rather difficult to divide into the necessary portions.

To do this, you should:

  1. Break the ampoule with the drug from 2 ends and pour the contents into a glass.
  2. Check that no glass crumbs and other excess particles get into the solution.
  3. Pour the product into a measuring spoon or syringe.
  4. Count the required portion, taking into account the weight of the child.
  5. Dissolve the drug in any liquid. For a newborn, this is usually purified water. But it is not recommended to dissolve Totem in milk. This option is allowed only in extreme cases. For example, when the child does not drink any other liquids.Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

After the first use, it is recommended to monitor the child's condition with special attention. An allergic reaction is possible.

A newborn solution is prescribed in 2 cases:

  • if the baby himself is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia by an appropriate blood test;
  • if the problem is found in the mother at the last date of admission.

Possible complications for the fetus

When breastfeeding, Totem should be taken with extreme caution. Despite the fact that there is no data confirming the negative effect of the drug on newborns, you need to be wary of the following possible consequences:

  • poisoning a child with manganese or copper;
  • iron overdose in the body;
  • exacerbation of congenital diseases of the stomach or intestines;
  • an unstable state of the nervous system - anxiety, poor sleep.

If a nursing mother takes a drug with iron in the composition, then for the first few days she should especially carefully monitor the condition and well-being of the newborn. It is advisable to carefully examine it during hygiene procedures. In case of allergic reactions to the drug on the skin of a child, redness and rashes may be noticed. They often manifest themselves with severe itching.

There is a likelihood of despotic disorders. Among them: pain and discomfort in the stomach, heaviness, painful or difficult digestion. In a newborn, such consequences can be expressed in strong constant uncontrolled crying, sleep problems, refusal to eat, regurgitation of milk and water.

If such manifestations are noticed, a woman should stop taking the drug as soon as possible and consult a doctor. The specialist will correct the prescribed therapy and select more suitable means or even postpone the treatment for a while.

If a nursing mother uses Totem in large dosages, this can quickly lead to an excess of iron salts in the child. In this case, taking the drug is urgently stopped. A newborn may even need medical attention. It consists in gastric lavage.


Totems during breastfeeding are often prescribed to women with a lack of iron in the body.Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

But there are situations in which the drug will have to be abandoned even if there is this problem:

  • with exacerbation of duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer;
  • with anemia of another nature (not related to iron levels);
  • with serious problems with hematopoiesis.

It is contraindicated to take the solution even if the woman has an increased sensitivity to any components from its composition. It is strictly forbidden to combine it with other iron preparations. It does not even depend on the way they enter the body. You can not combine, for example, an injection and oral administration of the solution.

If a woman is already taking any vitamin complexes, then before adding Totems to them, it is worth carefully studying the composition of the first. If there is iron in them, you will have to choose only one option.

Method of administration and dosage

According to the instructions, the drug in question must be used before meals. First, a glass ampoule is cracked from 2 sides, after which its contents are poured into a glass and mixed with any liquid. Slightly sweetened drinking water is great for this. Shake well before use. And it is recommended to drink Totem already diluted in water as soon as possible. It is prohibited to store it in this form for more than 25 hours.

A newborn drug is allowed to be used only from 3 months. The dosage is calculated according to the scheme of 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight. From 1 year to 5 years, a child can take 50 mg of the drug per day.

From 5 to 12 years old, already 1-2 ampoules of the drug are allowed daily. And patients after 12 years old can drink up to 100 mg per day.

In this case, the dosage of the drug for the patient depends not only on his age, but also on the severity of the anemia. If this is an average form, then an adult is prescribed 3 ampoules of solution per day. If severe - up to 200 mg per day. For children, the attending physician calculates the optimal dosage.

For pregnant and lactating mothers, this dosage also changes. In the first case, with a mild degree of anemia, a girl is recommended to drink 2 ampoules per day, with an average - up to 150 mg, with a difficult one - up to 200 mg. And in the second, regardless of the severity of the problem - 1 ampoule per day.

The dosage chosen for the patient can be used in different ways. The first option is 2-3 doses before meals throughout the day. The second option is right away, for example, before breakfast or before lunch.Totem while breastfeeding. Is it possible or not, reviews

How long to take the drug is decided on a case-by-case basis. For this, the patient must regularly take blood tests. For example, nursing mothers are advised to drink the medicine until the hemoglobin level returns to normal. On average, treatment usually takes 4-6 months. If the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then it takes 1-2 months to take it.

A young mother during lactation, before starting to take Totem, should evaluate her condition. Especially if the newborn is still less than 1 month old. If possible, taking the drug should be postponed at least 30-50 days after childbirth. During this period, a woman may try to correct the level of iron in the body through nutrition.

special instructions

If, in the process of taking Totema by the nursing mother, there is a sharp change in the behavior and well-being of the child, then the therapy is urgently stopped. In the future, the drug is either completely canceled for the lactation period or replaced with analogues.

Analogues for HB

Any iron supplements should be taken with caution during lactation. This also applies to all modern analogues of Totems. Most often, this drug for nursing mothers is replaced with Aktiferrin drops or Ferretab capsules. Both of them can be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and in the event that the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the child.

Totem is not prohibited when breastfeeding. But its effect on the newborn and penetration into breast milk has not yet been fully studied and proven. Therefore, young mothers should use the drug with caution.

Video about Totem preparation

Totem for anemia and pregnancy:

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