
Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, price, analogs

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  1. Indications for use
  2. Acute and chronic eczema
  3. Neurodermatitis
  4. Contact dermatitis
  5. Lichen planus
  6. Psoriasis
  7. Exfoliative erythroderma
  8. Otitis externa, not complicated by infection
  9. Insect bites
  10. Analogs
  11. Video about Ftorocort ointment

Fluorocort ointment belongs to the group of corticosteroids. It is a hormonal drug for external use, prescribed to patients with various skin diseases. Among the indications: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. The cost of the ointment is on average from 250 to 450 rubles. for 15 g.

Indications for use

If the course of the disease is complicated by an attached infection (fungal or bacterial), then Ftorocort alone will not be enough to fight it. It will be necessary to add a specific agent against fungi or bacteria.

Acute and chronic eczema

Eczema is a noncommunicable disease that causes skin rashes or redness. Today, about 10% of the world's population suffer from this problem. More often women face this skin disease.Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues

With eczema, a person is worried about itching of varying intensity, a burning sensation in the problem area. Also, the skin turns red, swells, becomes covered with small bubbles with liquid contents.

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In the acute stage, the development of the disease can be monitored in stages:

  1. Skin redness, swelling and itching appear.
  2. Red nodules form.
  3. Bubbles with liquid are formed, which are grouped in one place.
  4. The formations open up, the problem area begins to get wet.
  5. The painful area dries up, becomes covered with a crust.
  6. The skin exfoliates and regenerates.

With the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, the skin changes significantly. It becomes drier, coarser, flaky. Pigmentation may appear on the problem area.

At all these stages and stages, it is important to use Ftorocort. The product, when used correctly, can completely eliminate all symptoms. But with the causes of eczema (it can be very difficult to establish them exactly) you will need to work separately.


It is a chronic skin disease (inflammatory). With its development, rashes appear on different parts of the body. They get wet, itchy, and may be accompanied by pigmentation. The cause of the disease is an inadequate immune response of the body to external influences.

Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues
Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use

Several forms of the disease are known:

Forms of the disease Peculiarities
Follicular It appears only on the scalp
White Some areas of the skin turn white
Psoriasiform Problem areas are intensely flaky
Linear The rashes are arranged in lines
Decalving Hair falls out in problem areas
Warty Tumor structures are formed

Ftorocort is topical to use for any form of the disease. It effectively relieves symptoms and relieves the patient's condition. To combat the cause of the disease, complex long-term treatment will be required.

Contact dermatitis

Fluorocort ointment, the indications for which it is important to know for every patient, also helps with contact dermatitis. This is a special reaction of the skin to allergens or irritants. Often occurs when using cheap modern shampoos and formaldehyde shower gels.Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues

Symptoms of the disease: itching, redness and burning of the skin. Also, various rashes can appear on it - from small tubercles to large formations with liquid inside. The symptoms of the disease begin to diminish already on about the 3rd day of using the ointment and gradually disappear completely (if the allergen is also excluded in parallel).

Lichen planus

It is a chronic disease resulting from a malfunction of the immune system. Most often - under the influence of severe stress or hormone imbalance. With an illness, small nodules or purple plaques appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Less commonly, this may be subcutaneous blisters, redness of certain parts of the body.

The ointment helps to cope with the main symptoms of the disease. They go away very quickly if the root cause of the problem is fixed.


Indications for the use of Ftorocort ointment include psoriasis. It is a chronic autoimmune disease. It is not infectious, it mainly affects the skin. Dry plaques protruding above the surface appear on problem areas.

Treatment for psoriasis should always be comprehensive. Often, the patient is prescribed a special diet that is relevant for autoimmune diseases, several drug options. Fluorocort in this case is used to relieve symptoms. It moisturizes the problem area, relieves itching.

Exfoliative erythroderma

This group combines several types of dermatoses at once, characterized by inflammatory skin lesions. In this case, a person is worried about many symptoms.Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues

Among them, the following stand out (distributed by frequency of occurrence):

  1. Redness of the problem area.
  2. Peeling.
  3. Itching.
  4. Formation of empty or liquid-filled bubbles, small seals.

In case of illness, you should start using Ftorocort ointment as soon as possible. After 4-6 applications, the patient will feel relief.

Otitis externa, not complicated by infection

Ftorocort can be used only with the external form of the disease, not complicated by infection. This is an option when it is manifested by the formation of a painful large boil. Inflammation is allowed to be treated with ointment during the ripening process.Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues Or use it after cutting the boil in order to prevent inflammation in the problem area.

Insect bites

Fluorocort ointment, the indications for which are listed above, are even suitable for treating insect bites. Due to its special composition, the agent relieves inflammation in the problem area, and also reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction. It is especially important to use the ointment for people who have severe swelling of the bite site.


Today on sale you can find several analogues of Ftorocort ointment at once. There are also cheaper options among them.

The most popular analogue of the ointment is Triacort. Its cost is on average 70 rubles. for 10 g. This is an ointment for external use, which belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. It is prescribed for patients with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and other inflammatory or allergic skin diseases. The remedy is considered less effective than Ftorocort, therefore it is used only in mild cases. Patients often choose it because of its low cost.Fluorocort ointment. Indications for use, analogues

Another popular drug is Locoid. It is a topical glucosteroid sold as an ointment and gel. Its cost starts from 340 rubles. for 30 g, but it can go up to 850 rubles. It is used for most inflammatory and allergic skin diseases. The tool is effective, but with a large list of side effects. They can even manifest as an increase in symptoms.

A more expensive version of the ointment for psoriasis, eczema and various types of dermatitis is Afloderm. The agent belongs to the group of corticosteroids intended for external use. The drug is considered more effective than Ftorocort, since it begins to alleviate the patient's condition earlier. But his cost is much higher - from 450 rubles. (can go up to 980 rubles).

The cost of Dermovate cream starts at 440 rubles. for 2 years The group of the drug is glucocorticosteroids for external use. Helps to cope with unspecified dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus. The tool is absorbed faster than Ftorocort, and in terms of effectiveness it costs about 1 step with it.

The drug Latikort belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids for topical use. It is prescribed for eczema, acute reactions to insect bites, itching of the skin of various etiologies, psoriasis, and various types of dermatitis.

Indications for the use of Ftorocort ointment relate to various skin diseases. Also, the tool helps to cope with an acute reaction to vinegars, some allergic manifestations.

Video about Ftorocort ointment

Fluorocort ointment instructions for use:

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