
Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologists

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  1. Is there a diuretic effect
  2. Benefits for heart disease
  3. Harmful properties and side effects
  4. Video about the drug Losartan

Losartan is a drug from the group of antihypertensive means with a diuretic effect. This group of drugs helps to reduce blood pressure indicators, further enhances kidney function, which leads to an increase in daily urine output. As a result, a more pronounced effect is achieved and the general condition of the patients is facilitated. Additionally, medicines of this group prevent a critical increase in indicators and the development of complications.

Is there a diuretic effect

The drug Losartan has diuretic properties, the name of which contains the letter N. This is important to consider, since the product without this mark does not have a diuretic effect. The diuretic effect is explained by the presence of hydrochlorothiazide in the composition of the drug, in addition to the main ingredient.

It is hydrochlorothiazide that has a diuretic effect, since it belongs to the group of thiazide diuretics. The effect of the intake develops in about 2 hours and lasts for 12 hours, which is considered a good indicator.

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Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologists
Losartan with a diuretic effect

The mechanism of action of the ingredient is based on its ability to influence the absorption of sodium in the distal renal tubules, as well as enhance the excretion of potassium, phosphates and hydrocarbons. As a result, daily urine output increases, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits for heart disease

Losartan with a diuretic effect is considered an effective tool in the complex treatment of cardiac pathologies. He, like other diuretics, is used not only in the diagnosis of hypertension, but also in some forms of heart failure, as it relieves symptoms, reducing the likelihood of its rapid progression.Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologists

the effect Peculiarities
Reduces stress on the heart Medicines from the group of diuretics reduce the load on the heart, increase daily urine output, which is beneficial affects the general condition of patients, especially in the acute stage of the pathological condition and frequent relapses.
Prevents the intense absorption of sodium into the blood Thiazide diuretics have pronounced properties, despite the fact that they are less effective in comparison with other groups of diuretic drugs. Reducing the amount of sodium in the blood prevents fluid retention in the body with a consequent increase in circulating blood volume and an increase in the load on the heart.
Reduces the likelihood of developing kidney pathologies against the background of an increase in the level of sodium in the blood In many heart conditions, sodium levels in the blood increase, leading to kidney problems. The use of diuretics can reduce the risk and improve the functioning of the urinary system. For example, Losartan is considered safer than many other groups of diuretics.

Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologistsAdditionally, diuretic medicines (in particular Losartan N) help to achieve a pronounced and long-term result in patients who often suffer from hypertensive crises have a tendency to impairment of cerebral circulation.

Harmful properties and side effects

Losartan, like other diuretic agents from the group of thiazide diuretics, provokes an intense leaching of potassium from the body. This negatively affects the muscle fibers, namely the myocardium of patients. Potassium deficiency leads to weakness and dysfunction of the heart muscle. This is the main harm of thiazide diuretics, including Losartan.

With course use, frequent admission or violation of the scheme, complications from the internal organs may appear:

  • A decrease in the level of platelets and erythrocytes in the blood of patients, the development of hemolytic anemia.
  • Increased blood glucose levels.
  • Loss of appetite, severe weakness and disruption of the digestive system.
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure readings.
  • Violation of the rhythm of the heart, tachycardia. In this case, the patient's condition is aggravated if he has a history of heart failure.
  • Headaches, dizziness and sleep disturbance.
  • Metabolic alkalosis develops frequently when treated with drugs.
  • Often there is a metabolic disorder, an increase or decrease in body weight.
  • Pain in the kidney area is observed if the patient has concomitant diseases.
  • Depletion of the body, the development of a pronounced potassium deficiency.
  • Nephritis of varying severity. Exposure to the patient's kidneys can lead to irreversible changes that do not disappear after the drug is discontinued.Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologists

Thiazide diuretics, which include hydrochlorothiazide in Losartan, can provoke constipation and jaundice, inflammation of the pancreas, and damage to the gallbladder.

One of the most dangerous negative reactions is considered anaphylactic shock, in which there is a threat to the patient's life. In this case, a rash appears on the body, itching and swelling of the tissues of the throat, oral cavity, nasal passages, and eyes is observed. Against the background of these symptoms, there is difficulty in breathing. The progression of impairments can lead to suffocation as a result of occlusion of the throat lumen.

Another dangerous manifestation of adverse reactions is pulmonary edema. The condition disrupts the work of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, threatens the patient's life.

Losartan with a diuretic effect is considered an effective medication with a combined effect. It lowers blood pressure indicators not only due to the effect on blood vessels, but also due to a decrease in sodium absorption in the kidney tubules.

Despite its effectiveness, the drug promotes the elimination of potassium from the body, which negatively affects the myocardium. The benefits of using the drug for heart diseases outweigh their harm, but subject to proper treatment and adherence to all the recommendations of a specialist.

Cardiologists and therapists today cannot accurately determine whether diuretics or non-diuretic drugs better for patients with cardiovascular diseases, since in each case the individual an approach. If the patient has impaired renal function, reduced daily urine output and edema against the background of cardiac deficiency, it is recommended to take antihypertensive drugs with diuretic properties, for example, Losartan N.Losartan with a diuretic effect or not. What is better, reviews of cardiologists

If there is a critical decrease in the level of potassium in the blood, severe pathologies from the urinary system, the use of diuretics can aggravate the condition. In each case, the doctor individually decides on the appointment of a particular drug, based on the needs of a particular patient.

Video about the drug Losartan

Losartan. Instruction, price, analogs:

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