
Betadine ointment. Indications for use, price, analogues

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  1. Indications for use
  2. Bacterial and fungal skin infections
  3. Burns
  4. Trophic ulcers
  5. Bedsores
  6. Infectious dermatitis
  7. Abrasions
  8. Wounds
  9. Analogs
  10. Video about Betadine ointment

Betadine ointment - an effective externally remedy from the group of antiseptic medicines. This group of funds helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, which, under certain circumstances, provoke an inflammatory process and can damage the outer layer of the skin. Indications for the use of the drug describe the possibility of prescribing in the acute and chronic stages of a pathological condition to alleviate the condition.

Indications for use

The official instructions for the medication describe many indications that may be the reason for the local use of the medication. Previously, the patient visits a doctor who determines the appropriateness of use and the treatment regimen.

Bacterial and fungal skin infections

Fungal and bacterial infectious skin pathologies are diseases in which the outer layer of the skin is affected by fungi or bacteria. In this case, a rash, irritation, peeling appears on the body. Often, more extensively inflamed foci are formed in the affected area.

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Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues
Betadine ointment. Indications for use

Touching the affected tissues provokes pain, and scratching only aggravates the condition and leads to the appearance of additional symptoms.

When using the ointment, patients note the elimination of the following violations:

  • Pain.
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Inflammation.
  • The rash is of different sizes and shapes.
  • Severe itching.Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues

It also reduces the likelihood of developing complications as a result of the progression of the disease. The ointment eliminates precisely the causes of the development of the disease, as it affects fungi, bacteria of various types.


Betadine ointment (indications for the use of the drug are indicated in the official description) can be used when burns, as it reduces the likelihood of infection as a result of the activity of bacteria of various type. With thermal action on the tissues in the affected area, a focus of different sizes is formed. Microorganisms can multiply on its surface, which leads to complications from healthy tissues surrounding the focus.

The use of the ointment allows you to eliminate puffiness around the burn, redness, and provides an antiseptic effect that prevents microorganisms from entering the tissues affected by high temperatures.

The drug does not eliminate the cause of the disorder; it can only be used as an auxiliary method of therapy.

Trophic ulcers

The antiseptic properties of the drug make it possible to use it for the purpose of tissue therapy for trophic ulcers. Pathology is a malnutrition of the skin, which occurs mainly in the lower extremities, associated with a deterioration in the condition of peripheral vessels.Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues

The use of the ointment does not help to eliminate the cause of the violation, does not affect the course of the pathological condition. Despite this, it destroys germs, which, if they get into an ulcer, can provoke blood poisoning. When applied, the elimination of irritation, swelling and inflammation is observed, which has a positive effect on the condition of patients.


Pressure ulcers are lesions on the skin that occur in patients as a result of deterioration in blood supply to the tissues against the background of constant compression. Usually occur in patients who are forced for various reasons to adhere to prolonged bed rest.

The use of the ointment does not affect tissue nutrition, does not help restore blood circulation. But doctors note a positive effect in the form of eliminating redness, swelling and irritation. Additionally, the ointment reduces the likelihood of wound infection as the disease progresses.

Infectious dermatitis

Betadine ointment can be used for inflammatory pathologies of the skin, accompanied by the addition of an infection. Indications for its use describe the possibility of prescribing in the event of the development of infectious dermatitis. With such a violation, there is pronounced itching and inflammation of the skin.Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues

The use of the ointment directly eliminates the cause of the disorder, prevents the spread of the lesion focus to large areas. Patients also note a weakening of discomfort when the affected areas come into contact with tissues, other objects, hot and cold water.


A topical medicine can be used to eliminate inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin as a result of an abrasion. The drug does not directly eliminate the cause of the pathology, since it does not stimulate tissue healing, does not help to reduce the lesion focus.

Despite this, applying the ointment helps prevent microorganisms from entering the focus, somewhat reduces swelling, redness and pain.


The presence of wounds in different parts of the body and limbs can significantly worsen the patient's condition when an infection joins. The ointment is used specifically for infected wounds, but only in combination with other means.

Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues

The external medicine does not eliminate the cause of the violation, but the destruction of microbes can shorten the recovery period, relieve signs of inflammation, redness and pain at the site of injury.


Betadine ointment (indications for the use of the drug describe the possibility of prescribing if infected dermatological diseases) has analogues used when it is impossible to prescribe original. Doctors pay attention to the fact that there are not many structural analogs of the drug.

Name Peculiarities
Stellanin A product based on a similar active substance, which belongs to antiseptic medicines and is available in the form of an ointment for external application. Its cost is approximately 360-380 rubles. for a tube. The drug is also used for wounds, abrasions, burns, bedsores and trophic ulcers. Unlike the original, the drug somewhat accelerates tissue regeneration, therefore it can be used in more severe cases than Betadine
Levomekol One of the most popular analogs with similar properties belongs to the group of antibacterial medicines. Like Betadine, the drug can be used for trophic ulcers, bedsores, infected wounds and abrasions, but has many other indications associated with a wide range of antimicrobial activity. An analogue is considered more effective, can be used in severe cases when the original does not show the required efficiency. The cost of the substitute is 150-170 rubles.
Betadine ointment. Indications for use, analogues
D-Panthenol The drug is in the form of an ointment, which belongs to the group of regenerating, dermatoprotective agents, but can be used as an analogue. The effectiveness of the external agent is noted in the treatment of burns. Infected wounds, abrasions, bedsores, dermatitis. Unlike the original, the analogue can only be used for mild pathology, since it does not have antimicrobial properties. You can buy it for about 80-120 rubles.
Levosin The substitute, which belongs to the group of regenerating and antimicrobial agents, is available as an ointment for external use. It is prescribed when infected wounds, abrasions, bedsores appear, but has more indications than the original. The drug is considered more effective, can be used in severe cases, since it stimulates tissue regeneration, and not just destroys bacteria. Unlike Betadine, the ointment cannot be used for fungal skin diseases. The cost of the analogue is 70-110 rubles.
Synthomycin Linimet for external use, which belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs. The remedy is prescribed mainly for infected wounds, severe dermatitis, abrasions, bedsores. It can be used in severe conditions, unlike the original, as it has more pronounced properties. You can buy linmet for 50-90 rubles.

Ointment analogs are selected for each patient individually according to indications. The cost of the original medicine is higher than the price of any substitute. Only Stellanin costs about the same as Betadine.

Betadine ointment is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent for the treatment of skin pathologies of bacterial, fungal origin. The drug is considered effective, but many of its analogues have more pronounced properties and are considered effective in severe cases.

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