
Hand cream for eczema. List of the best reviews

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  1. The specifics of treating eczema on the hands
  2. The action of hormonal and non-hormonal creams for eczema
  3. List of effective hormone-based creams and ointments, application regimens, prices
  4. Advantan
  5. Hydrocortisone
  6. Dermovate
  7. Locoid
  8. Lorinden
  9. Prednisolone
  10. Flucinar
  11. Ftorocort
  12. Cinacort
  13. Elokom
  14. List of non-hormonal creams and ointments, application regimens, cost in pharmacies
  15. Heparin
  16. Dermasan
  17. Levomekol
  18. Losterin
  19. Radevit
  20. Skin Cap
  21. Solipsor
  22. Timogen
  23. Zinc paste
  24. Elidel
  25. Emolium
  26. Video about eczema treatment

The cream is considered one of the best dosage forms to quickly get rid of the patient from the symptoms of eczema on the hands and other parts of the body. Medicines in this form act quickly, helping to reduce the likelihood of disease progression and the development of complications. Medicines can be of hormonal and non-hormonal origin, which allows you to choose the most effective medicine in each case.

The specifics of treating eczema on the hands

Eczema is a non-infectious skin disease that can affect different parts of the body. It provokes the appearance of a rash, severe itching. Today, dermatologists identify many types of the disease, and statistics confirm that about 10% of the world's population suffers from some form of eczema.

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Depending on the symptomatology, treatment regimens for each patient differ, which is associated with a different course of the pathological condition and some other features.

Type of disease Specificity therapy
True A common form of the disease, which in most cases affects the limbs and face. Its treatment involves the appointment of medications with antipruritic properties in the subacute stage, hormonal agents in the acute stage, accompanied by complications.
Mycotic This form of the disease is treated with medications that have antifungal properties, since the course of the pathology is aggravated by the addition of fungi.
Varicose A type of disease that often affects the lower extremities, but can also develop on the hands. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe medications that have a positive effect on blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of complications.
Microbial For the treatment of the microbial form of eczema, not only antipruritic, antiallergic agents are used, but also drugs that help to destroy microbes that provoke an aggravation of symptoms.
Professional Often, patients suffer from a professional type of eczema, which develops as a result of regular and prolonged contact with chemical components, household chemicals. The specificity of the treatment of this form of disorder involves the exclusion of skin contact with allergens, as well as the appointment of drugs with pronounced properties. In most cases, hormone therapy is combined with other drugs that are less aggressive.

There are other types of the disease, the treatment of which may differ from the standard scheme.

The action of hormonal and non-hormonal creams for eczema

Cream for eczema on the hands can be hormonal or non-hormonal, which allows you to choose the most effective remedy in each case. Hormonal drugs are considered potent, that is, they help to quickly stop symptoms and reduce the likelihood of its progression over a short period of time.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

Non-hormonal medicines may contain antimicrobial, antifungal, antihistamine components. They help to eliminate the most pronounced symptoms, are often prescribed for mild and subacute pathological conditions. In advanced cases, such drugs are not always effective.

Hormonal drugs are more effective, since they have anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiallergic properties, even in the case of a severe course of the disease. Their mechanism of action is based on the rapid suppression of all symptoms of the disease. Often, patients use a hormonal drug for several days, after which the specialist cancels it and prescribes other medications.

List of effective hormone-based creams and ointments, application regimens, prices

Hormonal medications are used mainly for patients with severe forms of eczema, when the symptoms are acute, worsen the general condition and provoke neurological disorders. In pharmacies, you can find many preparations based on hormonal ingredients.


Advantan cream is often used to relieve symptoms of eczema on the hands in case of severe disease. The medication is also available in the form of an ointment, has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects due to the content of methylprednisolone.

The external treatment regimen assumes its use only for a certain period of time prescribed by the doctor. In this case, the medicine can be used for various forms of eczema. The duration of the course is 4 weeks, but after that the treatment can be extended if the specialist considers it appropriate.

Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews
Advantan - hand cream for eczema

The maximum course duration is 12 weeks. After this, it is important to discontinue use. Repeated courses are carried out only after 3-6 months, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The affected areas are treated with cream or ointment once a day. The layer during application should be thin, rub in the medicine with care, do not exert strong pressure on the tissue. You can buy a hormonal drug for about 560-590 rubles.


This is a preparation in the form of an ointment, which contains an active ingredient of the same name, which belongs to hormonal ingredients. When the agent enters the affected area, edema, signs of inflammation are eliminated, the likelihood of spreading to large areas of tissues decreases.

The tool has not only antiallergic, but also a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it universal for different types of eczema. It is allowed to apply the ointment 2 times a day, making approximately equal time intervals. The initial duration of the course is 2 weeks, but, if necessary, it can be increased according to individual indications.

The amount of ointment when applied to the skin should be minimal. Do not rub the tissue when distributing the medication. The cost of an external medication ranges from 50-110 rubles.


This is a preparation in the form of a cream and ointment for external use, which acts due to the presence of clobetasol in the composition of the substance, which has a hormonal origin.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

The drug is considered effective, after the initial application it helps to eliminate the most common symptoms of various forms of eczema:

  • Swelling of tissues.
  • Severe itching.
  • Redness.
  • Peeling.
  • Irritation and discomfort when touching the affected area.

You can use the product for 2 weeks. Usually this period is sufficient to obtain a therapeutic effect. Like other external medicines, the drug is applied in a thin layer, carefully distributed over the affected area. It is allowed to use the medicine no more than 2 times per day, but for many patients 1 time is enough to alleviate the condition.

You can buy a medication in various forms at a pharmacy for about 600-650 rubles.


Locoid Hand Cream contains hydrocortisone as its main active ingredient. The drug has anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease, improves the general condition. A medication is also produced in the form of an ointment for external use.

The drug is considered effective for eczema of various forms and severity. It is prescribed in courses of 2-4 weeks, depending on the manifestations, as well as the presence of other complications in the patient.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

The layer of the product on the skin should be thin, you can gently rub in the medicine or simply distribute it on the affected areas, wait for absorption. It is recommended to repeat the manipulation every day at about the same time. If there is no effect, it can be applied in the morning and in the evening. The cost of the medication is approximately 280-320 rubles.


This is a combined hormonal agent that contains not only a hormonal component, but also an antiseptic agent that increases the effectiveness of the treatment of eczema of microbial origin.

A medication in the form of an ointment is quite expensive; it can be purchased in pharmacies for about 300-550 rubles. But its effectiveness justifies the high cost, since already a few days after the start of treatment, a positive result is noted.

Usually, the ointment is not used in long courses, it is applied to the affected area 2 times a day for 10 days. The dermatologist then evaluates the outcome of the treatment. Only in some cases is a course extension required.


A drug based on the active ingredient of the same name is often used in the treatment of patients with eczema of various forms. The remedy comes in the form of an ointment, fights the most severe symptoms of eczema and helps prevent the progression of the condition.

The duration of the use of the drug depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular patient. In most cases, 2 weeks are enough, but often a pronounced effect is noted after 1 week. The ointment is applied 2 times a day. At the same time, it is important to control the layer of the product, not to make it thick, not to rub it into the fabric too intensively.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

Rubbing especially negatively affects the lesions, touching which provokes pain. You can buy the product for about 70-120 rubles.


It is an effective external medication based on a hormonal substance, available in the form of an ointment and gel. Helps relieve acute eczema symptoms and reduces the risk of lesions spreading to healthy tissue.

The drug is used once a day, applied in a thin layer to the affected area. The duration of the therapeutic course does not exceed 2 weeks, but may vary depending on the symptoms and tissue response to the remedy. The cost of the medication is 230-260 rubles.


Ftorocort cream for eczema on the hands can be used for patients with different forms of pathological conditions. The drug has a hormonal composition and helps to relieve acute symptoms.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

Apply it in a thin layer and gently distribute over the affected area. The manipulation is repeated no more than 2 times a day. Taking into account the symptoms and the degree of its neglect, the duration of therapeutic use is 1-3 weeks. The cost of the medication ranges from 270-320 rubles.


This is a hormonal agent used to treat acute eczema, accompanied by severe symptoms of inflammation and itching. The drug is applied in a small amount to the lesions, gently rubbed.

Repeat the manipulation every day at about the same time. The duration of the course is 10 days, it changes on an individual basis according to indications. You can buy the drug for 250 rubles.


This is a medication in the form of a cream that has the hormonal component mometasone in its composition. The tool has anti-inflammatory and pronounced anti-allergic properties.

Apply a small amount of the drug to the affected area, rub it gently into the skin. It is allowed to apply the drug once a day. This is enough to obtain a pronounced therapeutic result. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 2 weeks.

The drug costs about 1550-1600 rubles.

List of non-hormonal creams and ointments, application regimens, cost in pharmacies

Medicines based on non-hormonal components are considered safer, but in the acute stage of pathology, they do not always quickly stop symptoms.


Heparin ointment is considered effective for varicose eczema, which rarely develops on the hands. Despite this, the remedy can be used for long courses of 2 weeks.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

Treatment of affected areas is carried out 2 times a day. The drug strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them, which aggravate the symptoms. Its cost is 120-140 rubles.


The solution in the form of a solution does not have pronounced healing properties, but it helps to prevent the development of excessive dryness of tissues, contains glycerin.

Apply it in a minimum amount 2 times a day to the affected area. The manipulation is repeated for 7 days. Its cost is 70-120 rubles.


Antimicrobial agent with pronounced properties is available in the form of an ointment for external use. The drug is used when eczema is accompanied by the appearance of acute symptoms of inflammation and suppuration of lesions.

Apply the product under the bandage or without bandage. Repeat the treatment at least 2 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the tissue reaction to the medication. You can buy the ointment for 130-150 rubles.


Hand cream for eczema has antifungal properties. It can be used to eliminate the symptoms of the mycotic form of the disease. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the lesions up to 3 times a day.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

Treatment can take 4-8 weeks, as this form of eczema is difficult to treat. You can buy a medication at a pharmacy for 540-670 rubles.


Cream based on non-hormonal components stimulates tissue regeneration and improves the general condition of patients. Used in short courses, contains retinol, tocopherol and ergocalciferol.

Apply the cream 2 times a day in a small amount on the affected area, rub gently. The medication is used within 2 weeks. Usually, the course is not prolonged, since prolonged use can provoke complications. The price of the drug is 270-340 rubles.

Skin Cap

Zinc pyrithione cream has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for a weeping form of eczema, as the agent dries out the skin, which reduces the likelihood of an infection.

It is necessary to apply the product 2-3 times a day in a small amount. It is important for the entire treatment period to minimize prolonged skin contact with water. The duration of use in most cases is 10-14 days. You can buy the product for 1100-1200 rubles.


It is a multicomponent preparation in the form of a cream based on herbal ingredients with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, stimulating tissue regeneration.Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews

The action of the medication is carried out due to the presence of the following components:

  • Elecampane root.
  • Garlic.
  • Pumpkin little.
  • Burdock root.
  • Walnut extract.
  • The sequence.
  • Birch bark.
  • Olive oil.

These components are safe and significantly improve the condition of the skin. The tool can be used in long courses, applied 3 times a day to the affected area. Usually after 4 weeks, a stable therapeutic result is observed. You can buy the cream for 700-880 rubles.


The cream of non-hormonal origin stimulates tissue regeneration and prevents the progression of the pathological condition. The agent is applied in a thin layer 2 times a day, and the course of therapy lasts 2 weeks.

The drug costs about 300-350 rubles.

Zinc paste

This is an effective zinc-based remedy that not only stops the progression of symptoms, but also dries out the skin, which has a positive effect on the condition of the tissues.

The drug is applied in a thin layer, carefully distributed on the skin, and the manipulation is repeated in the morning and in the evening. The duration of use does not exceed 2 weeks. You can buy pasta for 30-70 rubles.


A non-hormonal cream with pronounced properties is used to accelerate tissue repair and reduce the likelihood of infection. Apply it in a small amount in the morning and evening, repeat the manipulations for 2 weeks.

Hand creams for eczema. List of the best reviews
Elidel for children

In some cases, the course lasts for a short period of time if the patient improves quickly. The cost of the medication is approximately 900-980 rubles.


A cream without hormonal components in the composition, which is often used to treat eczema. The drug costs about 900 rubles, but it is considered quite effective.

The drug is used mainly for dry eczema with severe itching, since it has moisturizing properties and prevents the appearance of cracks in the affected area. Its use is carried out in courses of 2-4 weeks, but longer use is allowed if necessary.

In a day, the treatment of the skin is carried out up to 3 times, the layer during application should be thin, it is necessary to rub the cream carefully.

The cream is considered the best way to get rid of acute symptoms of eczema in patients of different ages. The drugs can be used on the hands and other parts of the body. Experts recommend applying any medication to clean skin, as well as choosing a drug depending on the form of pathology.

Video about eczema treatment

How I Almost Cured Eczema:

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