Skin Treatment

Hernia under the eyes: how to get rid without surgery - detailed information

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Hernia under the eyes, unfortunately, is not a rare phenomenon. This cosmetic ailment is common in people called bags under the eyes. In themselves, the hernia does not pose any threat to human health, since in the folds of the skin there is a bulging fat tissue. But here's the appearance of a man these bags spoil fairly: they age, create a tired or dull look. To correct or hide hernia makeup is almost impossible, as it is difficult to disguise puffiness and bulging skin folds.

In some cases, bags under the eyes may be caused by swelling, fatigue, or a constant lack of sleep. If the reason for the appearance of bags is caused precisely by these phenomena, they can be quickly removed. Otherwise, we are talking about the deposition of adipose tissue, which is very difficult to eliminate in a short period of time.

Hernia under the eyes

Hernia under the eyes

Content of the material

  • 1 Causes of the appearance of hernias under the eyes
  • 2 Hernia characteristics and method for determining the degree of ptosis of the eyelids
  • insta story viewer
  • 3 Cosmetic procedures for eliminating adipose tissue under the eyes
  • 4 Exercises to help get rid of fat deposits under the eyes
  • 5 Folk recipes
    • 5.1 Camphor andPork fat
    • 5.2 Healing parsley strength
    • 5.3 Chamomile and linden
    • 5.4 Crude potatoes
    • 5.5 Birch leaves
    • 5.6 Massage with cubesyes
    • 5.7 Video - How to get rid of bags under the eyes
  • 6 Prophylaxis of hernias

Causes of the appearance of hernias under the eyes

Hernias under the eyes are most often formed after 30 years due to the fact that with age, the skin and muscles on the face begin to lose elasticity. This phenomenon can also be caused by a change in the location of the outer eyelid, which descends a few millimeters downward, thereby shortening the eye gap and giving the look a heavy or tired expression.

It is possible to prevent the appearance of hernias under the eyes, but in some cases all efforts can be futile for a number of reasons. Muscles around the eyes because of frequent blinking and facial cuts lose their tone, which leads to bulging fat tissue and the appearance of bags. Also, the appearance of hernias often lead to such health problems as a violation of microcirculation of moisture or lymphostasis in tissues under the eyes. The periocular region has a low amount of sebaceous glands, which very often leads to early aging and thinning of the skin.

A visual image of the hernia of the eyelids

A visual image of the hernia of the eyelid

In addition to the natural aging of the skin, hernia under the eyes can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Metabolic disorders are most often diagnosed in women.
  2. Genetic predisposition or some skin conditions leading to early aging.
  3. Constant stress and lack of sleep.
  4. Great mimic activity.
  5. Alcohol and smoking.
  6. Frequent exposure to open sunlight without protection.
  7. Excessive use of decorative cosmetics.

It's important to know! A combination of several negative factors can lead to the formation of hernias under the eyes at a fairly young age.

Hernia characteristics and method for determining the degree of ptosis of the eyelid

Eye hernias can be formed both in the upper eyelid and under the organs of vision. With the appearance of adipose tissue over the eyes, the person's view changes radically, becomes heavy. Bags under the eyes also do not color a person. With a large growth of adipose tissue, hernias can affect the quality of vision, reduce the field of view, cause permanent tearing.

Types of hernia under the eyes

Types of hernia under the eyes

There are four degrees of age age descent

  1. At the first degree there are small swelling under the eyes.
  2. The second degree is characterized by a marked decrease in the tone of the circular eye muscle, in which additional soft tissue entrapment around the cheeks is diagnosed.
  3. The third degree is characterized by the sagging of all tissues that surround the upper and lower eyelids. At the third degree, the outer corners of the eyes are lowered, the tissues of the cheeks, eyebrows, cheekbones hang, a pronounced nasolabial fold appears.
  4. With the fourth degree of ptosis, the fatty tissue grows so that well-marked bags sag on the cheekbones, which helps to expose the lower sclera of the eyes.

It's important to know! With the third and fourth degree of ptosis, removing bags under the eyes without surgery( blepharoplasty) is almost impossible. Hardware procedures will reduce the defect on the face only for a while.

Cosmetic procedures for removing adipose tissue under the eyes

Before and after thermolift

Before and after thermolifting

Not everyone will agree to an operation, therefore the most popular methods of getting rid of bags under the eyes are cosmetic procedures. With their help, you can not only get rid of hernias under the eyes, but also significantly rejuvenate and renew the skin, giving it a radiant and fresh look.

Procedure name Description of the procedure
Microcurrents This is a hardware therapy that uses low-voltage currents. With the biocurrent effect on the skin, ion exchange at the cellular level is normalized, and lymphatic drainage of tissues is improved. During the procedures, the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated and normalized, which helps to reduce the hernia. Also, apparatus therapy rejuvenates, tightens, moisturizes the skin, which greatly improves its appearance.
Microcurrents are treated with special plates that are applied to problematic areas. Also, to achieve a better effect, special medicinal compositions are used, which remove puffiness and reduce hernia.
The number of procedures depends on the person's age, skin condition, hernia size
Thermolift In health-improving procedures, thermal therapy also uses hardware therapy, in which radio waves are used. High-frequency currents act on the deep layers of the dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis is not injured when exposed to radio frequency radiation.
When exposed to currents, fibrils become densified, which leads to the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis. Also thermolifting contributes to the normalization of fibrosis processes in the cellulose, thereby reducing the growth of adipose tissue. During the procedures, bags under the eyes are reduced, lymph flow improves, circulation of blood in the capillaries, normal metabolism. These procedures significantly rejuvenate the skin, reduce wrinkles, contribute to the development of collagen
Ultrasonic lifting This procedure is considered innovative, because when applied to the skin, an ultrasound lifting is applied. The apparatus by which the procedure is performed visualizes the subcutaneous layers, so that one can individually select the most optimal effect on the problem areas of the skin. When lifting, the main effect is on the superficial muscular aponeurotic layer, which facilitates the redistribution of muscle fibers. With a hardware lift, the tone of the subcutaneous layer improves, the sebaceous glands normalize, and a uniform distribution of fat tissue is achieved. Due to this, after the procedure, bags under the eyes become almost invisible.
To achieve a positive result, only one procedure is most often used, which does not require anesthesia or preliminary preparation. The effect persists for a long time
Fractional thermolysis For the rejuvenation procedure, a laser beam is used, which is broken down into thousands of fractions by means of special lenses. These microwells penetrate deeply into the skin at a small distance from each other. Due to the fact that each fraction is not thicker than a human hair, damages in the layers of the skin are minimal. But it is this effect that facilitates the launch of the formation of collagen and elastin, which promotes the renewal and rejuvenation of all layers of the epidermis. When fractions act on hernias under the eyes, there is a fragmentation of adipose tissue, which contributes to the rapid reduction of edema and convexity on the surface of the skin.
Laser treatment not only reduces hernia, but also facilitates the normalization of metabolism, thereby preventing the re-formation of fat deposits
Before and after ultrasonic lifting

Before and after ultrasound lifting

Important to know! According to experts, the use of hardware cosmetology does not completely eliminate the hernias under the eyes. Over time, the fat tissue again begins to form on the problem areas of the face.

Exercises to help get rid of fat deposits under the eyes

If the bags under the eyes have just begun to appear, you can try to stop the aging and wilting of the skin with simple exercises.

  1. The first exercise is quite simple: you need to close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds, then open them wide. Repeat exercises can be 6-10 times. It is best to do this in the morning, as an active facial expression will help quickly disperse the edema and improve the circulation of blood in the tissues.
  2. The second exercise consists of several blocks. First, close your eyes tightly, count to 8, then wide open your eyes and look up. At the same time, one should try not to wrinkle the face, working only with the eye muscles. The block of exercises can be done 5-6 times in a row, better in the morning.
  3. The third exercise is performed in stages. First, put your head straight, without tilting. Then you need to squint your eyes to the right, hold your gaze for a few seconds. Then you should look ahead, then close your eyes, while you do not need to tighten your eyelids tightly. In the same way, repeat the exercises on the left side. You can alternate the direction of the view 3-4 times per class.
  4. The fourth exercise consists of alternating rapid blinking and relaxation of the eyelids. You need to blink a few times, tightly squeezing your eyelashes, then relax your face, open your eyes and look forward.
Exercises for eyelid tightening

Exercises for eyelid suspensions

All these exercises can be done several times a day, but the greatest effect is achieved in the morning. After a while, the muscles of the face will become stronger and the results of the gymnastics will be visible visually.

It's important to know! To achieve the best effect, it is desirable to combine exercises for the face with recipes of traditional medicine or specially designed cosmetics.

Folk recipes

Folk methods of getting rid of hernias can not be called fast, as only a constant and thorough skin care can eventually give a positive result. If care of the face with the help of prescriptions of traditional medicine is carried out periodically, from time to time, you can not wait for a positive result at all.

Camphor and pork fat

Camphor and pork fat help get rid of hernias under the eyes

Camphor and pork fat help to get rid of hernia under the eyes

If the bags under the eyes have become too prominent, you can try the following recipe: camphor oil is mixed with fresh interior fat in the same proportions. That the mass turned out to be the same in consistency, it is desirable to steal it in a water bath until it dissolves completely. The resulting cream should be lubricated every day before bedtime by the peri-ocular area, soaking the skin well with the resulting mixture. After a few weeks, the result will be noticeable, the skin will become moist, the bags will become less noticeable.

Healing parsley

Parsley contains a whole complex of vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. It is the crushed leaves of this plant that will help in 15-20 minutes to eliminate ugly hillocks under the eyes. It is necessary to grind the plant into a gruel and apply a thick layer on the upper and lower eyelids. On top of parsley it is possible to impose a pure gauze or tampons. After a quarter of an hour, the mass can be washed off and make sure that the swelling under the eyes is noticeably reduced.

Parsley helps to eliminate ugly bumps under the eyes

Parsley helps to eliminate ugly eyes under the eyes

Chamomile and linden

Hernias under the eyes can be visually reduced with poultices from the infusion on the basis of camomile and lime flowers. Infusion is prepared in a water bath for 2 hours: for 100 ml of water you need to take 2 teaspoons of dried flowers. The finished strained and cooled broth is applied to the eyes with the help of cotton swabs. Keep tampons should be 20-30 minutes. One and the same broth can be used for several days, storing it in the refrigerator. A full course of rejuvenating procedures should last at least 2 weeks.

Crude potatoes

Raw potatoes, applied to the lower and upper eyelids, literally works wonders. For half an hour the skin brightens, it becomes more healthy and radiant and most importantly, ugly bumps under the eyes disappear. To improve the appearance and skin condition, you can do the procedure with potatoes for several weeks in a row. You can use potatoes even with large hernias under the eyes, the result will be quickly noticeable. Potatoes should be cleaned, rubbed and the resulting gruel applied to the problem areas around the eyes. Keep the product on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a cream.

Masks from raw potatoes lighten the skin, make it healthier and shining

Masks from raw potatoes lighten the skin, make it healthier and radiant

Birch leaves

If the age changes become severe and the bags under the eyes give the weary look to the person, you can try to rejuvenate the skin with compresses made from decoction of birch leaves. To prepare the decoction you can use both fresh and dried product. The leaves must be filled with 100 ml of boiling water and allowed to stand for several hours. Then, in a strained broth, tampons are wetted and placed on the peri-ocular area for 20-30 minutes. To achieve a reduction in hernia, this procedure is desirable for a month, every day.

Massage with ice cubes

A simple cosmetic procedure helps to get rid of hernias under the eyes, which can be easily and easily carried out at home by yourself. If the bags under the eyes are too noticeable, you can initially prepare a healing broth, which you then need to freeze. Well removes swelling under the eyes of a decoction from the bark of oak, which is very easy to prepare: 1 teaspoon of raw material is poured a glass of boiling water. After the broth cools down, it must be filtered and poured into special cells for ice, then freeze. Massage the peri-ocular area with cubes gently, trying not to supercool the skin and cause redness. The daily treatment not only removes swelling under the eyes, but also rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Daily massage with ice cubes helps to remove swelling under the eyes and rejuvenates the skin of the face

Daily ice cube massage helps to remove swelling under the eyes and rejuvenates the skin of the face

Important to know! Before you start using any decoction or ingredient for rejuvenation, it is advisable to check if the product will cause an allergic reaction. Otherwise, you can provoke problems on the skin in the form of rashes, redness, swelling.

Video - How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Prevention of hernia

Bags under the eyes are very often a consequence of bad habits, which people do not pay attention to. Good prevention of hernias under the eyes is a healthy and time-consuming dream. Also, do not forget that alcohol and nicotine have never been beneficial to a person, especially the vile effects of these habits are reflected in aging skin.

Skin under the eyes should be protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet light. It is advisable to use protective cream, goggles from the sun. The habit of screwing up the eyes also needs to be eradicated, otherwise the active facial expression will brightly reflect on the face in the form of ugly sacks and swelling under the eyes.

Daily facial massage before bedtime with the use of cosmetics is a good way to keep the skin turgor, to avoid the appearance of edema and fat deposits. The only thing that can not be forgotten, the massage should be gentle and neat.

Hernia under the eyes - not a sentence, you can get rid of these defects in many ways. If you need an instant result, then certainly it is best to do blepharoplasty eyelids. Cosmetic procedures and folk recipes are also effective, but the path to beauty of the face will be somewhat more difficult and longer. Everything depends on the desire and ability of the person.

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