
Acute pancreatitis in men and women: symptoms, signs, treatment of pain

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1 Medical indications

Alcoholics and people who consume fatty foods are at risk. Under the influence of certain factors, the pancreas activates the process of producing certain proteolytic enzymes, which are the founders of the inflammatory process. The causes of pancreatitis are associated with the development of cholelithiasis and alcohol abuse.

Do you have pancreatitis?

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Normally, the pancreas produces the inactive enzymes that enter the duodenum first and then into the biliary and pancreatic ducts. At the moment when the clogging of the stones in the bile duct occurs, a pressure build-up occurs in the pancreas, which causes a violation of the outflow of its production.

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In this case, the enzymes begin to activate early. They do not participate in the digestion of incoming food, contributing to the development of acute inflammatory processes. When a chronic pancreatitis occurs in the body, the pancreatic tissue is scarred. Due to this process, the development of enzyme and hormone deficiency can occur. Such phenomena contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus. Doctors excrete acute, reactive and chronic pancreatitis. Treatment and symptomatology directly depend on the stage of the disease.

The pancreas is a small organ in its size. Its main function is the secretion of food enzymes that promote normal digestion and insulin production, the deficit of which contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Signs of acute pancreatitis are similar to poisoning. Enzymes that are produced during the functioning of the pancreas remain in it or in its ducts, starting the process of destruction of the gland itself. If the enzymes are in the blood, then the patient appears the main symptom of intoxication - pain. It is intense and permanent.

2 The main symptomatology of

If the patient does not provide medical care in a timely manner, then the pain in pancreatitis can develop into a painful shock. The place of localization of pain sensations is the hypochondrium from the side where the gland is affected. If the entire organ is affected by inflammation, then the pain syndrome has a shingling character. The patient's body temperature and blood pressure increase. With the rapid development of the inflammatory process, the patient's well-being quickly deteriorates, the temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, and jumps in blood pressure are observed.

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With the development of pancreatitis facial features of the patient become pointed. The skin becomes pale, and after a while the face becomes gray-earthy. When pancreatitis manifests the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • hiccup;
  • dry mouth.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women are associated with the appearance of a foamy stool with a fetid odor. It consists of the remains of undigested food. With the ailment under consideration, doctors can observe constipation and bloating of the stomach. These symptoms indicate the development of an acute attack of pancreatitis.

3 Minor phenomena

Dyspnea, which appears in a patient, occurs against the background of loss of electrolytes during vomiting. The patient is worried about sticky sweat. Doctors do not rule out the appearance of a plentiful( yellow) plaque in the language.

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Gastric and intestinal muscles of a man during attacks are not amenable to abbreviations. Therefore, in the process of examining the patient, the doctor can diagnose a strong swelling, and when palpation( palpation) - the absence of muscle tension.

In the navel or lumbar region, bluish spots can form, which give the skin a shade of marble. In the groin area, the skin can acquire a blue-green color. This is because the blood entering the inflamed gland came under the skin of the abdomen.

If pancreatitis develops in sclerosing form, the option of mechanical jaundice, which is a consequence of squeezing the bile duct site with a dense tissue of the gland, is not ruled out. If such symptoms appear, the patient's condition worsens with every minute.

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4 Basic diagnostic methods for

Early diagnosis of the disease consists in the delivery of a general blood test. If there is an ailment, the result of the analysis indicates an increased level of white blood cells and the appearance of blood clots. With the help of biochemical analysis, the doctor learns the amount of lipase, amylase and trypsin in the patient's body. If their number is above the norm, then a qualified treatment will be required. In this case, the body significantly reduces calcium, which indicates the course of the disease in a necrotic form. The smaller the calcium in the body, the more difficult it is for the patient to fight the disease.


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Biochemical analysis will allow you to accurately find out whether liver transaminases have increased in the body - AST, ALT.A positive result indicates liver damage. In a patient with an acute degree of pancreatitis, the amount of blood decreases, and the level of bilirubin increases several times. The patient must pass a urine test to identify the amylase.

To diagnose the symptoms of acute pancreatitis, doctors use instrumental methods( radiography).

This technique allows to determine in the patient's lungs the presence of congestive pneumonia. In this case, the fluid begins to accumulate in the pleural cavity, the diaphragm's mobility is sharply limited, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, and intestinal swelling is observed.

An effective method of diagnosing a disease is an ultrasound, with which you can find out detailed information about the pancreas, its size, the amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the state of the liver and biliary tract.

As additional techniques doctors use fibrogastroduodenoscopy, with the help of which the stomach is examined for the presence of ulcers. Angiography allows you to check the condition of pancreatic vessels. Tomography is used to study the pancreas with the help of slices. The abdominal cavity can be examined by laparoscopy.


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5 Treatment Techniques

Symptoms, symptoms, treatment depend on the stage and form of the disease. With the development of acute stage of pancreatitis treatment is carried out in a hospital, under strict supervision of specialists. The first help, which occurs when an attack of pancreatitis, is to apply cold to the stomach. To eliminate pain in pancreatitis use appropriate means. It is recommended that the patient be fully limited in taking meals and having the opportunity to travel before the arrival of an ambulance.

When delivering a patient to a medical institution, doctors puncture the vein, setting a dropper with saline solution. Doctors prescribe the patient diuretics, preventing swelling of the gland and facilitating the removal of enzymes from the blood. Such means include Furosemide. It is used in the process of infusion therapy( added to the elastic band at the end of the dropper).Otherwise, take Diacarb in tablets.

It is mandatory to inject intravenously( during the dropper) with omeprazole or kwamatel. As antispasmodics use Drotaverina hydrochloride, But-shpu. If the patient remains vomiting, he is prescribed Metoclopramide( intramuscularly).To eliminate pain in pancreatitis, an anesthetic is used.

6 Additional measures and preparations

If pancreatitis has acquired a severe or purulent form, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which include fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins 3-4 generations. During an acute period of the disease it is necessary to take enzyme inhibitors( Contrikal, Gordoks).Complex treatment of the disease consists in carrying out vitamin therapy( C, B).After 4-5 days, the patient is prescribed a drink of warm water without gases. Medications for pancreatitis are taken as prescribed by the doctor. The specialist selects the course of treatment and dosage of the drugs in each case individually. Chronic and acute pancreatitis is treated in a complex manner.

At a severe stage of the disease, when the patient is fasting for 3-4 weeks, parenteral nutrition is prescribed. Previously, the doctor determines the level of cholesterol in the blood. If this indicator is normal, then the patient gets intravenous fat emulsions and protein hydrolysates. At the end of this period, the patient passes to the meal.

In the first days in the diet include curdled milk with the gradual addition of cottage cheese. After 6 days, the patient can switch to eating diet food, according to a special diet 5P.Operative treatment of pancreatitis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of a destructive form, if there are signs of inflammation of the abdominal cavity or ineffectively conducted conservative therapy. To diagnose the disease is appointed laparoscopy, which allows you to identify signs of peritonitis or the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Differential technique is used to confirm the development of acute pancreatitis. Prophylaxis of the disease consists in proper nutrition and hygiene. Experts do not recommend eating fast food. Otherwise, the risk of developing pancreatitis increases.

When suspected of pancreatitis, symptoms and treatment should be determined on time, then the disease may recede.

  • 1 Medical indications
  • 2 Main symptomatology
  • 3 Minor phenomena
  • 4 Basic diagnostic methods
  • 5 Therapy methods
  • 6 Additional measures and preparations

If pancreatitis is diagnosed, symptoms are detected, treatment is performed after the patient is examined. The disease is a consequence of inflammatory-degenerative processes, which are diagnosed in the pancreas of the human body. Signs of pancreatitis are manifested in view of the severity of the inflammatory process in the gland.

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