
Low pressure in nursing mothers: what to do, how to increase breastfeeding, reduced, GW, lactation

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At low pressure from a nursing mother to do anything without the permission of a doctor is not recommended. With the constant attacks of hypotension occurs it is necessary to pass inspection and to begin treatment. disease can not be ignored, since weakness at low pressure is observed.


Acceptable pressures

Low pressure during breastfeeding - this is when the upper blood pressure drops to 90 units. This is the average established for people with a normal physique, physical activity whose moderate. Depending on the condition of the body working pressure may be smaller or larger than the standard value. Such physiological characteristics identified during the planning or management of pregnancy.

Causes of hypotension

pressure lowering at GW contribute to the following factors:

  • Exhaustion. For production of breast milk is used a large number of nutrients and energy. To fill the energy costs need to eat foods with high calorie content. Breastfeeding have to comply with a special diet to help avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions in children.
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  • Treatment of hypertensive crisis. Frequent antihypertensive drugs reduces the resistance of peripheral vessels, which leads to a pressure drop.
  • Dehydration. It arises against transient lactation at which produced excessive amounts of milk.
  • Stressful and conflict situations.
  • Anemia. The disease is often diagnosed in the early postpartum period. Accelerated clearance of vitamins and minerals from the body during breastfeeding promotes hemoglobin levels fall. The tonus of vascular walls is reduced, because of which the arteries become unable to pump enough blood.
  • Decreased blood clotting. In this disrupted the cardiovascular system and other internal organs. Develop resistance hypotension.
  • Hypothyroidism. Pathological condition arises against iodine deficiency that appears during pregnancy. Identify this disease helps blood tests for hormones.
  • Dystonia. The reduced pressure in lactating women is a consequence of abnormalities in the nervous system caused by disease or previous myocardial stress.
depletion of the body

How to increase the pressure of the nursing mother

Raise the pressure in nursing mothers to help the following ways:

  • Restoration of water-salt balance. For this use of at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day. Strong tea and coffee drinking is not during lactation. Preference should be given green teas and herb, fresh apple juice, carbonated mineral water. Rehydron allowed reception, preventing the loss of fluid.
  • Diet. Some foods make up for nutritional deficiencies and increase the level of hemoglobin. It is necessary to have boiled beef, eggs, pomegranates, apples and carrots. Normalize the thyroid gland work to help seafood, legumes, eggs, seaweed. Fresh fruits and vegetables make up the fluid deficit. Introducing new foods into your diet, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the child.
  • Gymnastics. Increase the pressure during lactation help walking, cycling, swimming, fitness. Light exercise normalizes blood circulation, help to escape from everyday worries, calm the nervous system and improves mood.
  • Massage the neck area. Facilitates the flow of blood to the brain, it eliminates the signs of hypotension. Do massage can be yourself. To do this, perform the friction slack, stroking and kneading movements.
  • Seen baths and saunas. It helps cleanse the body, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. When visiting the baths need to drink plenty of fluids. Before the procedure should consult a doctor.
  • Folk remedies. Herbal teas should be consumed with caution, they may cause allergic reactions in children, feeding breast milk. Quickly increases the pressure ginger tea. 1 h. l. ginger powder is added to 1 liter of green tea. The drink can be sweetened with 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Drink this tea 3 times a day. Abuse this tool is not recommended, ginger may adversely affect the operation of a baby heart.

If the pressure reduction is accompanied by dizziness, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and relax. After that you need to drink sweet tea and eat a sandwich. When the body of sugar raises blood pressure.

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