
Herbs increasing pressure in hypotension, which, herbs list

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Taking infusions and decoctions based on herbs, increases the pressure, you can not only ease the symptoms of hypotension, but forget about the illness. A list of these plants is large enough, but to take the pharmacy or home remedies with medicinal herbs with caution: despite the natural composition, drugs can cause side effects.

Weed pressure adjustment


At the root of licorice contains glycyrrhizin. Under the action of this substance in the human body increases the level of the hormone aldosterone, which promotes water retention and sodium in organs and tissues. Due to this and increased pressure.

Useful tea can be brewed from a plant root. Make it easy:

  • Dried licorice root, finely chopped;
  • fill the cup 1 tsp the prepared raw materials;
  • to the same pour 200 ml boiling water;
  • about 5 minutes to press the lid means;
  • strain through a strainer and immediately drink.

Excessive use of licorice tea with hypotension is not recommended for: retention in the body of water and other substances can lead to complications. Duration of beverage - less than 2 weeks.

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Tea with licorice

In the medicinal plants are contraindicated for use. People suffering from diabetes, take any means on the basis of licorice impossible, since the plant contain a lot of sugars. Without consulting a doctor you should not drink the extract of licorice and those who have been heart failure.


The most common motherwort in pharmacies is available as a tincture on alcohol. People buy it as a sedative, and do not even think that it gipotonikam contraindicated. Motherwort does not apply to herbs that increase pressure in the list of contraindications to its use there is hypotension.

But at low pressure Motherwort is useful. Your doctor may prescribe a decoction or tea prepared on the basis of herbs, hypotensive, whose palpitations observed. The patient must strictly comply with the dosage, individually chosen doctor.

Tea is prepared by the following recipe:

  • 1 tsp motherwort fill the tank;
  • to the same sugar and 1 cup of boiling water;
  • give the tea brewing time - about 15 minutes;
  • After straining the tea you can drink.
Motherwort as medicine

Broth - more concentrated, so it should be taken carefully, observing the doctor's advice. The recipe of its preparation:

  • 15 g of dried motherwort fill up in a small pot and immediately pour into it 200 ml of boiling water;
  • close the pan with a lid and leave for 10 minutes, the composition of the present;
  • turn the stove, put on her pot and boil the infusion for 5 minutes;
  • cool broth, strain and take in the cold at a dosage, doctor's appointment.


This versatile plant: high blood pressure with the help of lower pressure, and hypotension doctors recommend hawthorn for the stabilization of blood pressure.

A good means to increase the pressure - Hawthorn tea. Brew it is recommended in a glass pot 2 tablespoons dry raw material (leaves, fruits or flowers) add 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the tea is ready, it should drain and drink after meals.

Easy to prepare aqueous extract of hawthorn thermos advantage: it is necessary to fill the flask dried fruit plants (20 g), pour boiling water (200 ml) for 1-2 hours. Ready infusion is necessary to filter, cool and take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day if the doctor does not advise a different course of therapy. It is not recommended to use 4 weeks.

hawthorn blooming

Under reduced pressure, the doctor may recommend juice hawthorn as a tonic. It normalizes blood circulation, improves the tone of the vessels of the brain, is struggling with lack of energy, increases efficiency. gipotonikam juice is not recommended to take in the pure form. It is dissolved in 1 tablespoon 30 drops of water and taken before meals 3 times a day. Juice sold in the pharmacy. And you can squeeze it from fresh ripe fruits using a juicer.

To use any means prepared on the basis of hawthorn, can not be during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are not recommended, and if you are allergic to the plant.


The pressure is raised herb belonging to the group of adaptogens such as Siberian ginseng. It contains substances that are beneficial for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolism in the body, boosts immunity. Funds created from Eleutherococcus act quickly, charging the body with energy.

In pharmacies Eleutherococcus proposed in various dosage forms, among which the most common is an alcohol tincture. Use it should be in accordance with the attached instructions to the drug.

Not necessarily to buy a ready means: tincture can be done at home. To do this, crushed plant and fill it with 40% ethanol in a ratio of 1: 5. Insist remedy in a cool dark place for 1 month, then strain. For oral administration of 20-25 drops of tincture dissolved in water or tea. Before starting treatment should consult a doctor.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

You need to know that long-term use of tincture of Siberian Ginseng can cause insomnia and often leads to loss of appetite. Means forbidden to use for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Eleutherococcus of preparing tea, boost pressure:

  • crushed roots of the plant;
  • pour 1 tsp raw material 1 cup boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes;
  • strain the tea and take.

Drink this tea can be 3 times a day.


Doctors often recommend ginseng low pressure. The plant improves the general condition of the body, increases vitality and efficiency, helps to cope with fatigue and other symptoms, which are often plagued by hypotensive patients. But take any drugs with ginseng without consulting a doctor can not.

The most frequently recommended as ginseng alcohol tinctures. It is available at any pharmacy. The dose to increase the pressure - 15-20 drops before meals, but you should start with a smaller volume - 5-7 drops. Course duration - no more than 1 month.

ginseng blooming

Tincture is easy to do on their own at home. It grind 50 g of root plants, raw pour 0.5 liters vodka and infuse for 20 days. During this period, the capacity with the mixture should be protected against light. Finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Take it should be the same as the pharmacy.

If you use the funds on the basis of alcohol can not or do not want to, you can drink tea made from the following recipe:

  • cut into small pieces of ginseng root;
  • pour cup boiling water 1 teaspoon 1-2 raw materials;
  • infuse for 20 minutes;
  • strain and drink immediately.

Ginseng refers to a powerful tool, so you can not abuse it. If you exceed the dosage recommended by a doctor, there may be side effects such as cardiac arrhythmias.


Lemongrass - a medicinal plant which increases the pressure. A decoction or infusion is prepared on the basis of lemongrass, well cope with fluctuations in blood pressure, normalize heart rhythm, stimulates mental activity, increases vitality. The plant has no contraindications to the use, but the wrong dosage can cause side effects, so drink with lemon drugs only after consulting your doctor.

For alcoholate should Schisandra pour rubbing alcohol (100 ml) plant seeds (20 g), insist 2 weeks in a dark place and strain. Take tincture is recommended 3 times a day 20-30 drops.

increase the pressure You can use Schisandra powder: Dried seeds of the plant is necessary to grind and take ½ tsp before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tea Schisandra is preparing easier. For brewing require 5 g of dry raw materials which are necessary to fill in 200 ml of boiling water. Eat drink can be 3 times a day.

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