
Massage hypotension (low pressure) to rise, spot, use, method

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Hypotension - a low blood pressure. This condition is often accompanied by headache and malaise. Massage hypotension will not only increase the pressure, but also normalizes the circulatory system, which will reduce the frequency of crises. The procedure is performed on different parts of the body.

Massage at a pressure

What are the benefits

If a person suffers from hypotonia, apart from the designated normalizes blood pressure medicines can help him a massage. Massage at low pressure, in contrast to the medication has only common to all the types of massage contraindications and no side effects.

If the massage courses carried out regularly, then there is a stabilization of the patient, decreases the frequency of crises. Conversations can be conducted in the traditional way or to influence only the acupressure points.

Massages can raise the pressure, eliminate pain in the head, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Method of implementation

There are different techniques of massage. Hypotension acupressure points stimulation means having biological activity. The classic technique involves treatment arms back, pelvis, neck and head.

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Classic massage is performed by professionals as it requires special preparation and accuracy of movements. After it stabilizes work nervous and vascular systems. Begin it with the lower back, then move on to the buttocks, and then rubbing the muscles of the lower leg. This procedure increases blood circulation and helps to improve the patient's condition. time is 15-20 minutes.

Point massage (acupressure)

The session begins with stroking. It is performed so lightly that the skin layer is not going folds. When light pressure, it relaxes the muscles, while more intensive - a stimulant effect on the nervous and circulatory systems.

Rubbing with your fingertips or produce the supporting part of the arm. Kneading is carried out with a view to the impact on the muscles, pulling the skin. Manipulation does not produce intense, they should not cause pain.

In alternate shaking speed and amplitude of movement. There is an influence on the different layers of the skin and internal organs.

Acupressure technique borrowed from ancient Chinese healers. Effect on biologically active points is attained stabilization of the physical and emotional condition of the patient. Such points are found on the wrists, legs, feet and arms.

For the neck area

Low blood pressure normal, if you do self-massage of neck area. Massaged area includes a blade and subclavian region. Massage carried downward in the direction of the blades. If the procedure is performed by a specialist, the patient takes a sitting position, and puts his head on his folded arms on the table. pressing the collar zone power should be less than any other.

Samomassazh neck area

to back

Back massage is performed in a sitting position, with head rests on your hands. Massage therapist is behind the patient. First, the back stroke from the bottom up to the forearm area. After that, knead long and latissimus dorsi.

Then proceed to the lumbar spine rubbing. At the end of the session is performed stroking.


The patient is sitting, his head laying on hands. Massaged back and side of the neck area. Massage movements should be spiral, and "chopping". After the session eliminated cramps and normal blood circulation in the cervical region. Massaged and also chin area of ​​the clavicle. At the end produce a relaxing stroking.


The patient lies on her stomach and puts his head on his hands. Movement made in the direction of the temples. Made circular grinding weak intensity. Thereafter, the patient lies on his back, and he massaged the frontal zone in the direction of the temples. At the end triturated temporal zone.

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