
Lump in the throat when VVD (vegetative dystonia): tickle, symptoms, how to remove spasm, why

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Lump in the throat when the IRR is found in most cases that is associated with nervous tension and blood circulation. Get rid of this symptom by using complex means, aimed at treating the underlying disease.

Lump in the throat

Why do I get a lump in the throat

IRR and a lump in the throat often accompany each other because The disease affects the functioning of the nervous system. Cause foreign body sensation in the larynx is a spasm of the muscles that are in this area. Provoke this symptom can stress attack panic attacks, high blood pressure surge, anxiety disorders.

When vegetososudistoy violation occurs in the regulation of vascular tone, whereby spasms. The majority of patients with the disease are exposed to psychological triggers. When the voltage of the nervous system of the organism responds variety of symptoms, including spasms of the larynx, stomach, brain vessels. If the stress factor affects the time, the lump in his throat is present in almost 24 hours a day.

cervical osteochondrosis

Additional provocateurs:

  • abrupt change of scenery;
  • insta story viewer
  • the excitement before the upcoming events;
  • mental disease, depression, apathy, etc .;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

what feelings

Lump in the throat of the IRR is often accompanied by mild pain. There is a feeling as if the throat is compressed, compressed. symptoms IRR manifest as sore throat, swallowing disorders, pain in the neck. The person thus feels depressed, apathetic or, alternatively, senses neurosis, anxiety, sharp adrenaline. Additionally, symptoms may be present such as mucosal burning, choking, dizziness.

What can be done

To remove the spasm in the throat, doctors often prescribe medication, which includes anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications. These drugs relax the smooth muscles, preventing the onset of symptoms. Lump in the throat of the IRR can be eliminated with the help of group and individual sessions of psychotherapy. This method of treatment is a priority, as taking medication makes it impossible to get rid of the disease completely.

Discomfort in the throat

During the session, the doctor tries to find out the cause of an unpleasant sensation in the throat, and defines additional IRR symptoms. Following the discovery of a provoking factor - most often it is psychological trauma, stress, shock, etc. - specialist conducts their correction with the help of special techniques.

To eliminate the sore throat, swallowing disturbances and foreign body sensation apply relaxation techniques to eliminate laryngeal spasms. Are effective breathing techniques. A person should take a horizontal position, put his hand on my stomach and feel your body. Then you need to make a smooth and deep breath through your nose and exhale the same, but only through your mouth. Thus it is necessary to feel the relaxation of muscles. To enhance the effect should play music for meditation.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms can apply visualization techniques and processing of sensations. To do this, you need to determine what the feeling associated lump in the throat: resentment, disappointment, anxiety, fear, etc. Then imagine what is in the larynx: size, shape, texture.

After that, mentally extract what spazmiruet muscles in the neck, and to present, as a void in the throat fills something light. In this case, it is important to relax and experience the gradual release of negative feelings. This technique is well combined with psychotherapy and breathing techniques.

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