Heart Attack

Prevention of myocardial infarction: how to prevent, avoid, women, men, protect yourself

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Prevention of myocardial infarction is an important problem of modern medicine. Patients should monitor their condition, for example, if they have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease. And doctors have to start to work with the patient, even in cases where the coronary artery disease yet, but there are risk factors such as obesity or diabetes, elevated "bad" cholesterol or blood pressure.



In order to avoid a heart attack, is important and primary and secondary prevention. In the first case we are talking about clinical examination of patients, as well as those who belong to a risk group, ie, suffering from hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic neuropsychiatric Congestion. As for secondary prevention, it is obligatory for those who have already suffered a heart attack, so it is now important for them to exclude recurrence.

Primary prophylaxis - a treatment for coronary heart disease and the risk factors. Secondary - prevention of repeated situations, and we must act almost immediately after the patient finishes the acute phase of the disease.

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An important role in the prevention of risk factors for plays that require significant changes in the patient's life. To change the way of life, you must understand what you need to make adjustments to it.

The risk group - men over 45 and women over 50 years. At the same time in the post-fatal end about 30% of cases of myocardial infarction, while in Europe only 5-10%, and even that is considered to be quite high.

Increase the risk of heart attack:

  • regular smoking, both active and passive;
  • alcohol;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • overeating and overweight.
regular smoking

At the same time, help to reduce the risk of disease changes in lifestyle:

  • exercise at least three times a week;
  • proper diet, in which the diet includes at least 5 fruits or vegetables daily;
  • elimination of the emotional shocks and risk factors for the nervous system;
  • a good night's sleep;
  • preventive checkups at least once a year (the basic package should include ECG, blood test, and after 40 years - the stress test with exercise);
  • taking vitamins.

When a person threatens a heart attack, prevention may be to ensure that every day walking on foot for 30-40 minutes. If at first, the absence of due skill, the patient will walk slowly, then a month later will be able to increase the speed up to 80 steps per minute, and eventually go on the race walking - 120 steps minute. And without shortness of breath and weakness - these symptoms will go away as your workout.

Good for preventing heart attack fit exercise such as cycling, climbing stairs, swimming. Some experts believe that the dances also belong to a valid species. However, the dance training should not be too intense - 2-3 times a week for 40 minutes.

Food and drink

Prevention of heart attack - it is proper nutrition. If the patient is obese, all efforts should be aimed at reducing weight, because overweight people above the load on the heart.

In these patients, and the level of "bad" cholesterol is always higher. But atherosclerosis face and thin people, if they eat too many fatty meats, cheeses, dairy products. For the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the diet is recommended to keep at least 35-40 years.

It is necessary to give up foods such as:

  • fatty meats (lamb, pork, duck);
  • frankfurters, sausages, meats different;
  • ready meal (meatballs and dumplings) - they contain hidden fats, and they raise cholesterol and cause arteriosclerosis;
  • pates and dishes from the liver;
  • fat cottage cheese and cream.

Prevent cardiovascular disease is much easier to those who include in the diet of many fruits and vegetables. For example, pomegranates contain polyphenols, lowering blood pressure. Garlic has the sulfides to prevent blood clots. The legume - saponins, fighting inflammation. And almost all plants contain phytosterols - hormone-like substances that reduce cholesterol levels.

To protect against a heart attack, it is recommended to include in your diet not only fruits and vegetables but also products such as:

  • Diet varieties of meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit); during the preparation of the birds it is necessary to remove the skin and fat;
  • cereals from whole grain cereals;
  • fatty fish, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which increase the elasticity of the vessel walls.

It is necessary to control not only the amount of fat, but the amount of sugar in the diet, because between this index and myocardial infarction have a direct connection.


In many cases, the prevention of heart attack is not without drugs. An important role is played by antiplatelet therapy. There is a whole group of drugs such action, the use of which reduces the risk of heart attack.

This acetylsalicylic acid and thienopyridine (e.g., clopidogrel, which is sold under the tradename Plavix, ticlopidine and - he Tiklin). There are preparations intended for intravenous administration - Tirofiban, eptifibatide, etc.

Plavix drug

The most accessible and well-studied in this group is Aspirin, it - acetylsalicylic acid. In modern conditions it may be applied as a separate means, and in combination with the drugs listed above.

Aspirin has biochemical properties allowing prevent myocardial infarction. But drugs have side effects, so increasing the value of thienopyridines.

Folk remedies

Prevention of heart attack should be comprehensive. If his treatment of folk remedies are excluded due to their low efficiency, they are suitable for secondary prevention.

Prevent myocardial infarction help a variety of herbal teas and infusions. For example, to strengthen the vascular wall is recommended to drink a decoction of onion peel - 1 tbsp vegetable raw materials in a glass of boiling water. This amount is divided into 3-4 portions which and drink throughout the day. Onion peel contains a lot of routine, good for the heart.

A decoction of onion peel

You can take a decoction of plantain (1 tablespoon of raw material to a glass of boiling water), tincture of hawthorn flowers (prepared similarly). Decoction and tincture of birch buds recommended in folk medicine have to be careful - they are allergic.


Prevention of heart attack and requires psychotherapeutic measures, as ischemic attack often develops on the background of stress. In addition, people suffering from hypertension, which is one of the risk factors to experience emotions such as anger. Constant suppression of the latter leads to increased stress, and a vicious circle is formed.

In the prevention of heart attack need to reduce anxiety, learn how to manage anger. There are various relaxation techniques. They involve breathing exercises, special exercises for the muscles (in order to remove them from power), yoga and meditation.

For elderly patients important social support and empathy, they need to pick up a circle of friends.

How to avoid a heart attack for men

To prevent a heart attack in men, it is necessary to observe all the rules listed above. But the emphasis is recommended to do on getting rid of bad habits.

Male heart attack

Numerous studies have confirmed that about 40% of heart muscle damage associated with alcohol use. In addition, people who regularly drink at least a glass of alcoholic beverages per day, weakens the immune system. This increases the risk of infection, which can damage the heart.

The basic rules of prevention of heart attack in men - giving up bad habits and moderate exercise.

How to avoid a heart attack in women

While the fairer sex are less prone to diseases, the prevention of heart attack in women is also an important task

It is thought that 10 years after the onset of menopause they need to pass a special stress test to determine the level of risk. This is especially important for those who have a genetic predisposition. Also, the stress test is necessary for those patients who are elderly overweight, feel such symptoms such as pain in the sternum, they have been overweight, high blood pressure, shortness of breath when walking on stairs.

To prevent a heart attack in women are needed to the same measures that were listed above. But special attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Reducing emotional stress. Avoid it in modern conditions is becoming more difficult, but you can reduce the stress due to physical therapy, yoga, meditation.
  2. Drinking regime. During air travel is important for women to drink more water without gas, periodically stand up and move to reduce the risk of clot formation.
  3. Limit the use of alcohol.

In addition, it should be remembered that women have a heart attack can occur not quite symptomatic. It may be fatigue, nausea, pain in the jaw. When they occur as quickly as possible is necessary to consult a doctor.

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