
Diagnosis VSD (dystonia): how to determine analyzes in adults, to identify

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Dystonia - a lack of balance between the divisions of the autonomic nervous system:

  • parasympathetic, which helps to overcome stress conditions;
  • sympathetic, which is responsible for vascular tone, the activity of nerves and muscles.
diagnosis of dystonia

imbalance develops for a long time and have a negative effect on the body, the symptoms pathology can mimic a variety of diseases, present continuously or occur with any intervals. Therefore IRR diagnosis is carried out with the participation of doctors of different medical specialties and the use of modern equipment.

To what doctor to go

Clinical symptoms of vascular dystonia - a combination of neurological, physical, psycho-emotional and other disorders. Exclude the general nature of the disease will help local therapist.

But vegetososudistoy diagnose a particular disease is not possible, although the patient complains to the breathing problems, then blood pressure jumps, then disruptions of cardiac rhythm and other disorders health. Determine exactly difficult disease because manifested symptoms do not correlate well with any of them.

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Therefore, the therapist assigns tests and gives direction to the passage of instrumental diagnostics and specialist consultations narrow focus:

  • neurologist to prevent diseases associated with the nervous system, possible deviations in its structure or pinched nerve;
  • gastroenterologist, because failures may be associated with errors in diet, bowel disease and other digestive tract;
  • urologist, if the patient complains of problems related to the functions of the genitourinary system;
  • cardiologist, who will determine the cause of heart complaints, often at VSD decreases the tonus of blood vessels, arteries;
  • endocrinologist - to exclude hormonal disruption;
  • therapist - this specialist help avoid depression and panic attacks, which are satellites neuro dystonia.
A team of doctors

IRR diagnosis in adults put only after the exclusion of the possible systemic diseases. Anamnesis involves a thorough study of hereditary factors, patient's lifestyle and survey data.

How to diagnose

Clinical picture IRR diverse syndrome itself also takes place in different ways depending on the type (cardiac, hypotonic, hypertonic, mixed). But since the syndrome is not a nosological disease, diagnose it and start treatment only after a comprehensive survey tool.

differential diagnosis

Carried out in order to avoid the disease, the appropriate symptoms for which the patient complains. It may be, for example:

  1. Kardiosimptomy (noises and failure rate pr.). It is necessary to eliminate rheumatism, heart disease, etc.
  2. High blood pressure. At the time of diagnosis of hypertension excluded.
  3. Shortness of breath, asthma and other breathing problems. It is necessary to exclude asthma.
  4. Fevers. Methods of diagnosis can help to identify or eliminate the presence of infectious diseases in a patient, sepsis, cancer pathologies.
  5. Depression, mental attacks and other psycho-vegetative symptoms. It is necessary to differentiate them from mental illness.
differential diagnosis

examination of the heart

The heart is innervated by sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory nerves. In vegetative syndrome process is disrupted, the rhythm is reduced, there is fixed a tachycardia. The decrease in heart rate variability is considered to be an important symptom.

Conduct stress tests and orthostatic tests to fix the heart rate and blood pressure changes. Necessarily assigned daily monitoring.


It allows you to set the organic heart disease. Dystonia signs are considered and changes in T wave acceleration repolarization.

Tele ECG


Large amount of information about diseases of the cardiovascular system provides a method of echocardiography. The procedure is painless and lasts for about 40 minutes. The ultrasonic method makes it possible to establish the structural heart disease.

In severe forms of dystonia reveal degenerative changes in the myocardium.

REG head vessels

Headaches, dizziness, hypotension and hypertension, this research method It helps determine vascular condition, the elasticity of the walls, their degree and speed of filling blood flow. Diagnostician can set the degree of impairment of vascular tone and determine the lesion.

Rheoencephalography designate adults and children. The method can prevent the development of serious complications and prescribe adequate treatment.

Additionally appoint Doppler ultrasound of the neck vessels, doplerografii, and to study the activity of the cerebral cortex - the EEG.


Magnetic resonance imaging allows to accurately establish the diagnosis of the images obtained by stratified bodies. MRI scans help reveal possible structural changes indicative of vascular dystonia.

MRI apparatus


Laboratory tests at VSD also help differentiate the diseases that have similar symptoms. their delivery direction may prescribe as a therapist, and a narrow specialist to whom the patient was referred.

The number of mandatory include blood and urine tests (general and biochemical). TSH samples to assess thyroid function, which is involved in all metabolic processes that affect the mental state, energy and well-being.

It is advisable to carry out a survey in different clinics and large diagnostic centers to obtain reliable results.

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