Heart Attack

Myocardial infarction stage: classification, types, shapes, types, heart, phase

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myocardial infarction stages differ in their symptoms. Knowing the characteristics of a person will be able to take timely measures that will not only help prevent complications, but also to save the patient's life.

heart attack


Classification of myocardial infarction is made depending on the lesion of the heart muscle tissue sizes. Doctors distinguish large and small focal infarcts. And the last 20% of the total number of cases.

Melkoochagovogo variety dangerous because in the absence of proper treatment easily becomes macrofocal shape. As practice shows, this is 1/3 of patients.

The main types of heart attacks, depending on the depth of necrosis of cardiac muscle tissue:

  • transmural (often macrofocal);
  • instrumalny (necrosis was observed only in the thickness of the myocardium);
  • subepicardial (pathological processes affecting bearing region to the epicardium);
  • subendocardial (occurs in abutment to endocardium).

melkoochagovyj subendocardial

Considering the types of myocardial infarction, should start with melkoochagovogo subendokardinalnogo. It is distinguished from other varieties of a few things:

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  • lumen of the vessel is covered in full;
  • are workarounds flow even damage zone;
  • there is a blockage of small arterial branches that provide nutrition of the heart muscle.
melkoochagovyj subendocardial

When small focal myocardial aneurysm does not occur, there is no risk of a heart attack. Less common complications such as heart failure, thromboembolism, or ventricular fibrillation.

melkoochagovyj instrumalny

Melkoochagovyj instrumalny myocardial means that necrotic lesions recorded in the inner layers of the heart muscle. Other types of heart attack are better seen on an electrocardiogram. But instrumalnom pathological tooth may be missing.

Therein lies his main danger. Especially that in the interior region of myocardial damage can cover a large area. Require further diagnosis.

macrofocal transmural

Considering the types of heart attacks, many experts note, that this form of transmural lesions leads to the greatest number of deaths.

macrofocal transmural

Necrosis affects all layers of the myocardium, and the damaged area is large enough. The ECG vision changes tooth QS.

macrofocal netransmuralny

Classification of myocardial infarction over the affected area and allows you to select this type. Its name indicates that necrosis of non-invasive, ie only affects the surface.

This kind of clearly visible on the ECG, that does not make the disease less dangerous because it often leads to death.

The phases and steps

All forms of myocardial infarction go through periods of development. They are characterized by different symptoms.

Distinguish the following stages of myocardial infarction:

  1. Preinfarction period (or prodromal stage). Characteristically acceleration and intensification of angina attacks. The length of this period may be different - from several hours to days, sometimes up to 30 days.
  2. Acute stage. It continues from the time of ischemia before necrosis appears. At this stage, things are moving fast. It can last up to 2 hours, but sometimes it takes only 20 minutes.
  3. The acute stage. It is measured from the moment of necrosis to miomalyatsii. The latter is an enzymatic melting of dead heart muscle. It lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks.
  4. Subacute (this step is also referred to as current or scarring). The process of scar formation, necrotic tissue is replaced by granulation.
  5. Post-infarction phase. Characterized by the completion of the formation of scar. At this time, the myocardium is gradually adapting to the new conditions of its operation.

differences table might look like this:

Conditions sharpest Acute
Signs on the ECG Tooth formed pathological Q or complex QS, but only until it is damaged. The ECG can be seen negative prong T. Formed Q wave or QS complex, and it has already necrosis. Coronary T wave is negative.
When starting from the onset of symptoms From several minutes to several hours. From a few hours to several days.
How long does Clock. Days.
Conditions Current (scarring) myocardial infarction
Signs on the ECG There tooth Q or complex QS, which is a rumen. At the same time, T-wave is smoothed or slightly positive. Type T wave characteristic of ischemia.
When starting from the onset of symptoms Days. From a few months to several years.
How long does Months, in some cases - years. Some years.

In each case, a doctor may classify the disease and diagnosis.


Myocardial infarction prodromal stage is easiest to cure but difficult to identify. Not always patient at the same time experiencing severe pain. He does not go to the doctor, does not pass the ECG, and it is impossible to understand whether the discomfort associated with heart disease or disease of the spine. The more so because there are atypical forms of heart attack in which the sick are the shoulder, back, jaw.

sore shoulder

But in the presence of pathological processes in the heart there is a feeling of anxiety, fear, shortness of breath - this allows you to identify the disease in time.


In most cases, at this stage of a heart attack and cause the patient to the ambulance. Patients have pain attacks that occur in waves, can last from an hour to several hours and are not always cropped medicines.

There is shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure. Sometimes during this period developed cardiac asthma.

Before a medical visit to the patient is necessary to ensure complete rest. From preparations give Nitroglycerin (but not more than 3 tablets) and Aspirin. Treatment is most often performed in the intensive care unit.

All types of heart attacks occur in the acute phase of pain, but atypical course may be additional symptoms.


If we consider the stage of infarction in acute danger to health is still high, although the pain disappears. In some people, as a result of necrosis processes and perifocal inflammation of the body temperature rises, it can develop into a fever, which will last up to 10 days, and sometimes longer.


All types of myocardial infarction pass through the acute stage. The difference - only in the severity of symptoms, including hypotension and signs of heart failure.


Pain in this step absent, become less pronounced cardiac arrhythmia disappears systolic murmur, normal pressure and temperature. Nevertheless, in the subacute stage also need medical assistance.

The physician should prevent the formation of blood clots. The standard treatment is still performed in a hospital. Additionally, you need to normalize the acid and alkaline balance. Needed correction lifestyle, including proper nutrition, because of the need to remove all diet spicy and fatty foods.

Required to work with a therapist to relieve stress. After that, the rehabilitation period, which can last for about six months.


The longest stage. Although clinical manifestations are missing, but neglect the curative and preventive measures can not.

At this stage, taking nitrates, beta-blockers, statins, Potassium antagonists, i.e. those drugs that are prescribed by a doctor. Perhaps specialist also recommend vitamin complexes and tools such as Plavix or aspirin (sometimes even take together).

At this stage, it shows a special diet and exercise therapy. The patient will have to give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages).

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