
Low pressure in pregnancy (hypotension): how to increase (raise) lower, 1, 2, 3 trimester, what to do in the second, in the early stages than dangerous

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Low pressure in pregnancy is common. And sometimes there is a problem even for those women who have never experienced it.

The pressure of a woman in a position

Many experience weakness, difficulty with daily activities. Although it also happens that the state of health of the woman is not affected, but still advised to consult a doctor.

Why Pregnancy pressure drops

norm indicators should fall in the range of 90/60 mm Hg. Art. to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. The first figures in these fractions is often called "top pressure", although its correct name - systolic. This indicator reflects the cardiac function of pumping blood into the aorta and then to all the arteries.

The lower figures are called the diastolic pressure. It depends on the state of both the heart and blood vessels. The most common one is the level of blood pressure of 110/70 to 120/80 mmHg

At a reception at the antenatal clinic, where expectant mothers, they were sure to measure the blood pressure come. Many women have worrisome levels of above mentioned regulations. But the pressure is below 100/60 mm Hg. Art. It may also indicate the presence of pathologies.

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On average, a hypotension (the so-called reduction of vascular tone) faces 5-7% of women 20-40 years old. But the problem occurs in pregnant women 12% of the total number of cases.

Causes of low pressure in pregnancy can be different, so the doctor will refer for further examination. Sometimes it is a natural process of pregnancy, but in other cases, hypotension may be a symptom of a systemic viral diseases, including allergies, problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal dysfunction, infections, stomach ulcers and etc.

physiological causes

Hypertension in pregnancy - a phenomenon more common. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the blood pressure in this period is influenced by many factors. And they can either increase or decrease it.

Physiological causes pressure

Performance depends on factors such as:

  • the total amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • the condition of vessels and their tone;
  • the work of the heart muscle (including - heart rate);
  • the main characteristics of the blood (e.g., viscosity);
  • hormonal balance (which refers to all hormones - those that are synthesized by the adrenal glands, and depending on the thyroid gland).

external conditions play an important role. This level of physical activity (for pregnant women can and should move, and forced immobility results in a pressure decrease), and psychological and emotional stress, and even weather conditions - for meteodependent they are important.

In the early stages of pregnancy and in the later blood pressure may change as the level and hormonal does not remain stable.

In the first trimester of pregnancy reduced pressure - 10-15 mm Hg. Art. systolic (upper) and 5-15 mm - diastolic (lower) due to the generation of the hormone progesterone, rendering vascular relaxing effect. This is normal, since the increased tone of the uterus lead to miscarriage. Hypotension in pregnant women persists in the 2nd trimester.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

However at a later date when the load upon the cardiovascular system, the amount of circulating blood is increased - up to 140% of the initial volume, i.e. to 2-2.5 liters more. It increases heart rate, and 3 trimester pressure even slightly increased.

indirect causes

When early pregnancy cause low pressure often becomes progesterone. But there are a number of indirect factors that can also cause this problem.

The decrease in blood pressure result:

  • the sensation of hunger (it is important not to miss the main meals and take useful snacks);
  • hot tubs (such water treatments are contraindicated during pregnancy, including because they affect the activity of the uterus and can cause miscarriage);
  • long stay in an unventilated room;
  • excessive stress and psycho-emotional stress.
The feeling of hunger during pregnancy

In most cases, it does not require treatment, only lifestyle adjustments.

pathological causes

Among the pathological causes include diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe dehydration, prolonged bleeding, infections (including SARS).

These factors need to be more accurate diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed depending on how the disease is associated with hypotension.

The dangerously low blood pressure during pregnancy

Hypotension during pregnancy occurs frequently. At the same time one of its side effects is an early toxicosis. But the latter, and itself can cause a decrease in pressure, because of the frequent vomiting the body is experiencing a shortage of liquid.

But there is an important point. The reduced pressure in the second trimester of pregnancy is associated with the syndrome of the inferior vena cava. When the uterus grows in size at certain positions (for example, lying on her back) is pinched said vein disturbed blood flow to the heart, reduced pressure, pulse performance drop, a woman may lose consciousness. If you change the position of the situation is normalized.

for mother

Low blood pressure - a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including weakness, dizziness, etc. In addition, in severe cases, it is fraught with syncope.

Low blood pressure during pregnancy face unpleasant consequences, unless it is caused by physiological reasons. Basically we are talking about its spontaneous termination.

Studies show that in the early stages of pregnancy when the risk of miscarriage hypotension is 3-5 times higher than in healthy women. However, pregnancy and low pressure show and feedback. If the threatened miscarriage woman for a long time complies with bed rest, the pressure is reduced.

Risk of miscarriage

For women, hypotension at this time threatened and other complications, which include the appearance of puffiness, improving performance protein in the urine, and other symptoms of vascular disorders. They are similar to complications of high blood pressure, only the methods of treatment will be different.

to the fetus

Hypotension in severe form is not harmless. For fetal dangerous underpressure intrauterine growth retardation, since reduced uteroplacental blood flow.

In addition, arterial hypotension may be complications of labor, because it violates the uterine capacity. We have to do a caesarean section, which can also lead to complications, one of which is bleeding.

How to raise the pressure in pregnancy

In order to increase the pressure, Using different measures. But it all depends on the form in which the disease occurs.

If this physiological hypotension, which is not accompanied by malaise, no specific treatment is required. At step subcompensated disease therapy can be held in an outpatient setting, but if there is no effect, require hospitalization.

If hypotension is asthma in pregnant women, the treatment may be carried out only in a hospital.

An effective method for subcompensated step is LFK. It plays an important role morning exercises. These tools are good for the prevention of disease. Doctors have found useful, and water treatment - warm, but not hot showers, contrast baths. In the absence of contraindications, you can sound like a massage. All of this prevention is not only low, but also high blood pressure.

It is important to respect for the work and leisure. I need to sleep at least 10 hours a day. It is useful to arrange a break for 1-2-hour naps.

Respect for the work and leisure

Before going to sleep in no case can not drink strong tea. When insomnia is sometimes prescribed antihistamines (Suprastin), because they cause drowsiness. But they can take during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, not before.

Hypnotics such as Bromural, in such cases, are prohibited because they can harm the baby.

In the treatment of used and physiotherapeutic procedures, including nasal electrophoresis caffeine, procaine or calcium electrophoresis (done neck area). It worked well oxygen therapy, basically we are talking about hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Unlike high pressure, hypotension is rarely a threat to pregnancy, and in most cases give birth without complications.


Specific treatment for hypotension was rare, though some can take tonics.

Many women, when there is low pressure in pregnancy in 1 trimester of what to do with it, do not know. But no cause for concern: the measures discussed above, plus the entire diet adjustments allow to do without tablets.

At later stages of the drugs recommended Pantocrine. It has tonic and tonic effect. His take 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. There are other drugs, for example, or Riboksin Panangin. But take them rarely and only on prescription.

Pantocrinum powder

Has proved itself a tool such as Siberian Ginseng extract, you can take alcohol tincture of ginseng (20-30 drops twice a day before meals). If necessary, take vitamin B (usually in such a form as tiamida bromide) at a dosage recommended by the doctor.

When pregnancy trimester 3, too, can take Pantocrine. In the postpartum period can be replaced by Apilak - preparation based on bee products. His take on the tablet under the tongue three times a day.

All of these drugs is recommended to drink short courses for 10-15 days. They normalize blood pressure and improve health. Standard during pregnancy are 2-3 such courses.

Traditional methods

It is believed that at reduced pressure helps products such as honey and royal jelly. Traditional medicine recommends the use of a small amount of sugar, instead of adding to the warm, but not hot drinks (not to destroy nutrients). But this option is suitable only for those who are not allergic to bee products.

There are other ways. For example, toning effect has sprouted wheat. Today you can buy in stores that sell organic products, but can also be done at home. For this prewashed germinated grains which are laid in one layer at a sufficiently large platter. They were then poured water (layer thickness - 1.5 cm) and covered with gauze.

The dish is placed in a warm place and gradually watered wheat for a few more days. When the shoots seem complete, it can be assumed that the nutritional supplement is prepared. It can be eaten raw - no more than 1 tablespoon in a day. You can grind in a coffee grinder and added to salads or cereal, too, no more than 1 tablespoon This supplement contains amino acids and other substances that have a tonic effect.

At low pressure in a pregnant healers recommend to use extracts of medicinal herbs, such as from Schizandra, Leuzea radiograms.

Help such herbs like plantain, currant leaves, sage, horsetail, and others. In drugstores ready phytotherapy remedies, but you can make them at home (1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials in a glass of boiling water).

Herbal medicine during pregnancy

Herbal medicine can be useful even in the third trimester of pregnancy. Besides the above-mentioned infusions can be prepared by a more complex charge: charge 7 parts of dry leaves of hypericum, and another 2 parts of rosehips, yarrow and rue, 1 part herb speedwell, chicory flowers and leaves of strawberry, 0.5 part calamus root and fruit juniper.

All these components are mixed, poured 0.5 liters of boiling water and soaked in a thermos for 6-8 hours. The entire volume of take for the next day, divided into 3-4 receptions. Infusion drink strained, for 20-40 minutes before meals.

But the woman who wants to take such funds should first consult your doctor as herbs is not so harmless.


During pregnancy it is recommended to stick to the diet, which will cover the need and the maternal organism and fetus in proteins, vitamins and the right fats. But while in the case of hypotension should eat foods that raise blood pressure. These include:

  • Fatty fish, butter, cheese. Even the good cholesterol is slightly impedes blood flow, which leads to increased pressure.
  • Some vegetables and fruits. This, for example, spinach, carrots, celery (including stemmed), pomegranate, sour apples. In these products, a lot of flavonoids, which increases the P-vitamin activity. In addition, they contain a lot of iron, but because it increases hemoglobin. These products possess both tonifying properties.
  • Nuts because they contain fats and amino acids. But we should remember that peanut allergy can develop. In addition, walnuts - is a high-calorie product, so you need to use them with caution.
  • Some herbs and spices, such as basil, thyme, cinnamon.

Be sure to eat protein foods: eggs, cheese and unsweetened yogurt, low-fat meat.

Pressure and caffeine helps in pure form or organic coffee, but during pregnancy it is not recommended to drink. Similarly, do not advise eating foods high in salt, although they can also raise blood pressure. This also applies to chocolate, though from time to time slice can afford.

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