
Nausea at VSD: how to get rid of, nauseated, could it be, the reasons

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About 60% of patients with a diagnosis of dystonia are experiencing unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. This occurs most often when a person is very nervous. Such patients require careful inspection and monitoring by a doctor. After the recommended treatment of nausea at VSD disappears with time.



There are several reasons due to which a person may vomit at VSD, and all of them are hidden in the defense mechanisms of the body. With this diagnosis in a patient is disturbed transmission of impulses from the brain to other organs. Against the background of the IRR is often felt a sense of fear, there is dizzy and nauseated patient.

Another reason causing such unpleasant symptoms - is the extreme tension of all muscles, including stomach. Muscles at the same pressure on all of the digestive organs, causing nausea and vomiting reflex.

The reason may be a panic attack and that occurs in the patient and causing shortness of breath and palpitations. In this state the person breathes through the mouth, grabbing a lot of air. Accumulation of it directly into the stomach and causes nausea during exhalation, and even vomiting.

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Vegetative system helps to regulate the digestive tract work. When stress occurs excitation and increased blood pressure, dilate blood vessels. In this case, the esophagus receives less blood, slows down the digestion process. The body as quickly as possible trying to get rid of excess undigested food and causes nausea.

Heightened state of anxiety

The constant state of heightened anxiety characteristic symptom in the IRR, but it often leads to a failure in bowel habits, there are a variety of diseases - pancreatitis, cholecystitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane. To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms disappear effectively, it is essential to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination. Performing all the doctor's recommendations will lead to improved health.

How to get rid of nausea at VSD

To facilitate the patient's condition your doctor may suggest a few simple ways:

  1. Cope with the nausea caused by frequent stress at VSD, help some exercise. They help to relax the spasms of all muscles and burn off excess adrenaline in the blood. Exercises should be done quietly, without tension, so as not to worsen the condition. It is useful to go with raised knees, lift your legs to the side, squat, bend forward and sideways.
  2. Patients need to learn how to breathe correctly, to nausea do not interfere with normal life. When nerve strain, slowly inhale air through the nose. Hold their breath for 5 seconds. Exhale - through the nose. Repeat exercise desirable for 1-2 minutes, until the condition of the nervous system will not come back to normal.
  3. It is useful to learn the most tense and relax your abdominal muscles. Press strains and after 8-10 seconds the muscles relax. Exercise is repeated at least 3 times.
  4. To stabilize the nervous system helps to use cold water for washing. Initially under running water to wash their hands up to the elbow, and then wash. This procedure several times a day can be done when the patient is experiencing a nervous stress. Excitement of the cold water becomes less and arising at VSD nausea quickly.
  5. If necessary, the patient is assigned to therapeutic massage, acupuncture sessions. It is useful to learn the techniques of self-hypnosis that will help get rid of the negative thoughts arise. It is advisable to visit a psychotherapist, he will appoint the necessary treatment.
Washing with cold water

At the time of treatment, patients are advised not to heavy and harmful food, the food at the same time should be taken in small portions, but often, carefully chewing. Useful every day for a walk outdoors in any weather. Useful tea with lemon balm or mint, these plants will help to calm down and remove the intestinal spasms.

In the evening you can take a bath with sea salt and essential oils, it helps to relax and sleep. When a patient learns to control his thoughts, stop to think about the possible nausea, health condition improves.

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