
Vitamins at VSD: vascular dystonia, which take

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The diagnosis of dystonia is put doctors more often. Suffering from this disease, people of all ages. It is connected first of all with a sedentary lifestyle and constant stress. In order to maintain the body in good shape, it is important to apply not only drugs but also vitamins at VSD.

useful vitamins

What vitamins are helpful

Vitamins support the immune system, at their regular use decreases the number of relapses. Essential vitamins, which the patients vascular dystonia need (present in food):

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Vitamin A (retinol) - improves skin, teeth and nails. Retinol is important for the normalization of the autonomic nervous system. He helps with problems with vision, with its lack of developing "night blindness", when a person sees bad at dusk. For a growing body retinol - a storehouse of nutrients, it helps build new cells.

B vitamins are essential in the treatment of VSD, as they affect the human nervous system, which is the first to suffer with this disease.

B1 is an antioxidant which improves the blood flow to the brain. When replenishing his attention deficit improves concentration and reaction speed, muscle weakness extends back down neuroses.

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B2 is responsible for the synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates, regeneration of body tissues. Recovery of nerve cells is impossible in the absence of riboflavin.

B3 - lack of this vitamin appears scaling and inflammation of the skin, insomnia, apathy.

vitamins B3

B6 - a critical component in the treatment of VSD. Pyridoxine restores human performance, increases its resistance to stress and strain on the nervous system.

B12 - reduces tachycardia during exercise, and reduces high blood pressure. With his lack of observed occurrence of pains in muscles and joints and may even develop anemia.

C (ascorbic acid) - improves immunity, it helps accelerate the metabolic processes in the body, and It reduces inflammation, improves blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, which is useful for VVD. Due to the fact that ascorbic acid promotes the absorption of proteins in patients with regular VSD it appears receiving a burst of energy, fatigue is reduced.

D - is responsible for the correct operation of the bone and the cardiovascular system at VSD, when the deficit is broken calcium absorption, develop disorders of bone structure, convulsions.

E (tocopherol) - prevents the occurrence of blood clots in the vessels in patients with VSD, restores vessels and improves skin condition.

P (rutin) - with regular use contributes to the restoration of vascular walls, reduces bleeding, hematomas opposed appearance.

Natural sources of vitamins

A balanced diet allows a person all the necessary trace elements and vitamins with vascular dystonia obtained from food. Thus, the B vitamins found in cereal, bread, eggs, meat and dairy products. Retinol can be obtained in sufficient quantities to include in the diet of animal fats (butter, sour cream).

The main supplier of ascorbic acid include citrus fruits, and currants, rosehips, vegetables (cabbage, beet). To ascorbic acid remained in the fruits and vegetables you need to eat them raw, since cooking useful component quickly disappears.

natural vitamins

To get the right amount of vitamin D, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors, since it is produced by the body when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Tocopherol is contained in sufficient quantities in vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed, corn), in eggs.

Fill routine supplies may be by eating apples and berries such as cherry, raspberry, currant. They are also rich in potatoes and grapes.

Drugstore vitamin complexes

Synthetic vitamin supplements are recommended for use in the event that a person eats is defective or monotonous. The indication for the use of drugs can be a shortage of any one of the vitamins that can not be resolved in the short term only through food.

To find out what vitamins to take at VSD, it is best to pass a special blood test that will accurately identify their lack or excess. Admission complex vitamins without analysis and consultation with the doctor can cause an overdose of any component in the body that lead to poisoning.

When vegetative dystonia often prescribe vitamins in combination with medicines and bio-additives. The drugs in this diagnosis should be directed at strengthening the immune system and the normalization of the nervous system. The most frequently prescribed drugs are complex, containing the entire set of essential vitamins and trace elements: "Alphabet", "Complivit", "Centrum", they are used for the prevention and improvement of the general condition body.

There are specialized systems, for example containing only the B vitamins in therapeutic doses ( "Combilipen", "Neyromultivit", "Pentovit"). Such drugs should be taken only by prescription and under medical supervision.

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