Heart Attack

Atypical forms of myocardial infarction: options, pain, clinic, acute, urgent care

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Atypical forms of myocardial infarction are a threat not only to health but for life. This is due to lack of alertness patients untimely appeal for medical help, diagnosis and prolonged late medical care. This worsens the prognosis of recovery after the attack and increases the likelihood of death.

Forms of heart disease

What is different from a typical

Atypical form of myocardial infarction is characterized by the absence of sharp chest pain, which is the hallmark of an acute condition. For non-standard is more common in elderly people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, have undergone the classic version of myocardial heart muscle. It develops gradually, can pass without pain, making it difficult to diagnose. Symptoms may indicate asthma, pancreatitis and other diseases.

In the classical version of a heart attack appears a sudden pain, the patient's condition is deteriorating rapidly, there is blueness of the skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, fear of death.

Causes of

Myocardial infarction (atypical forms) develops as a complication of cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, coronary atherosclerosis and others.).

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Predisposing factors for the development of non-standard heart attack:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • age over 65 years;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • hypertension, hard-to-drug therapy;
  • PIS;
  • diabetes, leading to disruption of the sensitivity of pain prescriptions and lower pain threshold.
65 years old man


Atypical forms of myocardial infarction can have a different flow. It depends on the localization of the pathological center, which gives a non-standard picture of the disease. Main symptoms:

  • Abdominal. Characterized by the appearance of pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting. Reminiscent of an attack of pancreatitis.
  • Asthmatic option. It develops in damaged large portion of the heart muscle. A person feels a sharp shortage of air develops asthma. The skin becomes pale and covered with sweat. It appears cough with frothy sputum. Require differential diagnosis with asthma attacks.
  • Edematous form. According to the clinical features are similar to acute right ventricular failure. Manifest weakness, shortness of breath, edema of the limbs, enlargement of the liver.
  • Arrhythmic form. At the forefront paroxysmal tachycardia, a feeling of disruption of the heart, severe sweating, weakness, ringing in the ears.
  • Kollaptoidnye appearance. Accompanied by a sharp rise in blood pressure, dizziness. The body is covered with a cold, clammy.
  • Cerebral option. There are disorders of the central nervous system - it is getting worse, the patient may be in a twilight state. Worried about severe weakness, flies before his eyes.
  • The peripheral shape. The pain occurs in any part of the body, but not in the chest. It may be left or right hand shoulder, mandible, neck, spine, and others. Discomfort is gradually enhanced, accompanied by weakness, sweating, arrhythmia.
  • Oligosymptomatic for. Clinical symptoms nevyrazheny, a person can not pay attention to them. This weakness, fatigue, somnolence, increased sweating.
  • Combined form. atypical symptoms are different options can be combined.
Fast fatiguability


Atypical forms of myocardial infarction is treated by the same methods as the classical variant. To begin therapy should be promptly, at the stage of emergency medical care. It includes therapeutic and medical events. When necessary, surgical treatment.


Before the arrival of emergency crews help the patient to be stacked, relax tie or unbutton, provide fresh air. When atypical heart attack patient should be given a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. For thinning the blood and preventing thrombus formation - aspirinsoderzhaschie means (Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin Cardio etc.).


Drug treatment is aimed at relief of pain (if any), hemodilution, the dissolution of a blood clot, blood pressure normalization and other indicators of cardiovascular system. Used for this purpose:

  • non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics;
  • tranquilizers to eliminate fear and fear of death;
  • aspirinsoderzhaschie anticoagulants and blood thinners and the restoration of normal rheological properties;
  • antiarrhythmic drugs, blockers, nitrates for arrhythmia;
  • thrombolytic agents to dissolve the formed clot;
  • antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure.
narcotic analgesics


In atypical myocardial infarction embodiment to restore blood supply to the heart muscle is performed surgery. Allocate 2 types of operations:

  • coronary angioplasty. The blockage is performed expansion of coronary artery and the stent to prevent its subsequent contraction.
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting. Artificially created a workaround to provide a sufficient amount of blood to the heart muscle.

Selecting the method depends on the duration of myocardial necrosis, the patient's age, presence of complications (Dressler's syndrome, etc.).

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