
Dizziness when VVD (vegetative dystonia): how to get rid of, what to do, spinning, treatment, symptoms, why, how to remove

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Dizziness at VSD - a symptom that often prevents a person to lead a normal life. Unsteady gait, loss of balance and fear of falling provokes constant nervous stress, which further exacerbates the situation.


Why dizzy

VSD can occur in both adults and children. Vascular changes are more likely to affect women. They at VSD dizzy on the background of hormonal disruptions that result from:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • birth, lactation;
  • menopause.

If teens are not observed genetic predisposition, the vertigo of a temporary nature at VSD. They go after the final hormonal changes.

Cause dizziness can also be the following reasons:

  1. anoxaemia. The head starts spinning due to an excess or, conversely, lack of oxygen in the blood. Such a condition occurs because of fear, anxiety or a long stay in a stuffy room.
  2. The uneven distribution of blood. Against the background of high anxiety, fear and panic attack (PA) supply of organs and blood system is broken. Such changes lead to failures in the circulatory system.
  3. Prolonged fatigue. The person performing the important work for a long time is a long time in a state of tension. This provokes vertigo.
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  4. Dehydration. Against the background of the IRR observed frequent urination and profuse sweating, which leads to dehydration. Lack of fluid disrupts the brain.

Often dizzy with VSD in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Meniere's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • endocrine disease;
  • low back pain;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • intracranial tumors;
  • -basilar vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI).

In order to eliminate these and other dangerous diseases, it is necessary to see a specialist.

How it manifests itself

Character dizziness when vegetososudistoy depends on the form and severity of the pathology. For permanent type is characterized by headaches and a feeling of whirling in my head. Continuing their exhausting for a man who becomes irritable, angry and tired. Sometimes these symptoms are joined stabbing pains in the heart and other internal organs. The patient is deteriorating appetite, there is a sickening condition.

Dizziness can be accompanied by symptoms:

  • pain behind the chest;
  • sudden headache;
  • sweating;
  • paleness or redness of the face;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • sensation of heat throughout the body;
  • nausea;
  • the emergence of feelings of fear and anxiety.
Pain behind the chest

After the state is stabilized, these unpleasant symptoms disappear within a few hours or days.

How to get rid of vertigo at VSD

A symptom often develops on the background of a panic attack, so the methods of treatment of these disorders is the same. Therapies directed to stress relief and recovery of the nervous system. Treat using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Sedatives. Applied with a mild dizziness. These medications act gently, so with more severe disorders, they can not cope. The advantage of such preparations is that they normalize sleep, without causing addiction. Therefore, experts is mainly to apply them in the treatment.
  2. Antidepressants. They cope well with stress and are able to reduce the impact of depression. In order to achieve positive dynamics of therapy should be prolonged. The result of treatment VSD and dizziness will occur in a few weeks.
  3. Tranquilizers. They start to act quickly, but have unpleasant side effects. For example, drowsiness, lethargy reaction, impaired memory and concentration. Another shortcoming of this group of drugs - withdrawal. Discontinue therapy should be gradual, otherwise a high risk of worsening symptoms.
antidepressant medications

A good effect is achieved by yoga, swimming, relaxing baths. Relax and rejuvenate the body can also be in a dream. Therefore, after the exhaustion recommended a full and healthy sleep.

The best way to treat dizziness with VSD will auditory training and breathing exercises. Specialist must tell the patient that vertigo is caused by emotional instability. To remove this symptom, you need to control your own body and emotions.

If the cause of dizziness were the main disease, it should first get rid of them. The head is often turned due to the weakness of the vessels. In such a case it requires drug treatment, aimed at strengthening the vessels and improving the blood circulation in the brain. Endocrine pathology require normalization of hormonal levels and blood sugar levels.

Assigns preparations and dosage regimen selects a specialist, which takes into account individual characteristics of the patient's body and for pathology. Only he knows what to do. Medication without consulting a doctor is able to aggravate the situation and increase dizziness.

Yourself to get rid of vertigo can be through such measures:

  1. If the attack came suddenly, it is necessary to lie down (sit down) and try to calm down. To improve the state need to clap your hands and rub the earlobes. Distract help fixing eyes on a distant object.
  2. When the increase in blood pressure should take medication prescribed by a specialist. If hypotension is recommended to drink strong coffee or tea.
  3. If the cause of vertigo began to stress or emotional stress, it is necessary to drink a sedative drugs, such as Valerian.
  4. When a mild vertigo can help walk in the fresh air. You need to go out, accompanied by a man, because condition may worsen at any time.
  5. Dizziness passes quickly after taking a warm shower for 5-7 minutes.

Long-term seizures, lasting even after following the above measures and accompanied by deterioration, require medical care. Otherwise, it is likely the loss of orientation in space.

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