Heart Attack

Treatment of myocardial folk remedies: recovery, attack, diet, herbal medicine

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Treatment of folk remedies infarction increases the chance for a full recovery of the patient and the preservation of the old way of life. Helper methods are not able to cope with the disease, but indirectly improve the condition of the person and enhance the effectiveness of drugs. When combining different methods accelerated recovery of the organism.

The emergence of a heart attack


Herbs can provide the following effects on the cardiovascular system:

  1. Improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients. This helps to quickly restore damaged area and normalize the functioning of the heart.
  2. Facilitating the circulation of blood. Herbs have vasodilatory and spasmolytic properties. This helps to relieve some of the load from the heart and arteries. This group includes anise, mint and parsnips.
  3. Decrease in blood pressure. For minor deviations plants are able to correct the condition. Possess hypotensive properties cudweed, white and yellow melilot, black rowan and Leonurus.
  4. Relaxation. Some plants have a sedative effect. They improve the psychological state of the patient, prevent relapse and help redistribute energy. It accelerates the healing of tissue. This property have lemon balm, chamomile and passionflower.
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  5. Strengthening of vascular walls. The use of plants helps to make the lining of the arteries more elastic. This reduces the risk of vascular damage. Strengthen the veins can dandelion, burdock and everlasting.

For treatment of myocardial infarction folk remedies you can use the following herbs:

  1. Hawthorn. Expands blood vessels, increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients, and normalizes heartbeat. 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 250 ml hot water and insist 2-3 minutes. After straining, you can add lemon juice to strengthen blood vessels or honey to accelerate tissue repair.
  2. Mint. Removes cholesterol plaques and facilitates blood circulation. 6-8 g of leaves pour 1 cup boiling water and cooling to insist. The drug take up to 3 times a day.
  3. Bird cherry. It tones the body and calms the nervous system. 2-3 tbsp. l. dry raw material is poured 0.5-1 liters of hot water and insist 5 minutes. Means for taking 250 ml to 2 times per day.
Useful properties of wild cherry

Treatment after myocardial infarction folk ways must be carried out only after the permission of the doctor, t. To. Some plant components are not compatible with medical drugs.


The composition of garlic contains the following nutrients:

  1. Vitamin B1. It supports the work of the heart.
  2. Vitamin B2. It is required for the correct functioning of the hematopoietic and immune systems. This indirectly accelerates the recovery.
  3. Vitamin B3. Normalizes the central nervous system.
  4. Vitamin B5. It makes the body immune to infection. This reduces the risk of complications during rehabilitation.
  5. Vitamin B6. It enhances metabolism and accelerates wound healing. Nutrients used by the body more efficiently.
  6. Vitamin B9. Improves mood and prevents stress and depression.
  7. Vitamin C. It helps to strengthen the vascular walls and reduces the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction.
  8. Carotene. It supports the immune system during recovery.
  9. Potassium. Normalizes water-salt balance and prevents excessive thickening of the blood, which facilitates the work of the cardiovascular system.

Garlic helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels. It is moderately improves blood circulation due to expansion of the lumen of the duct. However, this effect becomes pronounced only after 4-6 weeks from the beginning of treatment folk remedy. Garlic prevents agglutination of blood vessels and blood clots. After heat treatment, the effect is enhanced. The product prevents the clogging of arteries. The use of garlic helps to prevent recurrence.

garlic treatment

To treat myocardial infarction permitted through the use of garlic in pure form. At day allowed to eat no more than 2 teeth to prevent side reactions. If the patient does not like the taste of seasoning, you can use a recipe of tincture. For the preparation of a medicament must be crushed clove of garlic and lemon with peel. The mixture was poured alcohol or vodka. Capacity put in a dark place and kept for 2 weeks. After straining means taking 20 drops to 2 times per day.

bee products

Honey helps to normalize the blood and increase coronary blood vessels. The product provides the body with glucose, which is converted into energy and partly used for healing damaged tissue. After myocardial recommended to take a day of 50-100 g of honey in pure form.

Allowed to combine with other bee products folk remedies for recovery after a heart attack. Honey may be added to or mixed broths and garlic. 200 g of plant purified and pulverized into a slurry. The mass was mixed with 300 ml of honey. The medicine is left in a cool place for a week. The mass must be periodically stirred for uniform distribution of the active ingredients. The resulting mixture take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course lasts for 1-2 months.


Whole grains contain complex amino acids and vitamins and minerals. Substances required for the normalization of metabolism and healing of damaged tissues with myocardial infarction. The compounds used as materials for cell reproduction. The concentration of nutrients increases in cereals during the germination. The procedure can be carried out independently.

whole grains

For germination using barley, rye or wheat. Grains recommended weak wash (0.25%) solution of potassium permanganate and parboiled. After treatment, 0.5 L jar filled 2/3 cereals and pour water mass. In the process of grain increased, absorbing liquid. After 10-12 hours, the water is drained, and the cereal is distributed on the pallet of plastic or glass. It is desirable not to increase the soak time, t. K. This can lead to decay.

Pallet veiled and covered with top layers of moistened tissue. It is advisable not to use too dense material that preserves air circulation. The grains may be periodically agitate and aerate. Germinated grains consumed when the length of the green part to reach 1 cm. Additional processing is required.


Healthy eating helps to reduce the workload on the heart and blood vessels, as well as accelerate the process of healing and scarring.

In the menu, it is desirable to include the following products:

  • seaweed;
  • leafy greens;
  • vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruit;
  • whole grains;
  • flax seeds, chia, pumpkin, and so on. etc .;
  • nuts (raw, without salt);
  • dietary meat (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit);
  • horse mackerel, mackerel, sardines;
  • low-fat seafood (octopus, squid).

It is recommended to exclude from the diet the following dishes and products:

  • mayonnaise;
  • confectionery;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • smoked;
  • pickles;
  • fatty meats, fish and seafood;
  • biscuit cakes;
  • chocolate;
  • refined sugar;
  • shoplifting packaged juices;
  • sweet carbonated water;
  • coffee and strong tea.

Products after suffering a heart attack should be subject only to a gentle heat treatment. It is desirable to give up fried. Should reduce the amount of salt consumed to the minimum, ie. K. A blood makes it more viscous. Meals should be easy to the body did not have to spend a lot of energy on digestion. It is advisable to take food in small portions, but often. It is forbidden to drink alcohol because it causes spasms and alternate vasorelaxation.

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