Pregnancy Calendar

24 weeks of pregnancy, what happens in the child's development of the fetus at 24 weeks' gestation

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24 obstetric week of pregnancy marks the end of the sixth month of pregnancy and the second trimester. The woman in this period has noticeably rounded stomach, and wiggling child has become much clearer and stronger. Fetus at 24 weeks of pregnancy has grown considerably, and it is already crowded in the uterus.

What happens to the 24 week of pregnancy?

This period for women is one of the most favorable. The child continues to improve the nervous system, vision, laid the beginnings of the teeth, as well as the external genitalia are formed.

The fruit of the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy has improved the vestibular apparatus, and any movement women (movement around the apartment, climbing out of bed, walking, climbing stairs) lead to its strengthening. At sufficiently high physical activity after the birth of the vestibular apparatus of the baby will be well developed.

The child continues to accumulate adipose tissue, which leads to a sharp increase in body weight. During fetal development had accumulated brown fat, which has a high energy value. On combustion, it gives the body the baby warm, which is necessary to improve the system of thermoregulation.

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The child susceptible to both enjoyable and to painful sensations resulting from contact between the umbilical cord and placenta uterine walls with different parts of his body. He obviously feels stroking his mother's hands, tapping the abdominal wall bulging massage knobs, legs, head or back. Tactile contact is important for the fetus and gives him a lot of positive emotions.

What happens during the 24 weeks of pregnancy in a woman's body?

The bottom of the uterus by this time is located at the navel, but it significantly pushed forward. cervical canal is filled with a special slimy substance, forming a solid plug. She comes out of the body of a pregnant woman immediately before birth.

a woman's body weight by the end of the sixth month increased by about 7-8 kg. This reference value, but depending on the individual characteristics of the female body increase can be different. In this case, a high weight is a cause for regular monitoring and observation.

The skin on the belly expectant mother due to the growth of the belly even more stretched, which may lead to the appearance of stretch marks. They remain after childbirth on a woman's body, so to prevent their formation is important to thoroughly moisturize, nourish and soften the skin surface.

24 obstetric week of pregnancy - women feel

Child twenty-fourth week of pregnancy already covers almost the entire uterine cavity, so it is more difficult to roll over and move it. That's why all the traffic and wiggling her child expectant mother already feels distinctly. Especially noticeable bumps and jolts elbows and feet.

Child on 24 week of pregnancy all the normal time during fetal development asleep, waking up periods of 4 to 6 hours a day. He alternated stages of rest and wakefulness, which could have clearly seen the expectant mother. Usually, the child responds to the movements of a stranger outside noise and different movements.

Due to dramatically increase the weight of the woman can not only feel pain in the back and lower back, but also heaviness in the legs, which is associated with an increase in the volume of blood and lymph in the body and the pressure of the uterus on the veins that provide blood flow to the lower limbs. Alleviate the condition a woman can using cooling creams and sponging with cool water.

From the genital tract

Normally, during pregnancy a woman's vaginal discharge may be transparent, yellowish and milk. In this case, they should have a smooth consistency without pungent smell. Admixture of white flakes in secretions may indicate thrush, which treatment is carried out in this period is required.

Blood in the secretions suggests such pathological processes such as placental abruption and premature labor, so the appearance of this symptom is important to immediately consult a specialist. When spotting, accompanied by painful sensations, an urgent need to call "ambulance."

Ultrasound at 24 weeks pregnancy

Ultrasound examination of the twenty-fourth week is usually carried out only at the request of the woman to determine fetal development in the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy to assess its state of the detection of certain fetal pathologies.

During the ultrasound the doctor otsenivaetrazvitie fetus before 24 weeks of pregnancy, obstetric - height and weight of the fetus, the heartbeat, the development of internal organs and brain locomotor activity, the amount of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord and placenta state, and the presence and absence of pathologies development.

In addition to ultrasound woman should check your blood pressure regularly and measure body weight.

24 weeks pregnant fetal development

The child grows up even more by that time. His height is increased to 31 cm and weighs 530 g He is now the size of a corn on the cob. Due to increased bulking it already crowded in the uterus, so the movements are limited.

At the twenty-fourth week of the child forms two layers of the skin - superficial (epidermis) and the deep (dermis). The upper skin layer formed image, and in a deeper formed blood vessels, and numerous nerve endings needed to conduct impulses.

After 24 weeks of pregnancy, child development continues - the forming of the respiratory system, and bronchi and bronchioles that deliver oxygen from the lungs to the blood and other organs, improved. At their endings have appeared small vesicles called alveoli.

It is formed on the surface of thin capillaries, which take oxygen from the lungs and spread of blood to organs and tissues. On the twenty-fourth week of bubbles begins to produce a special substance called surfactant.

It is vital for the proper development and functioning of the respiratory system, as it prevents the alveoli deflate and protects them from microorganisms. Development of this material ends only to the birth of a child, but with a child 34 weeks in case of premature birth can survive and breathe on their own.

After 24 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is accompanied by the rapid development of the nervous system that leads to an increase in its sensitivity formation of fissures and convolutions in the brain. He is already well hear, feel touch, can start with a sharp and loud external noise, turn your head and even squint.

The child has already acquired those features with which he was born. Development during the 24 weeks of pregnancy includes the final formation of the eyebrows and eyelashes, skin gets pale pink hue, but the body is still quite thin.


What happens on term of 24 weeks of pregnancy, obstetric? The main pathology of this period include:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • phlebeurysm.

Another possible problem at this stage of pregnancy is thrombosis of the lower extremities. Such a pathological condition causes poor circulation due to uterine pressure on the veins.

In the formation of a blood clot in the leg appears swollen, increases the sensitivity of the site localization, and the skin turns purple. In identifying such diseases during pregnancy women are prescribed blood-thinning drugs.

What to look for?

Power in this period must be balanced and correct. Expectant mother is better to give preference to fresh fruit, steamed vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, as well as dishes with a lot of calcium, protein and iron.

To ensure the proper distribution of the weight of the abdomen and the load on the spine is important to wear a slimming elastic bandage. In the presence of varicose veins and for the prevention of its occurrence if the testimony required compression stockings.

Intimacy on this term is not contraindicated if there are no complications. But you need to choose a position so that there is no burden on the stomach.

Expectant mother is important to control your weight, which should be regularly weighed. Weight gain should not be more than 350-400 g per week. A lot of weight can lead to preeclampsia, which complicates the course of pregnancy in the last weeks.

Some women in this time of panic attacks or worries about changing appearance. This is especially true of women who became pregnant for the first time, accustomed to its slender, elegant settings. It is important to like new condition and not to fall into depression.

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