Pregnancy Calendar

17th week of pregnancy, the feeling, the development and the size of the baby fetus at 17 obstetric week

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17 obstetric week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the fifth month. This is the most favorable period of pregnancy, which is accompanied by a good mood and well-being of women. Woman is important to get plenty of rest, walk and perform special exercises. 17 th week of pregnancy characterized interesting sensations associated with increased fetal activity - for the baby is the fifteenth week of life. Expectant mother begins to feel to it enhanced physical and emotional connection. During this period, you can start a trusting conversation with a child - he hears his parents.

What happens to the 17 week of pregnancy?

The fruit continues to rapidly grow and develop between him and his mother established not only physical, but also a strong emotional connection. fruit size at 17 weeks of pregnancy up to 12 cm. The child acquires its own brown fat performing temperature regulation, and actively starts the immune system. His body produces interferon and immunoglobulin.

Baby 17 weeks of pregnancy is moving very vigorously, so the mother can feel the stirring of his lungs. By the beginning of the fifth month of the placenta completes its development. Its walls are thick dense layer, and its weight is about 450 grams The placenta is penetrated by a huge network of blood vessels that supply the baby with nutrients and oxygen.

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17 th week of pregnancy is associated with changes in center of gravity due to the fact that the growing size of the stomach. Expectant mother is already harder to keep your back straight, growth of the uterus leads to the increase of the load on the spine. This can provoke muscular spasm and pain in the lower back. To reduce the load on the spine and maintaining a growing belly recommend wearing a bandage.

Changes in women

There are new sensation at 17 weeks of gestation. The uterus begins to grow not only in the side, but also upwards. It gradually becomes elongated pear shape, as published in the abdominal cavity. This relieves pressure on the bladder and other organs of the pelvic area, as well as compression of the intestines, stomach and diaphragm. The height of the uterus is about 15 cm, it is only 3-4 fingers below the navel.

Discomfort in the seventeenth week are also associated with an increase in the amount of blood in the body by 40%, which leads to increased stress on the heart and blood circulation system. Since all the vessels and arteries suffer tremendous burden on this period in a woman may start bleeding gums and nosebleeds occur. It is very dangerous in this period of varicose veins.

The volume of the stomach Mom increases with weight. The increase in weight can be from 2 to 3.5 kg, but a sharp weight gain should be this can adversely affect embryo development. Weekly weight gain may not exceed 350-450 grams, so overeating during pregnancy is unacceptable. It can lead to deposition of excess fat and worsen the condition of women.

Signs of pregnancy at 17 weeks

During the seventeenth week may increase bleeding gums, increased sweating, and the emergence of a significant amount of vaginal discharge.

Heavy feeling in the stomach at 17 weeks of pregnancy are associated with the emergence of training bouts. They should not bring the woman pain, discomfort or be accompanied by vaginal bleeding.

What happens in a woman's belly?

Since the blood flow in pregnant increases and the blood volume increases by 40%, the expectant mother may experience unexplained bouts of intense heat, spreading throughout the body. It is also possible feeling of heaviness in the legs, caused by long walking or other physical activity.

The first sensation of fetal movements appear between 16 to 22 weeks. They are not like tremors, and reminiscent of the "movement of the worm" or "touch the cat paws".

17 th week of pregnancy, obstetric may be accompanied by minor painful sensations that are associated with the growth of the uterus, stretching its tissues and ligaments tension. Another common cause of discomfort is pinching the sciatic nerve. To minimize the pain, it is desirable to move the woman slowly and smoothly.

From the genital tract

Dairy, transparent or slightly yellowish discharge with uniform texture and without sharp odor are norms for this. Alarming signal - an admixture of pus or blood in vaginal secretions, which are a sign of an infection of the urogenital system, or other pathologies.

During the seventeenth week can worsen yeast in the form of precipitates with white flakes, and sour smell. Her treatment is necessary to carry out immediately, as in the last trimester it is unsafe. If you leave the disease is not cured, the fungus can be transmitted to the baby during passage through the genital ways and cause mucosal candidiasis.


During the seventeenth week ultrasound is usually performed only as part of screening. In this case, the doctor evaluates the child's development, its size and weight, the location of the internal organs, brain structure, the amount of amniotic fluid and palpitations.

The doctor may have to determine the sex of the child, if it is located in a convenient position for imaging.

Fruit in 17 weeks

What happens with the fruit for a period of 17 weeks of pregnancy? A child grows and develops rapidly. fruit size in the 17th week of pregnancy obstetric reaches 11-12 cm, and the weight is about 100 grams According to its size it is similar to a pear. A particular event of this period is the appearance of fetal special type of subcutaneous fat, which is very important for controlling the heat exchange baby.

This week, the amount of fat is not more than 1% of its mass, and at the time of birth, it will increase to 60%. In addition to subcutaneous fat big role in thermoregulation fetus plays down lanugo that covers the baby's body and protects its natural waxy lubricant from being erased.

In the fruit is well developed swallowing reflex, so he swallows amniotic fluid. At night he drinks at least 400 ml of liquid. This sometimes causes the baby hiccups, which can feel my mother as a small vibration in the stomach. Urinating fetus in amniotic fluid every 45 minutes, and its upgrade occurs up to 10 times a day.

Proper development at 17 weeks of gestation involves active work of the digestive system, intestine baby begins to form meconium original cal. Due to the production of bile, he acquires a characteristic bog-green color. The fetus can already react to sounds, so when my mother talking or loud music begins to actively move in the uterus.

After 17 weeks of pregnancy, obstetric child already has a bookmark permanent molars. It looks very thin, his skin until wrinkled and thin, and fat is located just behind the shoulders.


Possible deviations from the norm at this stage of pregnancy include:

  • cystitis - inflammation of the urogenital system of the woman;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys;
  • placenta previa - pathology, in which the placenta is fully or partially overlaps the uterine throat.

This week, a woman must undergo the triple test, which is required to determine abnormalities and chromosomal abnormalities that affect the way the fruit will develop. After all, any anomalies can lead to fading of pregnancy. Triple test is a blood test to the hormone hCG, AF and free estriol. If you detect any abnormalities require further study - amniocentesis (amniotic fluid analysis).

If a pregnant woman is still not quit smoking, it can be a precipitating factor of "cleft lip", "cleft palate" and even cause premature birth.

What to look for?

When the small stomach women are advised not to sleep on it, as this may lead to compression of the vena cava and the disruption in the blood supply.

For proper operation of the digestive system and intestinal pregnant is better to abandon complex multi-course, because they lead to a slowing down digestion. Its power must be available whole grain bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk and yogurt, and cereals.

To reduce the swelling of legs should finally abandon the heels and go on a comfortable, loose shoes. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time standing in the evening is recommended to make a cool foot bath, or putting them on a roll, so they can relax.

Women are advised not to lift weights, because it can cause placental abruption, or cause premature birth, which is very dangerous in such a short time. If necessary, pick something up, it is advisable to bend your knees.

In the absence of contraindications intimate life at this time may be active. Growing belly in this case, one should not confuse the future parents - it is impossible to harm the fetus. During sex is massage the internal walls of the vagina - it is an additional plus for women.

It is important to eat a rational, observe the regime of work and rest, and avoid overload and stress.

Since the child is already beginning to respond to noise and sounds, the expectant mother can start to talk to him and include classical music. This strengthens the close emotional bond between the child and the mother.

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