Pregnancy Calendar

18 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the fruit, stirring of 18 obstetric week

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At the eighteenth week, expectant mothers usually begin to feel the first stirring of a child that look like not so much to shock, but rather on "the flutter of a butterfly" or "crawling worm." The size of the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy is increased even by about 2 cm and its weight increases by '50

What happens to the 18 week of pregnancy?

Hormones woman is stabilized, so it no longer feels the attacks of irritability, tearfulness and temper and mood swings happen less and less. 18 obstetric week of pregnancy for the mother - this is one of the most favorable periods of pregnancy.

As the uterus goes into the abdominal cavity and almost reaches the navel, the volume of the stomach Mom starts to grow. In multiparous it is larger because their muscles and ligaments are well spread out in the previous pregnancy.

Discomfort at 18 weeks of pregnancy-related toxemia, typically the final pass. However, some morning sickness may persist up to the birth. It can facilitate easy breakfast in bed.

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18th week of pregnancy - the changes in a woman's body

The uterus in the last week further increased in size it resembles a small melon. Height standing bottom is 18-19 cm, the uterus is already on a few fingers below the navel. Its walls and ligaments stretch and gradually increased, for all pregnancy some of its fibers become longer than 5 times.

Obstetric 18th week of pregnancy accompanied by weight gain, which is about 3-6 kg. Weight gain due to the growth of the uterus, increasing the volume of amniotic fluid, as well as the volume of blood and lymph flow by 40%. In this case, the weekly increase should be no more than 400-500 g

The size of the stomach and the woman's body is rounded due to the active process of deposition of subcutaneous fat. To prevent the emergence of extra kilos, a woman is important to watch your diet and weekly weight gain.

What happens in the belly expectant mother?

When the uterus is increased increasing its pressure on the surrounding organs and tissue and the load on the spine. This leads to pain associated with the sciatic nerve infringement, discomfort in the lower back and spine. Some expectant mothers torturing pain around the navel, which is associated with the pressure of the uterus on him. It will help reduce the discomfort and pain in this period, a special bandage, wearing which will prevent a host of other complications.

Sensations on the eighteenth week

18 th week of pregnancy characterized interesting sensations associated with the first stirring of the baby. The ability to feel your baby move depends on the constitution and the sensitivity of the expectant mother, the fetus activity, placental place, the presence of excess weight. That last factor does not allow many women to 22 weeks to feel the first tremors.

Since the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy is still very small and easily moved into the uterine cavity, such perturbations are more like "movement fish" or "bursting bubbles". Their incidence is 4-8 per hour, but they feel a woman can only be in a calm state.

Active quickening at 18 weeks of pregnancy may indicate a lack of oxygen. During its movement activates the heart muscle, which leads to increased blood supply to organs and tissues of a baby. The child almost half his time in the waking state, and the rest of the time sleeping. Usually embryo stir going on in the evening.

From the genital tract

Unusual feeling in the stomach for a period of 18 weeks are often accompanied by increased number of vaginal secretions, due to hormonal changes in the organism. They should have a slightly yellowish or grayish, milky or transparent color. The presence of bloody or purulent discharge - a reason to see a doctor.

The appearance of cheesy discharge can cause decreased immunity of the pregnant woman. At this time, it activates the fungus candida, which is part of conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina. Symptoms of thrush are white discharge from the flakes, the appearance of burning and itching.


Ultrasound examination of the eighteenth week can be carried out in the second screening. The physician evaluates not only the size of the fetus the 18th week obstetric beremennosti- height and weight, but also other parameters:

  • bone sizes (humerus, femur, tibia and forearm);
  • diameter belly and head;
  • the location of the internal organs;
  • structure of the brain and heart;
  • proper development of the baby and the placenta;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

An ultrasound can already pinpoint sexual baby accessory. External genitals in boys and girls are well formed. In addition to US women are prescribed blood tests, urine tests for two markers - NE and AFP.

What happens with the fruit for a period of 18 weeks of pregnancy?

The fruit by the end of the eighteenth week grows to 12-14 cm and its weight is increased to 150 g For its size it is similar to mango. The proportions of his body become more regular, continuing the ossification of the skeleton, the phalanx of fingers and toes complete their formation. to form an individual pattern on the fingertips.

After 18 weeks of pregnancy, obstetric child already has a strong immune system, and in his own body produces immunoglobulin and interferon. This gives him an opportunity to resist infections and pathogens from the outside world to prevent the risk of spontaneous abortion or missed abortion.

In fetal well-developed organs of hearing. While in the womb, he constantly hears sounds - heartbeat and the sound of the blood. That is why after the birth of many children soothe loud sounds. A child can already distinguish the voice of my mother, as well as to intensify their wiggling during music or talk.

At the eighteenth week, the heart muscle is already formed, so the ultrasound the doctor can establish the absence / presence of malformations.

It continues its development of the endocrine system - adrenal and thyroid function is so intense, that may partially cover the needs of the parent, if necessary.

The brain also continues its development at 18 weeks of gestation - the number of neurons increases, there gyrus and sulcus. It formed around nerve protective sheath which accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses.

It increases strength and muscle tone. The fruit of 18 weeks more to build on the wall of the uterus, so the expectant mother can feel the first stirring of his child.


The risk of missed abortion and miscarriage is minimized, but there is a threat of premature birth. A woman must carefully monitor your health and the fetus will develop properly. To prevent possible problems, you should:

  • live a healthy life;
  • renounce the use of alcohol and smoking;
  • minimize the possibility of injury;
  • do not go to public places and avoid contact with patients;
  • abandon the medication.

Possible problems in the eighteenth week of pregnancy also includes:

  • cystitis;
  • anemia;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • congenital malformations in the fetus;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • placenta previa;
  • unripe fruit.

What to look for?

Power pregnant should be correct and balanced. In the first half of the day - a dense, while the second - easier. Be sure to include in the diet of soups, vegetable salads, dietary meat, fish and seafood. From vysokoallergennyh products, fatty, fried and salty foods should be discarded.

When new or worsening constipation is recommended to use natural laxatives - beets, prunes, milk products, drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. In contrast, of drugs, they do not cause stress and "fossilization" of the uterus.

At this stage of pregnancy is useful exercise (swimming, gymnastics, yoga, fitness). They strengthen the muscles and increase the tone, so you can get rid of the uncomfortable sensations in the back and waist.

Pregnant useful exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, which will help a woman in labor.

With an increase in the abdomen of a pregnant it is recommended to sleep on the left or right side, because in this position the blood circulation is physiologically correct, and the child does not feel discomfort. Do not be amiss, and special bandage to support the abdomen.

This is a great time to start training the pelvic floor muscles. Especially recommended "kegel exercises" that involve alternating relaxation and tension of muscles of the perineum. Relax the muscles need to be data in the process of birth, their good tone needs to maintain pregnancy.

It is recommended to devote his time to a pleasant business - visit theaters, cinemas, museums, reading, you arrange your room and look at the most beautiful things. Sound and beauty have certain physical properties. Exerting a positive effect on the vascular and endocrine system of the mother and the child, they contribute to the improvement of the whole organism.

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