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What are the inexpensive and effective tablets for cough - list of drugs with names

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Means for coughing Cough remedies

Page contents

  • 1 Tablets against cough - types of preparations
  • 2 What is a cough?
  • 3 Inexpensive cough tablets
  • 4 Inexpensive drugs for dry cough - list with names
  • 5 Peripheral drugs
  • 6 Cough tablets for children
  • 7 Feedback on the application of

Anyone knows what cough is. Often this symptom becomes a real problem and persists after colds for the longest time. Moreover, cough can cause serious complications leading to damage to the cardiovascular, uneven and respiratory system. Prevent this will help effective cough tablets, which will eliminate irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

The choice of medicines is carried out by a specialist, taking into account a variety of nuances. First of all, it is necessary to determine which cough( wet or dry) the patient suffers and, in accordance with this parameter, select the treatment regimen. Thus, with moist cough, expectorant and mucolytic agents are prescribed, and with dry cough preparations that suppress the cough reflex. The assortment of tablets from a cough is extensive, to understand the sea of ​​suggestions our review of the most popular preparations will help. Well, the best treatment option will be offered by a doctor who will explain how to take pills for cough, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

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Tablets against cough - types of preparations

types of tablets against coughing types of tablets against cough

How to choose good tablets for cough? Before starting treatment, you should establish the exact cause of this condition and choose a specific group of medications. All drugs for cough can be divided into three main groups:

  • Antitussives( used with unproductive, dry cough, which worsens the patient's condition, depletes, deprives of appetite and sleep).
  • Mucolytic( used in a productive, moist cough accompanied by poorly draining, thick and viscous sputum).
  • Expectorants( prescribe to speed the release of sparse phlegm with productive cough).

Antitussives in turn can have a different therapeutic effect. Some tablets from dry cough suppress cough receptors in the brain or act directly on the nerve endings in the respiratory system. Others - have a local anesthetic and bronchodilator effect, relax the smooth muscles and relieve spasm, preventing coughing attacks. At the same time, most antitussive drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects, and those of them that affect the nervous system are appointed only on strict indications.

Unlike them, mucolytic drugs are used when wet cough, when the sputum is too viscous and heavily departs. These funds are designed to dilute it and facilitate the departure from the lungs.

The principle of the effect of expectorants is based on the irritation of the mucous membranes. This provokes a cough reflex and speeds up the purification of the lungs from liquid phlegm.

In addition to the above, for the cough relief, symptomatic drugs are additionally applied, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the pressure, eliminating edema and inflammation. Such drugs facilitate the patient's condition and prevent the development of complications.

What is a cough?

types of cough types of cough

Cough is a reflex response of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract caused by colds, flu or other pathologies. The main purpose of this condition is the expulsion of mucus, sputum, and microbes from the respiratory system in order to restore its normal functioning. Before prescribing medicines, the doctor should establish the character of the cough, pay attention to its strength, duration and other nuances.

Cough can be dry and wet, acute or chronic, strong, tearing, or weak, in the form of a slight cough. In addition, coughing is productive and unproductive. With an unproductive cough, sputum from the respiratory tract is not released, this condition drains the patient, irritates the respiratory tract, causes persistent swelling in the throat.

In this case, it is necessary to use preparations with expectorant action. The productive cough is accompanied by the release of viscous sputum and the medicines must dilute it and facilitate the withdrawal. The most common cause of this condition are respiratory tract diseases( pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) or bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, COPD and other pathologies.

Cheap cough tablets

bromohexine bromhexine

Cheap cough preparations are designed to eliminate the characteristic symptom that accompanies colds and influenza-like conditions. Most of these funds are based on safe plant components, so they have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Good tablets from wet cough
  • Bromhexine( Berlin Chemie) .The medicine is prescribed for acute and chronic lesions of the bronchi, accompanied by the departure of viscous sputum. This remedy is well tolerated, contributes to liquefaction and removal of pulmonary secretions. A day usually take 1 -2 tablets in the form of a dragee, the treatment takes from 7 to 14 days. The cost of the drug is only 30-45 rubles per package of 25 tablets.
  • Tablets for cough Mukaltin is a natural herbal remedy. The composition of the tablets includes an extract of the drug althea. Their use allows you to get rid of viscous sputum, restore normal breathing and eliminate wet cough. The expressed therapeutic effect is observed already in 2 days from the beginning of the drug intake. The remedy is completely safe, it can be taken to children( from 2 years old) and pregnant women. But there are contraindications: these are gastrointestinal diseases, individual intolerance and diabetes mellitus. The average cost of Mukultin is from 15 to 25 rubles.
  • Ambroxol is a preparation from Bulgarian pharmacists that has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Tablets with the same name of active substance are prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract( bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD, bronchial asthma), accompanied by difficulty in moving away viscous sputum. Contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components, 1 trimester of pregnancy and children's age to 6 years. Adults take 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, for children this dose is reduced by 2 times. The price of the drug is 25 rubles.
  • "Cough Tablets" - the so-called old, time-tested product consisting of sodium hydrogencarbonate and an extract of the plant thermopsis. The medication promotes dilution and sputum removal. Restrictions on the use of the drug are pregnancy and lactation periods, gastrointestinal lesions and children's age( up to 12 years).Packaging "Tablets from coughs"( 20 pieces) costs from 50 rubles.
  • Lazolvan is a preparation with mucolytic and expectorant action. It is used to eliminate viscous sputum during acute and chronic respiratory tract infections. The drug is well tolerated, rarely causes adverse reactions. In exceptional cases, the development of disorders from the digestive system( nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain) or allergic reactions is possible. Contraindication to admission are hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, age of 18 years. Lazolvan tablets cost from 160 rubles.
  • ACS - the drug dilutes sputum and helps to alleviate the condition with productive cough accompanying diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, COPD, cystic fibrosis. Improvement is noted already in the first days of admission, as the drug additionally exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets with the smell of blackberries. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 3 years. The average cost of tablets is from 150 to 250 rubles.

Inexpensive drugs for dry cough - list with the names


  1. Omnitus - is available in the form of tablets coated with a film sheath. Quickly relieves the condition with a dry cough, improves well-being, struggles with the inflammatory process. Among the side effects of taking the drug: drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, stool disorders. Omnitus is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. The price of the drug is within 90 rubles.
  2. Stoptussin .These tablets against cough have a complex effect. The drug facilitates the condition with a dry, irritating cough and shows a mucolytic effect, contributing to sputum expectoration. Tablets should be taken orally, without chewing, washed down with water, tea or juice. The doctor selects the dosage of the drug individually, taking into account the body weight. The interval between taking the next dose should not exceed 6 hours. Stopoutsin is not prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, children under 12, with myasthenia gravis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The average price of a medication varies from 150 to 200 rubles.
  3. Falimint .Produced in the form of dragees for resorption, the action of which resembles menthol. It causes a feeling of freshness and coolness in the mouth and softens the dry cough. The drug does not dry the mucous membranes, stops the perspiration in the throat and eliminates the reflex, irritating cough after the first application. The medication is quite safe, practically has no contraindications( except for individual sensitivity) and is suitable for children from 5 years old. The price of Falimint is about 150 rubles.
  4. Libexin is an effective remedy for dry cough with a triple action. The drug removes bronchospasm, reduces irritation of the mucous membranes and relaxes the nerve receptors. The antitussive effect is observed within 3-4 hours after taking the pill. In childhood and during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed with caution. Of side effects, allergic reactions, abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system are noted. There are few contraindications to taking Liebesin - it is individual sensitivity, intolerance to galactose and abundant bronchial secretion. The price of the drug starts at 300 rubles.
Tablets for cough for adults - list of preparations
Kodelak Kodelak

In this case we are talking about drugs that have a depressing effect on the cough center in the brain. Assign them to adult patients with chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry, unproductive cough. Such antitussive drugs are divided into 2 main groups:

  • Narcotic analgesics;
  • Non-narcotic analgesics.

The list of tablets for central cough( narcotic analgesics) is limited, they are released strictly according to the doctor's prescription, and these drugs should be taken with caution, since it is possible to develop drug dependence and serious side effects.

Many antitussive drugs include codeine, a natural opioid that helps suppress the cough center in the brain and has a strong analgesic effect. In particular, on the basis of codeine, the widely known drug from Kodelak cough is produced.

Kodelak ( Kodelak bronho, Kodelak Neo) is an effective antitussive. The active ingredient, codeine, cures dry cough due to a decrease in the excitability of cough receptors in the brain.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not possible to prescribe the drug. Contraindications for use are also bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity to codeine. Kodelak can provoke the development of side effects: headache, blocking, drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions. The cost of the drug is on average 120 rubles.

To the same group of drugs are preparations:

  • Terpincoda,
  • Codterpine,
  • Hydconandone.

Central cough drugs should be taken with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

Non-narcotic central antitussive drugs suppress signals from the inflamed bronchi to the brain, and thus exert a depressing effect on the cough center. The preparations of this group include:

  • Glauvent - a drug is prescribed to combat a dry, incessant cough, exhausting the patient. The drug does not depress respiratory functions, does not cause addiction and addiction, but can provoke a decrease in blood pressure. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs. Side effects( dizziness, weakness, nausea) are rare.
  • Oxeladine is a central antitussive drug that affects the cough center selectively, does not cause side effects and addictive properties of opioid drugs. It is used for the treatment of dry cough accompanying colds, infectious and allergic diseases. Often appointed to heavy smokers, with exhausting, barking cough. Of adverse reactions, there is a violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, weakness.

Peripheral drugs

Libexin Libexin

Similar agents suppress the cough reflex at the level of the tracheal receptors in the bronchi, exert an analgesic and spasmolytic effect, dilute the viscous secret and help reduce inflammation. This group of cough drugs includes the following drugs:

  1. Bithiodine .The drug is from a dry cough that is not addictive and has a minimum of side effects. The principle of action is due to the effect on the cough receptors of the mucosa of the respiratory tract and, to a lesser extent, on the centers of the nervous system. The strength of the therapeutic effect of the drug is similar to codeine, but unlike it does not cause dependence.
  2. Libexin - tablets against cough, the effect of which suppresses the susceptibility of cough receptors, reduces inflammation, reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, provides expectorant, antispasmodic and bronchodilating action. The drug does not inhibit respiratory function and promotes unhindered sputum discharge.

The attending physician may supplement the treatment regimen with other medications that are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease, alleviating the general condition of the patient and preventing possible complications.

Tablets for cough for children

Mukaltin Mukaltin

With extreme caution should be approached for the appointment of antitussive drugs for young children. On expectorant preparations of vegetable origin in babies can develop an allergic reaction, and the medicines themselves in tableted form try not to prescribe to children under 3 years old. For babies, the best form of medication will be syrups, suspensions or drops.

At an older age, a child can be given pills, previously powdered and diluted in a small amount of liquid. The list of tablets for cough for children consists of the following preparations:

  • Mucaltin,
  • Bromhexine;
  • ACS;
  • Ambroxol.

The doctor may prescribe to your child and other remedies with antitussive effect. For children, many convenient dosage forms have been developed that cope well with the whole task and do not cause unwanted side effects. Parents need to carefully follow the instructions for the use of pills for cough and follow all the recommendations of the doctor in charge.

Tablets for cough during pregnancy
Ambroxol Ambroxol

During pregnancy, a woman should take medicines only for the doctor's prescription, it is not necessary to take self-medication, because even the most harmless drugs, at first glance, are capable of provoking unpredictable consequences for a child's future. Some herbal ingredients that are part of the cough pill can even cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, almost any drugs are prohibited for use. A woman can fight with a cough only with the help of inhalations and warm drinking. Starting with the 2nd trimester, a future mother can be prescribed safe means, such as:

  • Bromhexine,
  • Mukaltin,
  • Ambroxol.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, with the appearance of any adverse reactions, drugs are canceled.

In no case should a pregnant woman take funds based on codeine and other opioids, this can adversely affect the health of the unborn child. With caution, you need to approach and receive expectorants, because they strengthen the cough reflex, which causes a reduction in muscles and can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Reviews on the application of

Review No.1

While her daughter was small, treated her for cough with child's syrups, gave inexpensive Pertussin or syrup Dr. Mom. After 5 years, the doctor already wrote out pills. Most often bought for babies Bromgeksin, he is good at helping and never causes side reactions. The pills first had to be ground into powder and given along with the tea, and then the child and he himself took them. They are small and swallow them easily.

Natalia, Moscow

Review No. 2

Last year, she had a flu and he had a complication for the bronchi. There was a dry, exhausting cough, he did not let him breathe normally, he always had a perspiration in his throat, but coughed and gasped, did not sleep at night. It was treated by warming up, hot drinking, and the doctor prescribed Stopptissin tablets. After they began to take a cough, it became softer, and phlegm gradually appeared. I could already fully cough and feel better.

Karina, Samara

Review No. 3

If I get a cold and I get a cough, I'm cured by Codelac. This is a proven remedy, it helps me well, quickly softens dry cough, relieves irritation, removes perspiration in the throat. The preparation is a vegetable opiate, so sometimes tablets cause me to be very sleepy. But there are no more side effects.

Julia, Moscow

Review No. 4

I use various drugs for cough treatment. Most often I take an inexpensive Mukaltin or ATSTS.Tablets quickly help to get rid of phlegm, eliminate cough and help easy to clean. These funds are inexpensive, effective and are sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Andrey, Tula

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