
Are pine cones effective in stroke - treatment of stroke with pine cones, contraindications and recipes for infusions and decoctions

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Tincture of cones Stroke is an ailment that is characterized by a serious circulatory disturbance of in the brain, which is accompanied by the death of nerve cells.

As a rule, it occurs when the vessel is blocked or ruptured.

In the course of damage or dying out of the vessels, the functions that these cells performed were lost.

As a result - the onset of paralysis, loss of ability to speak and other violations. The area affected is directly proportional to the severity of brain damage.


After the first experience of a stroke, the work capacity of 1/5 of the number of all patients remains. Do not forget that this disease is in second place in the rating of deadly .

For the first month, 1/3 of the patients die. Each year, a stroke is diagnosed in more than 6 million

During the period of annual rehabilitation, one third of patients die, another one-third remain bedridden, and one in nine risks to experience a stroke again.

Risk factors for are:

  • transient ischemic attack;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • smoking.
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But it's worth mentioning that in 1.5% of patients these facts were discovered.

The highest risk for the emergence of ail in African Americans and in descending order reaches the people of the European race.

The frequency of occurrence of the disease is also affected by geographical location, social.factors, diet, genetics.

A survey of patients showed that 1/3 of the patients who survived the stroke first of all expect moral support from the doctors, 7% of respondents do not expect anything, and 70% do not need technical assistance.

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  • Interesting fact
  • Treatment of diseases with folk remedies
    • healing ointment
  • miraculous power of pine cones
  • Pine cones in the treatment of cerebral circulatory
    • Treatment stroke cones
    • How to collect cones and when
  • Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Contraindications
  • Video: Stroke Treatment pine cones

Interesting fact

As a rule, the consequences of an experienced stroke affect the entire body of the patient and not only affect the physicalEALTH, but also on the mind.

It is understood that a stroke can cause a violation of emotional health, personality changes, and also cause a violation of intellectual abilities. But there were anomalous cases. Here's one of them.

An 81-year-old Englishman named Alan Morgan, after experiencing was forced to learn English from scratch, since when he woke up after a 3-week absence of consciousness, he began to speak Welsh.

Alan said that at the age of 11, he lived some time among the Welsh speakers in Wales, as he was evacuated because of World War II, but he did not master the stroke language.

Apparently, this knowledge was postponed in the subconscious and was only manifested after, due to a stroke, certain parts of the brain were broken.

Gradually Mr. Morgan again learned English, but it cost him considerable effort.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

If someone from relatives who are close to you people underwent a stroke and is now trying to recover and get out of a difficult condition, try the following methods of treatment:

  1. You will need a kilogram of lemons and a kilogram of sugar. To begin with, pass through the meat grinder lemons. Then add sugar to the lemons and send the resulting "drug" to the refrigerator. Every day, in the morning, give the patient one tsp.mixture and a slice of garlic.
  2. Every two days it is recommended to use baths of sage. For each 3 cups of sage, take 2 liters of boiling water. Allow the solution to stand for an hour, then add to a bath with warm water.
  3. From paralysis it is advised to take a tincture from the "Adam's root".To prepare tincture for the beginning of one tbsp.crushed root "Adam's root" pour vodka, you need two glasses and allow the mixture to brew for seven days. Lastly, when everything is ready, strain the tincture. For use dilute with water 25 drops of tincture. Take it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after eating.

Therapeutic ointment

To control paralysis of the limbs, you can prepare an ointment.

For preparation of you will need:

  • bay leaf;
  • pine needles;
  • butter.

Let's move on to cooking. Leave the bay leaves and pine needles to the state of powder. Mixing ratios 1: 6, where 1 - one tsp.laurel powder and 6 pine. After thorough mixing, add twelve tsp.butter.

Also often used pine cones in stroke. About this further.

The miraculous power of pine cones

Pine cones have been very popular with our ancestors. They were often used for various ailments, but it is necessary to use mature, but unopened bumps.

cones of pine Turning to the past, you can find a lot of information about how pine cones and have sent seafarers and people living in Siberia from tuberculosis, acute vitamin C deficiency, colds and joint diseases.

Since cones contain gum, pine cones, it was advisable to use for gastrointestinal diseases.

Thanks to the properties of the gum, the medicine men prepared various medicines in the form of tinctures, jam or honey, which had a positive effect on the human body, not yielding to the current drugs.

During the summer, pine cones save a lot of useful substances, which have medicinal properties. All substances, such as phytoncides, essential oils retain their natural appearance for an extended period.

Also cones of pine contain a certain type of tannins, which have an effective effect on recovery after a stroke.

Researchers have discovered that they have the necessary properties to stop the death of nerve cells in the human brain.

Pine cones in the treatment of circulatory disorders of the brain

Green pine cones in stroke are used very often and with high efficiency we will study the methods of treating this disease with pine cones.

Treatment of stroke with cones

The best known plant in our country that contains active substances that stop the growth of bacteria is pine. Such substances are called phytoncides.

They possess antimicrobial properties, as well as tone and enhance the immunity of .Over the summer, cones accumulate in themselves many useful substances that have healing properties.

All substances, such as phytoncides, essential oils retain their natural appearance for an extended period.

Also pine cones contain a certain type of tannins , which have an effective effect on recovery after a stroke. The researchers found that they have the necessary properties in order to stop the death of nerve cells in the human brain.

During a stroke and even after it in the brain of a person, cells die due to poor circulation.

The loss of cells not only does not stop after a stroke, but also continues to increase during the rehabilitation period.

In a series of experiments on rodents, it was proved that tannins significantly reduce the number of dead cells from 70% to 20%.

This can be explained by the fact that tannins block some enzymes that are involved in providing vital activity of cells, thus preventing their dying out. These substances are contained in pine cones.

At the moment, the production of drugs based on pine cones for the prevention of stroke and treatment during the recovery period is planned.

How to collect cones and when

As a rule, during the summer, cones accumulate in themselves many useful substances that have healing properties.

Usually, when treating a stroke with pine cones, green cones are used that have already formed.

They are suitable for preparation of tincture, but it is nevertheless recommended to collect them a little later. After a stroke, it is advised to use already mature pine cones, with the presence of seeds and which have not yet been revealed.

The ideal time to collect cones is from June to September. Over the summer they must accumulate in themselves the same tannins.

Traditional medicine recipes

Here are some of the most common recipes for infusions and decoctions from pine cones that are effective for after a stroke:

  1. The easiest way is to tincture on vodka .This is a simple folk remedy that is popular. For cooking, take 5-7 infusion of cones cones and put them in a container and pour them with vodka. Then close the contents tightly, "send" to a dark place. The solution must be allowed to stand for 10 days at room temperature. Use: the resulting drug is consumed in a teaspoon three times a day. It is treated with tincture for six months.
  2. Another one possible recipe for cooking. For preparation, take 5 cones and rinse them under running water. Then grind them and pour 200 ml of alcohol( 70% is completely suitable) or vodka. Let it brew in a dark place for two weeks. Make sure that the room temperature is at room temperature. In this case, the solution must be shaken daily every day. The frequency of shaking is directly proportional to the quality of the resulting drug, that is, the more often, the more medication will be in the tincture. Then the medicine must be filtered. Use: for prevention it is enough to take one teaspoon in the morning after eating, and for the treatment take infusion 3 times a teaspoon.
  3. Decoction of for those who are contraindicated tincture on alcohol, is prepared as follows.5 cones need to be washed, crushed, add 0.5 liters of water and put boil over a small fire for 5 minutes. Use: 3 times a day for 50 ml to take the decoction after eating.
  4. Alcohol tincture with apple cider vinegar has the following method of preparation. Five cones washed and add 250 ml of alcohol( enough to use 70% percent).Within 10 days, allow to brew at room temperature. Then, after filtering, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to use home-made vinegar. Usage: for half a year daily drink tincture, adding it to a cup of loose tea. You can also add honey.

Tinctures, recipes based on pine cones, which are listed above, positively affect the human body , diluting blood, and prevents the death of brain nerve cells after a stroke. It also helps to restore speech and resume coordination of movements.


Tincture is certainly very effective, but there are some contraindications when pine cones from a stroke can not be used.

Here are some important facts that needs to remember:

  • people with kidney disease should take it very carefully;
  • is not recommended to use tincture for acute hepatitis;
  • should be taken with caution and older people over 60;
  • also should be careful and people with allergic reactions;
  • can not be misused because it can lead to severe gastrointestinal diseases.

If you still decide to use pine cones against a stroke, you should consult your doctor before starting the treatment!

Video: Stroke treatment with pine cones

The real story of a man who was literally put on his feet after a stroke of tincture of pine cones. Is the medicine safe?

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