Diagnostic Methods

What is the procedure for swallowing a light bulb for the stomach?

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1 The procedure for the study of

The process is very difficult to carry out and can lead to a number of complications, so that before the conduct of the EGF each patient gives written consent.

As a local anesthetic, a solution of lidocaine in the form of a spray is applied before the probe is inserted. The preparation "Falimint" can also be used.

The patient lies on the couch on his left side, while the left cheek is tightly pressed to the surface of the couch, hands are sideways or folded on the abdomen, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. For convenience, a plastic mouthpiece is inserted into the oral cavity of the patient, which is tightly clamped by teeth and lips. Otherwise, a person can instinctively snack a tube of a gastroscopy when he has painful sensations.

The endoscope is inserted through the mouthpiece into the oral cavity at a distance not farther than the root of the tongue. Then the patient should inhale or swallow the free end of the tube, after which the device through the esophagus will drop into the stomach, and then into the duodenum.

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Immediately after the introduction of the endoscope, absolutely every patient experiences reflex vomiting, associated with pressure on the root of the tongue. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to breathe deeply.

When the fibroscope descends into the digestive tract and touches its walls, the patient will feel scraping or itching. The whole process lasts no more than thirty minutes.

Picture 1

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the

Picture 1

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  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer
  • During the procedure, it may be necessary to pinch a piece of tissue from the body walls for the subsequentanalysis of the material. After the end of the gastroscopy, the doctor slowly removes the fibroscope.

    2 The device of the

    gastroscope Many people consider the procedure extremely dangerous in view of the lack of information, because they represent a light bulb and the gastroscope itself are large enough and do not understand how one can swallow a whole device.

    • IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gastritis? Ulcer? To have a stomach ulcer not turned into cancer, drink a glass. ..
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    Picture 2

    Modern technologies have made it possible to fit the most complicated device of the fibroscope into the tiny dimensions of the tube.

    The whole device consists of a tube, a distal end with a video camera, a handle and a connector. On the handle are the controls of the video camera. The doctor observes the processes in the digestive tract through the eyepiece located on the handle of the device. The device is equipped with an adjustment unit, by means of which the doctor changes the bend of the distal part and looks through various parts of the walls of the digestive organs. In the lower part of the handle there is an input of the instrumental channel, where the doctor introduces a replacement instrument. For example, to make pinches or grips.

    The tube itself is very thin, at its end there is a camcorder with a built-in lens. The latter sends the image to the monitor. The device also has a lighting element for supplying light and a special device for air supply, which ensures correct aspiration.

    Picture 3

    3 Indications

    Even if the patient has no specific symptoms, the doctor prescribes the procedure in the following cases:

    • pain and abdominal pain in an unclear nature;
    • swallowing objects( beads, buttons, plastic caps, coins);
    • heartburn permanent;
    • swallowing disorder( dysphagia);
    • need to remove polyps;
    • need for biopsy;
    • regular nausea or vomiting;
    • long absence of appetite;
    • unexplained weight loss;
    • preparation for caval surgery;
    • regular examination if ulcer or gastritis is detected, and also during the treatment of these diseases and after it;
    • disease of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder;
    • regurgitation arising after eating;
    • preparation for complex operations;
    • predisposition to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.
    • Gastroenterologist. IMPORTANT: "I beg you, if you started to worry about abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, do not do gases. .."
      Read more & gt; & gt;

    Picture 4

    4 Contraindications

    It is recommended to abandon the analysis in the presence of the following diseases and symptoms:

    • critical state of the patient;
    • recently suffered hypertensive crisis;
    • poor blood clotting;
    • acute form of stroke;
    • recently suffered myocardial infarction;
    • mental disorders;
    • bronchial asthma of varying severity.

    Picture 5

    When it comes to the acute need for a procedure, the FGD is conducted in a hospital under the special supervision of doctors.

    5 What pathology does the study reveal?

    Although this technique is old enough and unpleasant, gastroscopy can help in detecting the following diseases:

    • esophagitis;
    • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • stenosis of the duodenum;
    • occurrence of polyps on the wall of the stomach;
    • stomach cancer;
    • cirrhosis;
    • varicose disease of large gastrointestinal vessels;
    • reflux disease;


    Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read the reviews & gt; & gt;

    Picture 6

    The study also allows the physician to evaluate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

    6 Preparation for CSF

    The intake of medications should be discontinued a few days before EGF.If drugs can not be canceled, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    Figure 7

    The last meal should be no later than 10-12 hours before the procedure. Smoking can not be done a few hours before the EGF, as it increases the production of gastric juice.

    Psychological training is also very important. Earlier it was said that many people do not dare to fibroscopy simply because they are afraid of complications. In fact, thanks to the use of modern thin probes, all pain sensations are minimized. The most unpleasant part of the process is the time of input and output of the tube. The rest of the FGD is completely painless.

    What should be prepared for? Some patients say that they experienced severe emesis, their eyes were watered, breathing was difficult. All unpleasant symptoms are due solely to the presence of a foreign body in the throat, but the camera itself, attached to the end of the tube, can not cause pain or seriously injure the patient.

    Figure 8

    7 Possible complications of

    In general, the performed gastroscopy in most cases does not cause complications of .

    However, in the conduct of FGDs, an inexperienced practitioner may develop damage to the walls of the digestive organ. The wound will be accompanied by a fever or strong pain in the abdomen. Dark stools, vomiting with blood, general weakness and malaise are also possible.

    These symptoms usually "resolve" for several days, but if you have severe pain, you should seek medical help.

    • 1 Methodology
    • 2 Gastroscope device
    • 3 Indications
    • 4 Contraindications
    • 5 What pathology does the study reveal?
    • 6 Preparing for EGDF
    • 7 Possible complications of

    In the detection of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasonography is used today rarely, because this study is not informative, it is impossible to determine the acidity of the stomach or to take material for biopsy. For these purposes, the doctor may refer the patient to another examination. As the procedure is called, in which it is necessary to "swallow a light bulb for the stomach," not everyone knows.

    In medicine, this study is called fibrogastroduodenoscopy( ).

    Do you have gastritis?

    GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month." "A proven method is to write down a recipe. ..!"Read more & gt; & gt;

    The name consists of several words: "fibro-" - from "fiber-optic"( such optics is used for examination of the stomach), gastro- - stomach, duodeno-duodenum and "-copy" - to view, study. The procedure may also have a shortened name: fibroscopy or gastroscopy.

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