
Pancreas aches - causes, symptoms, treatment, medications

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1 The structure of the pancreas

In order to understand the question that often arises in many people about why the pancreas hurts, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure and purpose. This organ is part of the digestive system, and it is located behind the stomach. The form of the pancreas is oblong, its length is usually within 14-22 cm, the width and thickness are about 2-3 cm, and the weight is about 60-80 g.

Do you have pancreatitis?

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It is recommended to read

  • Tablets with pancreatic pancreatitis
  • Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis
  • Balanced dietary nutrition with pancreatic pancreatitis
  • Effective agent for gastritis and gastric ulcer

The structure is alveolar-tubular, it consists of glandular tissue in which there are many small terminalThe ducts, which later join into large ducts and eventually pass into one excretory duct, and he, in turn, enters the duodenum.

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Cells of this organ produce a rich enzyme, used during digestion pancreatic juice. In addition, there are groups of cells that produce glucagon and insulin directly into the blood. Failures in her work will cause pain in the pancreas. If we talk about what functions of the pancreas, then their 2 - endocrine and exocrine:

  • it takes an active part in the digestion process, over the day the pancreas produces about 500-700 ml of pancreatic juice. Due to the enzymes that are in the juice, the transformation of starch into sugar, the proteins and fats are split. The juice produced is used to digest food of organic origin, and if there are failures in work, then a person will feel pain in the pancreas;
  • in order to correctly pass the metabolism of carbohydrates, uses glucagon and insulin, which are also produced in this body.

Since this gland takes a direct part in the process of digestion, any pathological process that has arisen in it negatively affects the digestion of food and metabolic disorders, and abnormalities in the work of this organ will be indicated by pains in the pancreas.

There are several diseases that affect this organ, most often it is pancreatitis. If you do not begin to treat him on time and take appropriate pills and other medications, he will soon develop into a chronic form, and in some cases - into the cancer of this body. The presence of the disease will be indicated by pain in the pancreas.

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2 Pain caused by acute pancreatitis

This is a disease in which the iron begins to digest itself. While the enzymes are in the organ itself, they are inactive, their activation occurs already in the duodenum, where they interact with bile. In this case, there are reasons why enzymes are activated in the gland and begin to digest it, that is, damage the tissues of this organ, and this gives an answer to the question of what the pancreas hurts.

In order to begin to develop acute pancreatitis, the appearance of such a pathological process as increased secretion of the juice: it does not depart well and its chemical composition changes. Most often, the following causes lead to such consequences: alcohol abuse, excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods, trauma to the body, liver disease, duodenal ulcer, poor bile withdrawal and abnormalities in the vascular system. All this gives an answer to the question of why the pancreas hurts in people who are in a wild way of life, and those who eat poorly.

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Despite the reasons that triggered the emergence of acute pancreatitis, its development is the same. Under the action of activated enzymes, edema is first formed. If the attending physician diagnosed the disease on time and started its adequate treatment, the prescribed tablets will quickly help to bring everything back to normal, and there will be no serious complications.

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If the disease continues, the swelling increases, while the vessels that feed the organ are transferred and necrotic processes begin. Depending on the stage of the disease, some parts of the pancreas may die off, and often the entire organ.

In this case, the pancreas hurts mainly after eating or drinking alcohol. The main symptoms of such attacks are the following:

  • pains in the upper abdomen, usually they are shinier and sharpest in the first 1-3 days, after that they fade slightly and become aching. This gives an answer to the question of how the pancreas hurts;
  • appears nausea and vomiting;
  • as the inflammatory process begins, there is a rise in temperature, sometimes up to 38-390C;
  • marked bloating;
  • is often diarrhea;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the pressure decreases;
  • makes you dizzy.

Diagnosing this disease at home is very difficult, especially if it is only at an early stage, as the signs of its development can be confused with other gastrointestinal diseases. To make a diagnosis, urine tests, blood tests, ultrasound, gastroscopy should be done, and this can only be done in a medical institution.


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3 Chronic pancreatitis as a provoking factor

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. It is primary, secondary or concomitant, develops against the background of other gastrointestinal diseases.

If not treated acute pancreatitis, then approximately 60% of all cases it degenerates into chronic. The reasons for this are that necrosis areas are scarred, and they replace healthy tissues. This can lead to chronic cholecystitis, alcoholism, a constant overeating of acute and fatty foods, irregularities in the immune system and other pathologies.

When the disease develops, the production of pancreatic enzymes is delayed, the ducts are deformed, the juice accumulates in the tissues, and calcifications are formed. From this, the pancreas hurts, and digestion is disturbed. Since insulin enters the bloodstream irregularly, diabetes can develop.

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In such cases, the pancreas hurts, the symptoms will be in the form of pain in the epigastric region, sometimes they can be given to the right hypochondrium or lower back. Pain usually comes in a few hours after eating, it is aching and more often at night.

Such pains, if not taken as prescribed by the doctor tablets, can last for weeks or even months, they will periodically subside and become aggravated.

Often people do not know what to do if the pancreas hurts. The fear that after eating there will be pain, causes people with a normal appetite to limit themselves in eating, and this soon leads to a sharp weight loss.

As there is a disturbance in the digestive process, the patient has constipation, swelling, during the progression of the disease the stool becomes liquid and intestinal colic may appear.

If you do not treat chronic pancreatitis, it can lead to the development of diabetes and other diseases.

4 Pancreatic cancer

When malignant formations start to form from the cells of the body, pancreatic cancer develops. This pathology is very rare, and mainly develops in men. Since this pathology is diagnosed very late, the prognosis of its treatment is often unfavorable.

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The exact causes of cancer are not established, but the following can provoke it:

  • various diseases, including chronic pancreatitis or diabetes mellitus;
  • excessive drinking and smoking;
  • violation of diet, frequent consumption of fatty, spicy food.

Symptoms and treatment of this pathology will be as follows: the pain arises from the growth of a tumor that sprouts in the tissue and squeezes the nerve endings. The pain is pulsating or acute, it can come in the form of attacks. Such patients often sit in the "hook" position, bending because of constant pain.

Since the tumor is constantly growing, it overlaps the lumens and ducts, the splenic vein, which leads to the development of jaundice. The skin becomes a greenish shade, it itches and flakes. With such pain in the pancreas, violations in the liver, kidneys and heart are added, and the work of the nervous system worsens.

The body is constantly poisoned, so a person feels weak, he has lethargy and apathy. As digestion is disturbed, the weight of the patient decreases sharply.

It is difficult to diagnose cancer at early stages;if there are no metastases, then its treatment is carried out by the operative method, the tablets in this case can not help.

5 First aid and treatment features of

If you suspect that the cause of abdominal pain is the pancreas, you should always seek help from a doctor. Before contacting a doctor, you can do the following:

  • to reduce the load on the gland, you must stop taking food for a day;
  • to slow the swelling, you can apply cold to the sore spot;
  • drink a lot of fluids, water is best without gas;
  • to take medications that have an antispasmodic effect, it is better to do it intramuscularly. Such actions significantly reduce the probability of self-digestion of the tissue of this organ;
  • all other medicines can be taken if they are prescribed by a doctor.

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Acute pancreatitis is treated in the surgical department. If he is in serious condition, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit. It can be treated with medications or surgically. If pancreatitis is chronic, the question of hospitalization is decided depending on the state of health of the patient.

For the elimination of pain, pain medications are used, they can be narcotic or non-narcotic, their dosage is determined by the attending physician. With exacerbations and acute form, antibiotics are used to control microbes.

At the time of regression exacerbation, the use of physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, diadynamic currents is effective, compliance with diet is very important. In this case, food is taken, which is easily digested and does not burden the digestive organs.

When the pancreas hurts and the disease worsens, it is better for the patient 2-3 days to starve, at this time one should take a lot of still water, tea, broth of dogrose. When the power is restored, eat small portions, 5-6 times a day. Smoking should be limited, and alcohol completely abandoned.

If such treatment does not work, surgery is performed, while the destroyed tissue and gall bladder are removed. Such operations are characterized by high complexity, and mortality is quite high. It is almost impossible to predict the final result, therefore they are resorted to only in extreme cases.

Such patients should be under the supervision of a doctor and during the year several times undergo a survey, the regularity of which is determined by the doctor. Those who have suffered this disease should give up alcohol, smoking, diet, work and rest. Remember that it is always easier and more effective to prevent any disease than its treatment, this also applies to pancreatic diseases.

  • 1 Pancreas structure
  • 2 Pain caused by acute pancreatitis
  • 3 Chronic pancreatitis as a provoking factor
  • 4 Pancreatic cancer
  • 5 First aid and treatment features of

Often people have a question about what the pancreas hurts, what to do in such cases, and what it may indicate. If you know what to do in such cases, it will help you not only to relieve the pain in the pancreas, but also to restore your health.

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