
Pain under the left scapula behind from the back: causes and treatment

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The pains under the left scapula behind from the back are not a rare phenomenon and they can be caused by various causes - awkward, abrupt movements that cause muscle stretching, or a sudden change in the position of the body.

But, if they are regular and durable, of different nature and intensity - this is a true indication of the various pathological processes in the scapular bone itself or in the internal organs lying in its projection.


  • 1 5 causes of pain under the left scapula
    • 1.1 Locomotor disorders
    • 1.2 Cardiologic pathologies
    • 1.3 Bronchopulmonary pathologies
    • 1.4 Functional changes in the digestive tract
    • 1.5 Shoulder-scapular lesions
  • 2 To which doctor should I apply for pain under the leftscapula?
    • 2.1 Examination of
  • 3 Treatment of pain under the left shoulder blade from the back
    • 3.1 Prevention of

5 causes of pain under the left scapula

5 reasons for pain under the left scapula

From the point of view of body anatomy, the manifestation of pain under the left scapula on the left side is due to several major groups of causative factors.

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  1. Musculoskeletal pathology.
  2. Diseases of a cardiac nature.
  3. Disorders in the bronchopulmonary system.
  4. Functional changes in the system of the gastrointestinal tract and spleen.
  5. Pathological processes in the scapular bone itself.

Consider the points.

Musculoskeletal disorders

The most common cause of subscapular pain is osteochondrosis. With this disease, the cartilage and bone tissue are destroyed in various parts of the spine.

Inflammatory reactions cause tissue edema at the base of the spinal roots of nerve fibers, which causes them to be squeezed. Develops osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine, accompanied by sharp, acute or dull pains under the left scapula.

The development of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae caused by their displacement, formation of osteophytes and hernial protrusion of the discs leads to the formation of edema and violation of cerebral venous circulation.

Pain syndrome develops in the occipital region, reflecting numb pain under the left scapula. The intensity of pain symptoms usually manifests in the morning. Various neck movements increase pain. Hands numb, dizziness occurs.

Among the vertebral pathologies that cause pain under the left shoulder blade behind the back, degenerative processes play an important role, creating conditions for the development of radicular syndrome:

  • vertebral hernia formations;
  • intervertebral protrusions;
  • deformities of vertebrae with osteophytes( bone spines);
  • displacement of facet joints( intervertebral);
  • prolapse of the pulpous nucleus.

The location of the process depends on the manifestation of various signs:

  • cutaneous paresthesia( mild sensitivity);
  • pain under the left scapula behind from the back, giving into the hand;
  • involuntary contraction of the muscles of the fingers;
  • proximal muscle weakness in the arms, or complete atrophy.

In this section, you can add a systemic disease( spondylitis), causing damage to connective tissues throughout the body. Basically, the discs between the vertebrae of the thoracic region are affected.

The contributing factor is the development of spinal dysplasia with subsequent splicing of the discs. As a result, severe pain occurs when inhaled under the left scapula.

Similar symptoms are noted in myositis( inflammatory reactions in the muscle massif of the back).Movement or complete breathing increases the pain syndrome.

Cardiological pathologies

Cardiac pathology - causes of pain under the left scapula Among the reasons for the development of these manifestations, cardiac pathologies occupy the second most important place. They are manifested by sudden contracting, sharp and burning pains under the left scapula in the region of the heart.

Provoke them can - anginal disease( lack of admission to the heart of blood, nutrients and oxygen), excessive stress and stress. The pain that arises behind the stern bone radiates into the subscapular zone, embracing the jaw and arm pain in the left side of the body.

Accompanied by shortness of breath and panic( fear of death).

If within 10-15 minutes, stopping the drugs with nitroglycerin did not work and the duration of the attack is more than half an hour, this is no longer about angina pectoris, but the full development of a heart attack.

In some cases cardinal pain may not be present. Only the burning, tingling and numbness of the hand are felt in the left subscapular area.

Very dangerous condition, under which subscapular pain is noted - diffuse stratification of the wall of the thoracic aorta( aneurysm), which forms two channels of blood flow. Initially localized in the chest pain syndrome gradually migrates to the left zone of the scapula and descends to the waist.

The danger represents - a real possibility of rupture of this largest artery and the formation of an internal hemorrhage, often ending lethal. Hypotension( a sharp decrease in blood pressure) is the first symptom of pathology.

Promotes the formation of a pain syndrome:

  • focal or diffuse inflammatory processes in the cardiac muscle( myocarditis);
  • inflammatory reactions in the connective tissue heart( pericarditis);
  • microbial inflammation of the inner lining of the heart( endocarditis).

Bronchopulmonary pathologies

In many cases, the subscapular left-sided pains behind the back are the result of bronchitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis or SARS when they are complicated by bacterial left-sided pneumonia.

Particular attention should be paid to the inflammatory processes in the pleura when they develop due to pneumonia. Left-sided pain symptoms, with pleurisy, may be a harbinger of a heart attack or development of tuberculous processes in the thoracic lymph nodes and lungs.

Inflammatory reactions in the lung tissue sometimes lead to its melting forming purulent-necrotic cavities. The death of purulent tissues is accompanied by:

  • with painful symptoms and wheezing in the chest;
  • shortness of breath and fever;
  • profuse sweating and chills;
  • cough, weight loss and pain when inhaled under the left scapula.

Functional changes in the organs of the digestive tract

It is important to know that one of the symptoms of dangerous gastrointestinal diseases is left-sided subscapular pain. It is manifested due to:

1) perforation of a stomach ulcer located in its upper section. Symptom is supplemented by fever, strong muscular tension of the abdomen, vomiting, and sharp burning pain.

2) Aseptic inflammatory reactions in the pancreas. The disease is life-threatening, caused by the development of necrosis and dystrophy of the gland.

To the left side subscapular pain symptoms are attached subcostal and epigastric pain, multiple vomiting and flatulence, indigestion and fever.

3) Injury of the spleen followed by a two-moment organ rupture. The process is characterized by rupture of the parenchyma of the spleen, without compromising the integrity of its capsule. As a result, bleeding does not occur immediately, since blood accumulates in the capsular space.

Only the manifestation of blunt pains under the left scapula or under the ribs, indicate a dangerous problem. Excessive accumulation of blood under the capsule provokes its rupture and intense bleeding.

All these conditions are the right indicator for immediate surgical intervention.

Shoulder-Shoulder Damage

Pathological processes in the shoulder-and-shoulder joint are almost always accompanied by pain under the left scapula when the arm is raised. This symptom is due to soreness of the musculoskeletal system.

It is his chronic overstrain that gives an acute, burning or aching pain symptomatology.

Provoke symptom:

  • scapular bone injury;
  • closed injuries of the elbow and nerve;
  • gunshot wounds;
  • bursitis( inflammation of the synovial membrane of the shoulder joint);
  • tuberculosis and tumor neoplasms.

Which doctor should I consult for pain under the left scapula?

To which doctor to apply The systematic manifestation of the pain syndrome under the left scapula, especially without any obvious signs, requires examination and identification of the true causes.

A visit to a traumatologist will help to determine the further direction in treatment and the choice of a specialist doctor - traumatologist-orthopedist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist or surgeon. The help of a masseur, physiotherapist or doctor of manual therapy is not excluded.


Diagnostic tests are conducted in accordance with the preset diagnosis.

May consist of:

  • radiographs of the peritoneum and spine in the thoracic department( MRI and CT if necessary);
  • ultrasound examination of the digestive tract;
  • ultrasound and electrocardiography study of the heart;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • complete metabolic research package.

The appearance of pain syndromes helps to conduct differential diagnosis of vertebrogenic and cardiological pathologies.

The characteristic of the painful symptomatology is its periodicity and its relation to changes in the position of the body, physical loads and medicamentous influence.

Treatment of pain under the left scapula behind from the back

Treatment of pain under the left scapula behind from the back

There is no single protocol for treating left-sided subscapular pain. Therapeutic tactics depend on the genesis of the disease. If the pain symptom is associated with disorders of musculoskeletal functions, without taking into account somatic injuries( injuries), the treatment includes:

  1. Peace. Sometimes a full rest relieves the consequences of muscle strain, restores their functions and relieves pain.
  2. Medical therapy is used in the presence of inflammatory pathologies. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Movalis, Voltaren or Cerebrex, are prescribed.
  3. Antidepressants , with chronic pain.
  4. Muscle spasms are removed with muscle relaxants .The safest drug for today is "Midokalm".A more effective result is achieved when applied in combination with non-steroidal drugs, analgesics, massage, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.
  5. The appointment of the chiropody sessions helps to remove muscle blocks, reduce pain and improve joint mobility.
  6. Acupuncture - restores nerve conduction, reduces pain syndrome.
  7. massage techniques help to relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and general condition.

With bronchopulmonary, cardiological and gastrointestinal pathologies, an individual treatment program is selected with the selection of vitamin and drug therapy - antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesics.

Patients with signs of heart attack and angina are hospitalized. When diagnosing an aneurysm and severe gastrointestinal pathology, surgical treatment is used.


Prevention of pain consists in measures to prevent them.


  • to form a lifestyle without bad habits;
  • for a balanced diet;
  • the ability to correctly distribute rest and loads;
  • timely detection and treatment of infectious diseases;
  • observance of psychoemotional balance.

The basis of prophylaxis is regular consultative medical examinations that will help in time to correct the pathological disorders.

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