Reference Book Of Medicines

Flemoxin solute - instruction for children and adults

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Flemoxin solute - instruction for children and adults

Contents of the page

  • 1 Flemoxin Solutab -
  • description 2 Action
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Instruction for use
  • 5 Flemoxin for children
  • 6 Analogues
  • 7 Feedback on the use of

Flemoxin Solutab is a new effective antibacterial agent for a wide range of applications. The composition of this drug is an active drug amoxicillin trihydrate - a powerful antibiotic from the group of penicillins. As indicated by the instructions for the use of Flemoxin Solutab, the drug is manufactured by the Japanese pharmaceutical concern Astellas Pharma and is intended for the treatment of various bacterial infections.

Flemoxin Solutab - description of

This product is available in the form of dispersible tablets, which allow you to select the exact dosage of the drug with maximum accuracy. The minimum dose of the drug is contained in tablets Flemoxin 125 mg. There are also three versions of the preparation - oral tablets for resorption in the oral cavity of 250 mg, 500 mg and 100 mg.

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Flemoxin Solutab - description

Dispersible tablet provides high bioavailability of the drug. The antibiotic amoxicillin, which is part of the medicament, is completely absorbed into the tissues of the body and does not destroy the normal intestinal microflora. As a result, the risk of developing an intestinal disorder after taking the medication is significantly reduced and the negative effect of the antibiotic on the stomach and intestines is reduced. Drug research and reviews on Flemoxin Solutab show that upsetting of the stool was observed in only 1% of patients who took dispersible tablets.

The drug begins to be absorbed into the blood already in the oral cavity and passes the digestive tract. Oral tablets quickly dissolve in the mouth, and the drug enters the bloodstream within five minutes after complete dissolution. An hour after taking the drug, the concentration of the substance can be observed in the blood plasma. It should be noted that the soluble tablet Flemoxin Solutab is much more convenient for children to use than the usual suspension of Amoxicillin, which must be previously prepared independently.

The drug can be used in the treatment of young infants. The drug is not dangerous and toxic, and rarely causes side effects. It does not require any additional action before use. The tablet can be dissolved in water, syrup, breast milk. At the same time, a minimum amount of water is required to completely dissolve the product.

Oral tablet is also convenient to use by adults. The drug dissolves quickly in the mouth and passes the intestine and stomach. This prevents the drug from entering the stomach and irritating its microflora with a powerful antibiotic.

The action of

Antibiotic Fleomoxin The high effectiveness of this drug is due to its properties. Antibiotic Flemoxin affects most types of bacteria:

  • of staphylococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Listeria;
  • pathogens of gonorrhea;
  • clostridia;
  • enterococcus;
  • E. coli;
  • salmonella;
  • causative agents of intestinal infections;
  • pathogens of gonorrhea;
  • pathogens of peptic ulcer.

The drug effectively inhibits the vital activity and further reproduction of pathogenic organisms, thereby preventing the spread of infection. The drug acts on the cellular level, protecting healthy cells of the body from the harmful effects of bacteria. The therapeutic effect of treatment with the drug shows a high result - already on the second or third day of oral tablets, there is a significant improvement in the patient's well-being and a reduction in the symptoms of the disease.

The load on the gastric mucosa after the administration of Flemoxin Solutab is four times less than after taking the usual antibiotic in the capsule. The tablet can be chewed in the mouth or dissolved in any liquid. The medicine is taken regardless of food. The drug is not destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach, which is its difference from other habitual medications.


The drug Flemoxin Solutab The drug Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases and their complications. The main indications for its use:

  • infectious and inflammatory process in respiratory organs;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • of the genitourinary system;
  • urethritis;
  • of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • gonorrhea;
  • leptospirosis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • gynecological infections;
  • peptic ulcer.

Instruction for use

The scheme of taking this medication is very simple. Oral tablet can be taken before, during or after a meal. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until it dissolves completely. You can dissolve the drug in water or syrup.

Instructions for use The dose of the drug is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • is usually administered to children of 10 years and adults with mild to moderate disease, it is recommended to take 500-700 mg of the drug 2 times a day. The doctor may prescribe Flemoxin Solutab 500 mg two to three times a day;
  • children from 3 years to 10 years are prescribed 250 mg of the drug 3 times a day or 375 mg 2 times a day;
  • for children from 1 year to 3 years of age - appointed Flemoxin solutab 250 mg 2 times a day or 125 mg of the drug 3 times a day.

For relapses of the disease, chronic course of the disease, treatment of severe conditions, prescribe 0.75-1 g of the drug 3 times a day.

Gonorrhea recommends taking 3 grams of the drug once. If the renal function is impaired, the dosage of the drug should be reduced. For taking large doses, it is better to use Flemoxin 1000 mg. All appointments must be made by the attending physician, who will select the individual dosage of the remedy.


Like any medicine, the medicine has its own contraindications, which are minimized. Basically, the drug is prohibited from taking with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as with individual intolerance. Treatment with Flemoxin soluteab is not prescribed for mononucleosis and lymphocytic leukemia.

Side effects of

Among the possible adverse effects in the treatment of the drug may be observed: insomnia

  • change in taste;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • stomatitis;
  • neutropenia;
  • leukopenia;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • is depressed;
  • anxiety;
  • excitement;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • shortness of breath;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • allergy;
  • itching;
  • candidiasis of the vagina;
  • fever.

Undesirable manifestations of body systems are rare. If there is a side effect, it is necessary to cancel the drug and consult with your doctor.

Flemoxin solutab for children

Flemoxin solute for children In pediatric practice, the drug can be used to treat children from the age of one year. Very often a pediatrician prescribes this medication for angina, bronchitis and other diseases. The medicine is very well tolerated by the child's body and rarely causes side effects. The drug can not be administered to children with individual intolerance and with the development of skin reactions to medication.

Flemoxin soluteba is a new antibacterial drug that effectively fights various bacterial infections. The drug should be taken at the first sign of the disease in order to prevent further spread of the infection and the occurrence of complications in the disease as soon as possible.

The drug quickly eliminates sore throat, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion and other symptoms. Children are prescribed 125 - 250 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. The treatment regimen and dosage of the medication are prescribed individually and depend on the characteristics of the disease.

Flemoxin during pregnancy

Flemoxin during pregnancy According to the instructions, the drug is not recommended during gestation and during breastfeeding. The doctor can prescribe this remedy for special indications in critical situations. At admission, it is necessary to have medical control over the well-being of the future mother and fetus.

It is established that when taking the drug during lactation, a small amount of amoxicillin penetrates into breast milk. Therefore, when breastfeeding it is better to refuse treatment with this medication or to switch the baby to breastfeeding.

Interaction with

Interaction with drugs medications In combination with drugs such as Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Oxyphenbutazone, amoxicillin is inhibited. This leads to an increased concentration of drug substance in the blood plasma. This increases the time taken to remove the drug from the body. Therefore, use of the drug with these agents is not recommended.

The use of contraceptives with Flemoxin reduces their effect. The bactericidal effect of amoxicillin is neutralized by the use of agents such as tetracycline, chloramphenicol. Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of the drug. Reduces the effect of the drug taking laxatives, antacids, glucosamine.

A joint medication with anticoagulants can increase their effect, as well as reduce the synthesis of vitamin K. It is possible to suppress the intestinal microflora.


Average cost Flemoxin solutab - 240-370 rubles.

The pharmaceutical market offers such structural analogues of Flemoxin:

  • Amoxicar - 165 rubles;
  • Amoxicillin - 80-100 rubles;
  • Amosin - 64 rubles;
  • Gonoform - 80 rubles;
  • Ospamox - 155 rubles;
  • EcoBall - 60-100 rubles;
  • Grünamox - 160 rubles;
  • Flemoclav - 480 rubles.
Flemoxin or Amiksitsillin?

Flemoxin or Amixicillin Flemoxin soluteba is a generic Amoxicillin. What is the difference between Flemoxin and the original? Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic with a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. It affects the cell membrane of a pathogenic microorganism and destroys it. Thus, the life of the bacterium stops. Amoxicillin is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, urological and gynecological infections.

Flemoxin is an acid-fast antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins. It includes amoxicillin. Flemoxin also breaks the walls of the bacterial cell, stops its division and growth. The drug generic is highly active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. However, the drug is not very active in staphylococci and helicobacteria.

The main difference between Amiksitsillina and Flemoxin is their dosage form. Since the generic is released in the form of oral tablets that dissolve in the mouth, this drug does not have any negative effect on the shell of the stomach and intestines. Also, the new generation preparation Flemoxin soluteab is absorbed very quickly and completely absorbed. Within an hour, the total concentration of the active drug substance in the blood plasma can be observed.

Price Amixicillin, on the contrary, is produced in conventional tablets and partially loses its bactericidal properties at the resolution in the gastrointestinal tract. That's why his generic drug has great bioavailability. It should be noted that Flemoxin Solutab costs a little more than the original.

Structural analogues of Flemoxin have a similar effect in the body. All of them effectively eliminate the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases and are able to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. However, the choice of a similar drug is best entrusted to the doctor, and not to engage in self-medication, which can be dangerous to health and cause complications. The choice of antibiotic should be trusted by a qualified specialist.

In the treatment of colds, Flemoxin can be successfully combined with an antiviral drug such as Arbidol. Choose an analog of Arbidol very easily with the help of a doctor. Cheap analogues of Arbidol:

  • Amizon - 350 rubles;
  • Anaferon - 160 rubles;
  • Antigrippin - 170 rubles;
  • Arbivir - 250 rubles;
  • Immunal - 260 rubles;
  • Interferon - 90 rubles.

Thus, with the help of the attending physician, it is possible to select suitable medications for treatment with minimal side effects and contraindications at an affordable cost.

Flemoxin or Flemoclav?

Flemoxin or Flemoclav Flemoclav has similar effects with Flemoxin and also contains an active antibiotic amoxicillin. The name and packaging of the drug are very similar to the original. However, there is a difference between these drugs. Similar at first glance, antibiotics have differences.

Amoxicillin is not effective in certain infections. But British scientists who developed Amoxicillin, found the necessary substance that blocks beta-lactamase - clavulanic acid. It is effective for many bacteria in combination with penicillin antibiotics.

Flemoklav also, like Flemoxin, has a protected form. However, when choosing a particular drug to treat a doctor, it is necessary to take into account the type of causative agent of the infection. Otherwise, the drug may not be prescribed correctly, and do not have the desired therapeutic effect. The decision on prescribing an antibiotic should be made by the attending physician, who knows the features and development of the disease.

Feedback on application

Review No. 1

I was prescribed Flemoxin solutab in case of severe angina. My throat was very sore, I was asleep, my voice was gone. The doctor prescribed rinses and this antibiotic. I liked the action of the medicine - the symptoms of the disease passed quickly enough.

On the second day began to feel much better. The drug was well tolerated, no side effects were observed. I was satisfied with the action of the medicine. The product dissolves very quickly in the mouth. Passed the temperature, pain, perspiration in the throat. I took pills for five days, three times a day.

Valeria, 37 years - Moscow

Review No. 2

We received a doctor Flemoxin solutab to treat a cold in a five-year-old son. The child was very amused to take such pills that you do not need to swallow. He liked how they dissolve in the mouth. Very effective and better than the usual suspension of amoxicillin, which must be diluted.

The wife always bred according to the instructions, but in such a case there is no guarantee that the medicine is diluted correctly. And here you know exactly the dose. Therefore, I consider the Flemoxin Soluteb tablets to be the most convenient and accurate dosage for treating young children.

The doctor said that the drug is completely safe, non-toxic and can be used in the treatment of even the most infants. The medicine quickly worked, after almost three days the son went on the mend, the symptoms of a severe cold disappeared. I recommend that you ask your doctor about these effective pills.

Никита, 26 лет - Спб

Review № 3

I was recently treated with these pills. Have appointed or nominated at a urethritis. In a week I began to feel better. Flemoxin was recommended together with other medicines.

Such a complex treatment of the disease quickly gave positive results. The drug eliminates urogenital infections. Now I do not remember the illness that happened to me.

Vasily, 44 years - Samara

Review No. 4

The other day I had severe bronchitis. And there was some kind of complication. The cough was very strong, before vomiting came. I had to resort to antibiotic treatment. On the advice of a friend the doctor bought Flemoxin solutab in the pharmacy. A new generation drug that effectively cleared my bronchitis.

On the fourth day of treatment with these oral tablets, I began to feel that the cough is decreasing, sputum is separated much better from the bronchi, and bronchospasm has completely passed. Therefore, I consider the drug to be very effective and effective. I had no side effects-a good and high-quality drug that helped me cure prolonged bronchitis.

Marina, 36 years - Ekaterinburg

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