Diagnosis And Treatment

Medicines for food poisoning, nausea, vomiting: tablets, drugs, drugs, powder

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1 Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of food poisoning is a vomiting reflex, attacks of nausea, an intestinal disorder and pain sensations of various manifestations in the abdomen. Often such symptoms speak of the development of severe food poisoning - botulism. Despite the special nature of this disease, sorbents are used to eliminate its first signs, as well as in other types of poisoning, which help to purify the body of toxic components.

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Symptoms of poisoning or intestinal infection can be eliminated knowing exactly the cause of their appearance. Popular in the treatment of such conditions are drugs Smecta, Enterosgel, Atoxil. Before taking any medicine for food poisoning, it is necessary to conduct tests of the tests and get qualified recommendations of doctors. In no case can you treat the symptoms of poisoning yourself. Only the doctor will tell you what medicines can help.

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Foods are the most common food poisoning, they can occur due to food supply products that have left shelf life or were cooked contrary to sanitary norms. When food poisoning, the main drugs that eliminate the main symptoms are adsorbents. These drugs perform the function of binding toxins in the intestines, preventing their further spread through the body through the blood. The main way of removing adsorbents with toxin is through the rectum with feces.

Food poisoning also takes natural fiber, quinine, starch. This is by far the most effective natural remedy for food poisoning. The danger in this type of disease causes such a state as intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract. Admission of adsorbents is used in output therapy. Widely used for this purpose and is known for intoxication agent, as activated charcoal, which is taken depending on the weight of the patient( at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).The drug is effective when taken for an hour after a meal. Sometimes it is ground into powder and washed down with a small amount of liquid( no more than 1 cup).

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Food poisoning can occur not only because of poor quality products. A dangerous factor in its development may be bacterial contamination. The most common diseases caused by toxic infections are salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, caused by the ingestion of E. coli into the body. In this condition, it is necessary to take not only adsorbents, but also antibiotics, antimicrobial, bactericidal agents.

The duration of treatment depends on the characteristics of food poisoning. If chronic intoxication is observed, it is necessary to find and exclude a provoking factor. For this purpose, preventive therapy of poisoning or intestinal infection is carried out.

2 Antitoxic drugs

Intestinal intoxications of different nature and form for food poisoning are treated with drugs that have a large range of anti-toxic properties. These include Polysorbent - an agent, the active substance in which is silicon. It is a bluish-colored powder that is diluted in water and taken according to the instructions or dosages prescribed by the doctor. Do not recommend, especially with severe diarrhea and vomitive reflexes, take the medicine in sweet water or with the syrup added to it.

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This effective medicine is very helpful in eliminating the symptoms of various diseases and not only with food poisoning. Infringements in work of kidneys and a liver, allergic reactions of an organism are accompanying displays at an intoxication of an intestine. When these secondary conditions appear with symptoms of poisoning, doctors recommend taking Enterosgel with antihistamines. These drugs quickly bind to toxins and are excreted with feces for several hours.

Of all the abundance of adsorbents that drinking when poisoning - a simple question. So, its effectiveness in the fight against toxins showed:

  1. Sorbeks, Carbolen, Carbolong, Chitosan, Atoxil, Sorbolong. Any medicine for food poisoning must be accompanied by the use of a sufficient amount of liquid during the day. This will help speed up the process of removing toxins from the intestine. This is especially necessary when there is diarrhea, vomiting.
  2. Well known is Regidron, a drug that helps restore the acid-base balance in the body, disrupted by electrolyte loss due to diarrhea and vomiting. Glucose, included in its composition, helps absorb salts and citrates, helping to keep the basic acid balance.
  3. Such drugs as Validol help not only with heart disease, but also with intestinal intoxication, eliminating nausea with it, thanks to the content of menthol in the drug. This way you can not treat nausea in children.
  4. It is recommended to use preparations Motilium, Ftalazol, Sulgin, Furazolidon when vomiting before meals.


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Doctors prescribe the reception of beneficial bacteria, eliminating the main symptoms. These are probiotics that help restore the normal microflora in the intestines after the attack of harmful microorganisms. One of the important areas after the treatment of poisoning is the rehabilitation period, in which the patient is prescribed a diet. The patient is allowed to eat rice porridge, lean boiled meat and a lot of liquid. During this period, the food should not irritate the intestines, but should have an enveloping effect on its mucous membrane.

3 Treatment after alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning should begin to be treated after assessing the extent of the lesion and finding out exactly what the symptoms of vomiting were caused. With alcohol intoxication, nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms of poisoning with ethanol and the products of its processing. In most cases, alcohol poisoning pills and other medications do not help. If the poisoning is very strong, prescribe detoxification therapy. In such a case, you can take medicines only to stop the main symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

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More often medicamental agents help or assist only at a hangover syndrome. These drugs prevent the passage of nerve signals, providing therapeutic effect and contributing to the recovery of the body in alcoholic toxicosis. Active substances in drugs prescribed by a doctor for this purpose are disulfiram. Of these drugs are widely known Esperal, Teturam, Torpedo. If a person begins to drink again after they enter the body, such painful conditions begin to excruciate him, such as:

  • rashes on the body;
  • pain in the navel;
  • gag reflex;
  • panic and fear of dying;
  • severe sweating;
  • dizziness.

This causes a person's dislike for alcohol, thereby saving him from repeated painful conditions caused by alcohol poisoning. You can not use these drugs to treat people who suffer from diabetes, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, thyrotoxicosis. Contraindicated these funds and those patients whose work is associated with increased concentration of attention. If there are these factors, doctors re-appoint other medicines.

With pronounced signs of alcoholism, doctors can prescribe the use of Proproten 100, Metadoxil, Vivitrol, Antaksona. The mechanism of action that each of these means possesses is the cleansing of the body of accumulated toxic substances.

4 Symptoms of Diarrhea

One of the symptoms of food poisoning is diarrhea. The remedy that the doctor prescribes with this symptom performs a number of functions that help to remove intoxication, normalize the flow of useful substances, minerals and electrolytes into the blood.

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Sorbex, Carbolone, Polyphepan, Sorbolong, Smektu, activated charcoal are the most necessary medicines for this purpose.

To alleviate the condition of a patient with acute intoxication syndrome, it is necessary to induce a vomiting attack. For this purpose, a good solution is the pressure on the tip of the tongue. Then the patient is given a mustard powder.

Especially dangerous is the poisoning in children. For their treatment, the use of gentle means, to which the solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile, is often used. To restore the intestinal microflora, in order to prevent the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms, agents are prescribed that improve the state of the flora of the large intestine. This Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Biobakton.

5 Causes of vomiting

Impaired regulation of nerve signals provokes vomiting after poisoning. If you correctly influence the central or adjacent links, you can prevent active gastric contraction. With the blocking of the nerve receptors, the agents with enveloping and astringent action are excellent. These include neurotropins. Tropisetron, Ondansetron, and Metoclopramide have a good antiemetic effect in poisoning.

To eliminate this symptom, doctors prescribe the use of anticholinergics with antihistamines. These include Prometazine, Diphenhydramine. High antiemetic activity is possessed by Trifluoperazine, Haloperidol. Of the pills against vomiting often appointed Avioplant, Bonin, Bimaral, Ondator, Latran, Kitril and others. Mandatory treatment is the normalization of the diet.

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6 Therapy of nausea with intoxication

In the process of poisoning with irritation of mucous toxins, there is nausea, which does not pass a long time. To eliminate this uncomfortable symptom, tablets of chitin and cellulose are prescribed, which are sold in pharmacies. These drugs are prescribed before meals for half an hour, so that toxic components can be contacted as best as possible. The active action of cellulose helps neutralize poisons and create favorable conditions for reproduction of beneficial bacteria of the large intestine.

Along with medicines, these useful substances also contain a number of plant components, for example, radish, pears, apples, grapes, buckwheat, pumpkin and other products. Natural sorbents are pectin, which is found in beets, grapes, gooseberries, fiber, which is rich in prunes, oatmeal, eggplant and chitin. What pills to drink from nausea, say the doctor, but often prescribed Cerucal, Metoclopramide.

To get rid of intoxication proceeded correctly and could not cause extensive damage to health in the future, you should consult a specialist so that he can prescribe the correct treatment tactics based on the existing pathological reactions of the body. Any type of poisoning should be carefully investigated and only after that give in to therapy. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of products, adhere to the correct and accurate dosage with the use of medicines, and not to abuse alcohol.

  • 1 Symptoms of the disease
  • 2 Antitoxic drugs
  • 3 Treatment after alcohol poisoning
  • 4 Symptoms of diarrhea
  • 5 Causes of vomiting
  • 6 Therapy of nausea with intoxication

A morbid condition caused by toxic substances entering the body poses a health hazard, therefore it is necessary to take poison tablets in order to remove harmful substances from the body as quickly as possible and prevent complete intoxication. Especially dangerous is the condition in children.

There are several types of poisoning that have different symptoms and ways of treatment. The most common among them among the population are food, alcoholic, medicinal.

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