Lose Weight

How to get rid of excess weight without pain?

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How to lose weight 5 kg per week for a man without much effort? This question will help answer the doctor-nutritionist. In today's world, there are many temptations that are difficult to resist. Cafes and restaurants offer a huge selection of varied dishes. Snack bars at every step beckon people the smell of fried food. Bars offer a huge selection of draft beverages. It is difficult for a man to resist and refuse to offer everything. Such products have a pathological effect on the organs and tissues of the patient. The man begins to gain weight quickly. If the weight exceeds the norm by one third, only the specialist will help. If there is a need to lose a small part of the weight, you can resort to self-treatment.

Fast food is very harmful with diet

Causes of weight gain

Before you start to lose weight, you need to understand its etiology. There are many reasons for the significant growth of fatty tissue:

  • A young man, suffering from excess weight, could be born in a family where all members are prone to fatness. This factor is called genetic. Excess weight of genetic origin is amenable to adjustment. Lose weight a man can only under the strict supervision of a specialist dietician;
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  • Patients with chronic diseases can gain weight due to medication or complications. Men who have a history of diabetes are most likely to be fat. The fatty deposits of this group of patients are amenable to the drug diet. The doctor selects a drug that will affect the hormonal weight. Patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies are prone to rapid weight gain due to water and salt retention in the body. Cores can quickly lose weight with the help of a "salt-free" diet. It will help to quickly remove salt and leave excess water;
  • povarskoe delo Peculiarities of the profession of a man postpone imprint on the body. Long sitting at the computer or in the car detrimental to the weight of the patient. This group of men can quickly lose weight and bring the figure in order with the help of physical exercises, selected by the coach;
  • An important factor that affects the presence of excess body weight is overeating. Improper food preferences entail a significant increase in weight and have a harmful effect on the entire body. Lose weight such a group of patients can with the help of prolonged physical exertion and dietary intake.

Methods for rapid weight loss

There are three ways for fast weight loss:

  1. Weight loss with medication. The fastest way, but having a lot of side effects;
  2. Weight loss with proper exercise. To select individual training, you need to contact a sports coach;
  3. Fighting overweight with the help of dietary nutrition. This method is the most rational, carries minimal harm to the body, gives a quick result.

For the most visible results, a man needs to resort to several methods at the same time. The correct choice of diet will help to make a dietician. Independently to choose methods of weight reduction it is possible only in the event that the patient is assured that does not have chronic diseases and any pathologies from an organism.

A comprehensive method of weight loss.

To quickly reduce a person's weight by 5 kg per week, you need to use two or more methods. A man who has no contraindications to diet and exercise can use protein nutrition to reduce body weight.

Protein diet and its benefits

Products containing pure protein help to lose weight quickly. Physical activity of a man depends on the muscle tone of the body. Muscles work thanks to the energy produced in the body.

Thermal energy arises in the body due to the constant splitting of proteins.

proper nutrition With constant consumption of pure protein food, the patient's body is in a toned state, the metabolism increases, fat surpluses are actively excreted. For the selection of protein nutrition for a week you need to know the foods rich in protein:

  • Easily digested chicken protein. Egg can be used for salads and snacks;Meat half-finished products from beef and veal. On a quarter consist of protein, long digested in the esophagus;Fillet of chicken and turkey meat. Chicken breast contains a lot of protein and is a hypoallergenic product;
  • Pulses and preserves. Beans and lentils are well absorbed by the body of a man. When eating legumes, there is no feeling of hunger for a long time;Walnuts and peanuts. Nuts are rich in protein and are absorbed by the body for a long time.

The protein diet is widely used by men for rapid weight loss. Observance of protein nutrition allows you to throw off a week from 5 kg or more.
You can use the sample menu for the day. Within a week, you can change products in places or prepare new dishes from protein semi-finished products:

  1. Breakfast. You can cook 150 grams of lentils porridge on the water and shrimp salad. As a drink, use the rose hips;
  2. First snack. Half of the baked apple and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. To drink tea;
  3. Lunch. As the first dish, you can take 200 ml of pea soup, the second - a piece of trout or salmon steamed, and three tablespoons of rice. As a drink you can prepare a decoction of chamomile;
  4. Second snack. As a snack we use 100 g of live yogurt;
  5. Dinner. In the evening he prepares 150 g of boiled beef and 100 g of white beans. As a drink we use fennel tea.

It is necessary to adhere clearly to protein nutrition within a week. Not allowed to drink tea and various fruits. Sugar is prohibited. If a man complies with all the rules, his weight loss can be 5 kg per week.

The man in excellent sports form

Salt Diet and Its Benefits

Rapid weight loss is facilitated by the exclusion of salt and spices from food. The rules of this diet are simple and easy to apply in practice. Products for the salt-free diet are dietary. For a correct diet, a man needs to know the number of calories for consumption per day. Rapid weight loss contributes to reduced caloric content and increased volume of food eaten. In order to correctly understand how to eat during a salt-free diet, you can use an example of a daily diet:

  1. For breakfast, you can cook 150g of oatmeal and half a baked apple. As a drink you can make green tea;
  2. 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins are prepared for the first snack;
  3. For lunch, you can consume 150 ml of chicken broth without salt and 100 g of boiled buckwheat. Drink it with chamomile tea;
  4. You can eat one pear and 100 g of live yogurt for a snack;
  5. Dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime. You can cook 150g of red beans and 100g of boiled fish. You can drink it with black tea without sugar.

"Color Diet" and what is it is

Products for the diet Widespread popularity in the US is gaining power on the "color diet".Its essence consists in the selection of products of one color scale. The benefit of this nutrition is that the products are practically not subjected to heat treatment. This food is well suited to "raw food".To better understand how to make a menu, consider one day of the "color diet":

  1. Breakfast includes a salad of cucumbers, green onions and lettuce leaves. As a drink we use green tea;
  2. You can use defatted cottage cheese for snack, you can drink it with kefir;
  3. Lunch consists of boiled red beans and a piece of trout. It is necessary to drink with briar infusion or red tea;
  4. You can eat half an apple or pear on a snack;
  5. As a dinner, a piece of boiled beef and buckwheat porridge are prepared. Drink necessary black tea.

Supporters of the "color diet" lose weight much faster. All products that have a common color range are well combined and quickly absorbed in the body. Products that are not subject to heat treatment, retain their vitamin-mineral composition.

In order for a man to lose weight quickly and regain his normalcy, he must strictly follow the diet and regularly attend the gym. In the complex weight loss the patient will need the help of a dietitian and a strong desire to lose weight.
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How to get rid of excess weight without pain?
Lose Weight

How to get rid of excess weight without pain?

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