Reference Book Of Medicines

Drug Androgel for increasing potency in men - instructions for use, reviews

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Page content

  • 1 Androgel - properties of the preparation
  • 2 Dosage
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Instructions for use Androgel
  • 6 Side effects
  • 7 Analogues and price
  • 8 Feedback on the application of

The drug Androgel is assigned to increase testosterone levels in the body. The medical name of such a hormonal disorder is hypogonadism. The hormone testosterone is necessary for the human body to develop primary and secondary sexual characteristics, sexual organs. Without this hormone, sexual function will not be maintained.

Androgel - properties of the preparation

androgel composition

The gel Androgel has a transparent color and is available in packs of 25 mg and 50 mg. In a package of 2.5 g contains 25 mg of a hormone. Additional components of the gel are isopropyl myristate, carbopol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, purified water.

Unlike oral androgen drugs, the external application of Androgel does not cause an increase in the level of steroids in the liver. The use of 5 g of the agent causes an increase in the hormone in the blood, on average, by 2.5 ng / ml( 8.7 nmol / L).

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The product is available as a gel and is intended for external application. The drug does not have a negative effect on the liver and does not accumulate various harmful substances in the body. After application, the gel penetrates deeply through the skin layers into the bloodstream and increases the level of testosterone in the body.

Manufacturer of the drug - the company Solvay Pharmaceuticals. Use the drug gel only after the appointment of a doctor. Basically, it is prescribed to eliminate testosterone deficiency. With a deficiency of this hormone, such diseases as a decrease in sexual function, asthenic syndrome, changes in the musculature, a reduction in erection develop.

After application to the skin, about 15% of the drug is absorbed from the dose into the blood. The time of penetration of the hormone into the bloodstream is about 6 hours. During the day, the hormone that enters the bloodstream is evenly consumed by the body. Slow ingress into the bloodstream of the active substance from the skin is the most physiological.

This is the main advantage of the drug compared to other medicines containing testosterone. With delayed penetration of the hormone, there is no peak concentration of androgen, which is observed with the remaining methods of administration. The drug can increase the level of testosterone without the use of injections.

The use of other ways of introducing a hormone into the body can be accompanied by changes in the emotional mood, increased sexual desire and other side manifestations. Androgel is the best way to normalize the hormone in the blood.

testosterone level

The maximum concentration of testosterone is observed after 3-4 days with constant use of the drug. The level of the hormone in the serum begins to increase from the first hour after the application of the gel and reaches a normal value on the second day of treatment. Daily fluctuations of testosterone are similar to changes in the content of endogenous testosterone. With external application of the gel, rapid distribution of the hormone in the blood, which occurs after injections, can be avoided.

After discontinuation of treatment, testosterone concentration begins to decrease approximately 24 hours after the last dose. Concentration returns to the baseline level approximately 72-96 hours after the last dose. If testosterone enters the body at all times, the degree of hormone is maintained for 24 hours.

The drug should be applied 1 time per day, preferably in the morning. After discontinuation of the therapeutic effect lasts for 2-3 days until the metabolites of testosterone dihydrotestosterone and estradiol are completely removed from the body.

The drug belongs to androgenic agents. It should not be used in treatment without a doctor's prescription. Endogenous androgens, which are produced by the testes, are responsible for the development of all sexual organs and the preservation of sexual desire. The hormone has a general effect on the synthesis of proteins, on the development of the skeleton, muscles, the distribution of cellulose. Testosterone lowers the secretion of gonadotropins.

The effect of testosterone on the organs is manifested after the conversion of the hormone into estradiol, then it binds to estrogen receptors in the cells of the body.

Dosage of

Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo an appropriate examination, which will reveal the reasons for lowering the hormone in the body. The dosage of the drug depends on the testosterone levels in the blood. Usually, the doctor prescribes 5 g of the drug per day. During the therapy, the dose can be adjusted, but the maximum gel can be consumed no more than 10 grams per day.

The product can be administered to both men and women. Doctors often recommend taking it during menopause.


The doctor Consultation of a doctor

The main purpose of the drug is substitution therapy with inadequate body production of the hormone testosterone. But the drug gel is also indicated in the treatment of other diseases.

Androgel for men is prescribed in such cases:

  1. androgen deficiency;
  2. testicular dysfunction;
  3. impotence;
  4. underdevelopment of the genitals;
  5. oligospermia;
  6. cryptorchidism;
  7. hypopituitarism;
  8. reduction of erection;
  9. delay in puberty;
  10. infringement of a spermatogenesis at barreness;
  11. menopause syndrome.

Androgel for women is used in such situations:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • hyperestrogenism;
  • menopause;
  • endometriosis;
  • breast cancer.

Reviews for Androgel gel indicate that the product is well tolerated by the human body. Many men who used the remedy note the rapid elimination of erectile dysfunction and the restoration of potency. The drug does not cause side effects.



The drug also has contraindications, so before using it, be sure to read them by reading the instructions. With caution, the gel is prescribed for malignant tumors, cardiac disorders, renal insufficiency. It is also important to consult with your doctor about gel treatment for epilepsy and permanent migraines.

Basic contraindications:

  • malignant tumor of the prostate;
  • prostate cancer;
  • diabetes mellitus( read reviews of the drug Diabenot);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • urination disorders;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • individual intolerance of the agent.

Instructions for use Androgel

The gel should be applied to dry, clean skin of the shoulders, forearms and / or abdomen. The skin should not have scratches, microrails and other damages. Do not apply the product on the genitals, since a high content of ethyl alcohol in the gel can cause irritation of the genitals.

After opening the package, it is important to immediately apply the desired dose to the skin and distribute the product over the skin with a thin layer. You can not rub the product into the epidermis. Then the gel allows to dry completely. Then you need to wash your hands with soap.

Side effects of

The drug may cause some side effects:

  • skin irritation;
  • allergy;
  • dry skin;
  • dizziness;
  • aggression;
  • paresthesia;
  • diarrhea;
  • acne;
  • for erythema;
  • headache;
  • amnesia;
  • changes in the prostate gland;
  • mastodynia.

It is important to consider in the treatment that Androgel refers to hormone medication. If you do not take into account the strict observance of the correct dose of gel, the patient begins to gain weight quickly, and his mood may change. Also, in men, the potency varies-it can be frequent and prolonged.

To avoid side effects, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug until the negative symptoms disappear. Large doses of the gel adversely affect the lymphatic system, blood vessels and cardiac activity.

Interaction with medications

It is extremely cautious to apply Androgel with anticoagulant medications. With simultaneous admission, it is important to keep the dosage of anticoagulants.

Do not combine corticosteroids and adrenocorticotropic hormones with Androgel gel, otherwise tissue swelling may occur. This combination is particularly dangerous in the pathology of the kidneys and liver.

You can not use the product for more than the time specified on the package. The drug should be stored at room temperature for no more than 3 years. For children, the medicine is dangerous.

Gel Androgel refers to hormonal drugs, so it is important to use it in treatment with extreme caution. Do not engage in self-medication, otherwise the medicine can cause irreparable harm to health. Usually, the gel is given to men with a deficiency of the hormone testosterone in the body. If the drug is used according to all the rules and follow the recommendations, take into account the dose, then there is no problem with therapy. You should know that the product includes ethyl alcohol, which can cause irritation and dry skin.

Analogues and price of


Similar medicinal products are:

  • Andriol;
  • Testosterone propionate;
  • Testosterone caprinate;
  • Nebido;
  • Testosterone enanthate.

When choosing an analogue, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. Some remedies may not work. The attending physician can appoint a replacement for Androgel only on the basis of their specific features of the disease and the patient's body.

The price of Androgel, on average, is 2540 - 2610 rubles. The cost of the drug in various pharmacy points can vary in a wide range and depends on individual supplies and margins.

Androgel in the pharmacy can be found without difficulty. The drug is dispensed without a prescription.

Testosterone enanthate

Cost of analogues:

  1. Andriol - 400-500 rubles;
  2. Nebido - 4790 rubles;
  3. Testosterone-propionate - price 387 rubles;
  4. Testosterone caprinate - 580 rubles;
  5. Testosterone enanthate - the price is 1150 rubles.

The drug Androgel - the best way to eliminate the delay of puberty, to cure infertility and to adjust spermatogenesis. Use the product after consultation with your doctor.

With the appearance of various side effects, therapy is stopped until the disappearance of unwanted symptoms and resumed with a reduced dosage of the drug. Androgel is prescribed by physicians only with a lack of testosterone hormone in the body, which is characterized by the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and changes in the structure of the body. The doctor must necessarily exclude possible other causes of the described symptoms.

Before the appointment of the remedy, the patient must exclude the possibility of prostate cancer and undergo a screening. During the therapy, constant monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands and male sexual organs is carried out. In patients who take androgenic agents for a long time, the concentration of the hormone in the blood and the parameters of hemoglobin, hematocrit, are checked, hepatic assays are taken.

For a quick effect in improving potency, we recommend using another drug. Read reviews on the use of M-16 spray.

Feedback on the application of

Review No.1

A sufficiently effective drug for increasing testosterone. Excellent protects the natural hormone in the body with various disorders. I was prescribed a drug in the treatment of infertility. Androgel was appointed to a medical center, whose doctors I fully trust. The course lasted 1 month. During this time, the parameters of the hormone in the blood improved. Regularly I pass or take place inspections on a hormone. While he is normal.

Vasily, 46 years - Moscow

Review №2

Our son has a pathology of sexual development. Doctors appointed the drug Androgel to eliminate it. The gel causes increased tissue growth and forms the correct sexual development. The child tolerates the treatment well. The gel is quickly absorbed and does not cause adverse reactions.

Valentin, 36 years old - St. Petersburg

Review No.3

I was prescribed Androgel treatment for a deficiency of this male hormone. A good tool that regulates testosterone levels. Quickly absorbed. After application, a slight dryness of the skin is felt due to the alcohol contained in the medium. Now she stopped treatment with Androgel. I know that this drug is medicinal and can not be used in sports to build muscle. This can significantly undermine your health. Also you can not engage in self-medication - with hormones, jokes are bad. I used a small amount of gel to apply, so I did not have any problems in treatment. I did not gain too much body weight, and no hair on my face grew.

Ekaterina, 28 years old - Novosibirsk

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