
Hondrolone: ​​instructions for use, reviews and analysis of analogues

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chondrolon Chondrolon is a domestic preparation produced by the company GUP NPO "Immunopreparat" in Ufa.

This is one of the largest Russian companies producing immunobiological products for prevention and treatment. It was founded in 1905.

In the development of Hondrolon used the latest technology, the results of scientific research on the pathogenesis of diseases of the spine and joints.

The need to expand drugs for joints is caused by an increase in the incidence of the population with osteoarthritis: after the age of 50, it is found in 27% of people, and in those over 60 it reaches 90%.Women are more often ill.

The content of the article

  • What is the drug and how does it work?
  • Results of action
  • Assimilation in the body
  • Form
  • How to apply for treatment?
  • To whom treatment with
  • is indicated Who is contraindicated for treatment?
  • Special instructions and side effects
    • Side effects of
    • Features of
    • Is overdose possible?
  • Medication Cost
  • Medications - Analogs
  • Doctors and Patient Say
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What is the drug and how does it work?

The basis of Chondrolon is the substance of chondroitin sulfate. It is a mucopolysaccharide with a high molecular weight.

Main directions of exposure:

  • restoration of impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism in bone and cartilage tissues;
  • inhibition of the destruction process;
  • suppression of enzymatic activity directed to tissue destruction;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of its own protective glycosaminoglycans;
  • restoration of cartilage surfaces and tissue of the joint bag;
  • increased production of intra-articular fluid and normalization of its composition;
  • reduced thrombogenesis in small vessels around the joint bag.

Given all the possibilities of the drug, it is included in a large group of chondroprotectors( drugs that protect and repair joints).The drugs are recommended by the European Antirheumatic League as the basis for the treatment of joint diseases.

Results of the action of

When using chondrolon in patients with joint and spinal diseases,

  • decreases pain;
  • enhanced mobility;
  • function recovery.

The effect of the action begins after two weeks of treatment and persists for a long time.

Assimilation in the body

After intramuscular injection, the concentration of the drug in the blood reaches its maximum value in an hour. Ampoules of chondrolon

Reduction occurs gradually over two days.

It is very important that chondroitin sulfate is able to accumulate mainly in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

Chondrolon well passes through the synovial membrane directly into the joint cavity.

A in the synovial fluid is detected already on the fifteenth minute after administration.

From the liquid, it penetrates into the cartilaginous tissue, where it is detected after 48 hours.

After a day, the decay products are excreted by the kidneys with urine.


The drug is available only in the ampoule form.

No other forms exist. If an ointment or pill is suggested, then it is a fake.

Patients should check the packaging, availability of instructions for use from the manufacturer's company, which always comes with a chondrolon.

Sealed ampoules of 1 ml contain 100 mg of freeze-dried white powder of chondroitin sulfate. In the package there are only 10 ampoules. In addition, there is a solution for injection - sterile distilled water.

Check the expiration date and integrity on each package.

In the modern reference book for physicians, the information is based on the active base substance( chondroitin sulfate).

Under the brand name "Hondrolon" are offered other drugs that have a tablet, capsule and gel form: Chondrohard, Chondroxide.

They should not be confused. Only a doctor can choose the right medicine.

How to apply for treatment?

The drug is given intramuscularly by 1 ampoule every other day. In the syringe, the contents of the ampoule are diluted with sterile water for injection. From the fourth application, the dosage is doubled to 2 ml.

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The average course requires 25 to 30 injections of .

The exact dosage and duration of the primary and repeated courses is determined only by the attending physician.

To whom treatment with

is indicated Chondrolon is actively used in the treatment of joint and spinal diseases caused by dystrophic and degenerative changes. Osteoarthrosis of the spine

These include:

  • arthrosis of large and small joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine.

Note that for other drugs containing chondroitin sulfate, the readings are much wider. In addition to the listed above,

  • periodontitis and parodontosis have been added in dental practice;
  • stimulation of bone growth in fractures.

To whom is the treatment contraindicated?

Contraindications are:

  • the presence of an individual drug intolerance( hypersensitivity);
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • available thrombophlebitis of superficial or deep veins.

Specific guidance and side effects of

No information is available regarding any complications in the treatment of pregnant or lactating women, as in pediatric patients.

The question remains undeveloped, therefore, for the listed categories, Hondrolon is not applied.

Side effect of

An undesirable side effect includes allergic manifestations( itchy skin, facial swelling, urticaria) and hemorrhages at the injection site. In such cases, treatment has to be canceled.


It is proved that the person in alcoholic intoxication Chondrolon does not have a negative effect. But one should think about the advisability of any treatment for violation of the regime.

Significant support of anticoagulant drugs( heparin, indirect anticoagulants, fibrinolysin) should be regarded as significant features of the drug. As a result, their activity may increase.

Therefore, before treatment:

  • should check the blood coagulogram;
  • abolish any anticoagulants.

Coagulogram is performed in the course of a therapeutic course to control coagulation.

Chondrolon can be combined with physiotherapy methods of therapy. The result is amplified.

Is overdose possible?

No cases of drug overdose have been observed.

Cost of medicine

One package( 10 ampoules) Chondrolon can be bought in different regions of Russia at a price of 950-1315 rubles.

Shelf life is 3 years. Be sure to keep the ampoules in the package, at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. The suitability is indicated on the box. In the pharmacy, the drug can be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

Drugs - analogues

Alflutop - analogue There are a lot of preparations of the group of chondroprotectors on the pharmaceutical market. Only a specialist can understand them. Always consider individual action on a particular person.

For the preparation, no contraindicated comorbidities are indicated in the manual( except thrombophlebitis and coagulopathies).Its effect is well controlled by dosage, it does not depend on the absorption in the stomach or intestine. This is a definite plus.

Against the painfulness of injections, not everyone is comfortable with additional pain. Impossibility of intra-articular injections.

Analysis of pros and cons of analogues of Hodrolone: ​​

  1. Alflutop - produced by Biotechnos( Romania) is made from the bones of four species of marine fish, a specific dose of chondroitin sulfate is unclear. You can choose a dosage in ampoules of 1.0, 2.0 ml, in a package of 5 pieces together with five sterile syringes of 2.0.The mechanism of action is based on the stimulation of the production of its own hyaluronic acid. His intramuscular injection schedule is 1.0 ml daily, for a course of 20 injections. But the drug is recommended for intraarticular injections, once every 3-4 days, up to 6 injections per course. The packaging costs 1645 rubles. It turns out that the course of therapy is more expensive than with the use of Hondaxxol.
  2. Artradol - produced by FSUE "Kurskaya Biofactory", the absolute analogue of Chondrolon, there are no differences in dosage, the price is almost 2 times lower( 734 rubles.), But in the package there are only 5 ampoules. Therefore, there are no differences.
  3. Mukosat is produced in Belarus by the company "Belmedpreparat", it is made in the form of lyophilisate with 100 mg( 5 ampoules per pack), capsules and tablets of 0.25 g. It is used for the treatment of children and adults. The cost of 264 rubles.
  4. - manufactured by CJSC Sotex Moscow, the ampoule form is 1.0 and 2.0 ml with a dosage of 100 and 200 mg, respectively. The package contains 5 ampoules and a solvent. The indications are wider than those of Hondrolon due to the treatment of bone fractures. Strengthens the strength of bone callus formation. The course and the scheme of application are the same. The packing price is 1485 rubles. If we consider that this is the cost of only five ampoules, then this is the most expensive drug from the above analogues.

It is unambiguous to say that it is better to have a chondrolon or, for example, Alflutop. Everything depends on the patient's sensitivity, Hondroguard financial possibilities.

All drugs can reduce the dosage of pain medication, give up non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that give side effects.

But it is necessary to clearly determine the dependence of the result on the stage of osteoarthrosis and understand that it is impossible to "grow" a new cartilaginous tissue with only one sulfate of chondroitin. Treatment should last for repeated courses for a long time, perhaps for years. You do not need to expect a quick effect.

Clinical trials showed real positive results after 4-6 months of treatment.

A positive property in the therapy with chondrolone is the absence of serious side effects even with prolonged courses. This confirms the safety in use. Treatment should begin in the early stages of the disease.

Doctors and Patients Say

Reviews of doctors and patients who took Chondrolon.

Which drug to use Chondrolon or another of this pharmaceutical group I do not care. I see that they all have the same effect. I tell patients about the duration of the course, the need for repetition and cost. They rarely buy. They prefer anti-inflammatory ointments.

Krylov F.T.Traumatologist

And I bought my grandmother for the entire course of Hondrolon, I learned to do intramuscular injections and introduce myself. Nothing complicated, I advise everyone, to resort to this method.

Xenia 30 years

I bought the drug by correspondence on the forum, checked the packaging, like the expiration dates are still preserved. I got a discount. I go to the treatment room for injections. Already made 5, felt more free movement.

Valentin 56 years old

Do not repeat my mistake, do not be treated by folk methods. I soared for a long time, applied various compresses, that when the X-ray was done, the doctor established a greater degree of bone destruction. I do not hope to recover any more, at least to move slowly.

Nina Mikhailovna, housewife

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