
Characteristics of male germ cells

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  • Characteristics of seminal fluid
  • Reasons for disruption of the ejaculate
  • Conducting diagnostic measures
  • Possible diagnoses

Sperm morphology is important for the onset of a desired pregnancy. Many men mistakenly believe that the condition of seminal fluid is constant. This is not true. The composition of sperm is affected by various factors. The indicators can vary considerably in each month. To determine the reason for the long absence of conception, you should undergo a full medical examination. This will help determine the characteristics of the sex cells and establish the cause of the deterioration of the reproductive system. Prolonged delay in visiting a specialist can cause serious complications. The development of pathology causes secondary infertility, not amenable to treatment.

Young couple

Seed fluid characteristics

Morphology of germ cells is established using a special analysis. In the study of semen, doctors are interested in the following qualities:

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  • normal movement in a straight line;
  • the correct structure and shape;
  • is a large content of healthy spermatozoa;
  • presence of a constant exchange process.

For the onset of fertilization, it is necessary to have the correct movement. Cell after ejaculation should actively move along the walls of the vagina to the cervix uterus. Rapid movement facilitates penetration into the uterus of a large volume of seminal fluid. This helps to accelerate conception. But not all patients have this quality. During the study of morphology, several types of mobility are defined: straight motion, circular movement, lack of mobility or very slow. Spermatozoons of the first type are suitable for pregnancy. The rest do not participate in fertilization.

The structure and form of the chromosomal carrier is important. Spermogram allows to establish the presence of the following pathologies in the structure of sperm: change in the shape of the head, kinks and flexure of the flagellum, the presence of several tails, the absence of a chromosomal nucleus, additional inclusions in the cavity of the head, the absence of one of the components.

For all types of pathological changes, the cell can actively move. But conception does not occur in this case. The development of pregnancy due to such features gives a violation in the embryo.

Healthy sperm It is necessary to determine the number of healthy spermatozoa. Only one sperm participates in fertilization. So that he can reach a mature egg, you need more than 50% of the correct cells. If the number is less, conception may not occur. The total volume of ejaculate should contain at least 70% of normal germ cells.

Exchange processes are also important. The composition of the ejaculate should be constantly updated. In sperm there are young, mature and old germ cells. Reduction of these processes leads to a decrease in the primary function of the ejaculate. Even the large content of old germ cells does not contribute to the onset of pregnancy.

Causes of a violation of the composition of the ejaculate

The morphology of the sperm depends on many factors. There are various causes that cause changes in the quality of the ejaculate:

  • hormonal factors;
  • presence of accompanying problems in the reproductive system;
  • traumatizing the gonads;
  • wrong way of life;
  • features a profession.

The formation of spermatozoa occurs in paired glandular testicles. The activity of glands depends entirely on the work of the hormonal system. In men, testosterone is the main function. He is responsible for the appearance of signs of sex and helps the development of reproductive function. When the amount of this hormonal substance is insufficient, the activity of the testicles decreases. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of the formed ejaculate.

Pathological is also an increase in the female hormone - estrogen. In large quantities, this substance causes the feminization of a man. Such patients also have certain external symptoms. Considered the presence of a narrow shoulder girdle, a high voice, a reduction in hair style according to the male type. The growth of the fat layer on the abdominal area and hips also increases. The presence of a high level of estrogen leads to a decrease in the activity of the reproductive glands. Eggs can completely stop performing their function.

Health problems Morphology largely depends on the presence of concomitant problems in the reproductive organs. The work of these organs is formed by the activity of the vascular, glandular and hormonal system. Vessels deliver blood to the glands. The organs receive the necessary oxygen with blood. Reducing the supply of oxygen to the tissues leads to a disruption in the function of the testicles. There are various pathologies of vascular tissue. Harm to the reproductive system causes the presence of varicocele. This disease is accompanied by the formation of a small pocket on the vesicles. It is formed due to changes in the quality of the vascular wall. Stretching of individual areas of the vessel leads to the development of this disease. The problem is to reduce the number of oxygen molecules entering the testes. The body continues to function normally. But the metabolic processes decrease. The number of spermatozoa decreases. Morphology worsens.

Other causes of

The problem with conception is observed with the development of prostatitis. This ailment is accompanied by the appearance of inflammation of a different nature in the prostate gland.

Prostate is necessary for a man to produce the basis of the ejaculate. Its composition is important for the mobility and viability of spermatozoa. Prostatitis causes a violation of this ability.

The disease can occur in several ways. Two main types of ailment are considered: acute and chronic. Acute form is easy to determine by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. A man experiences difficulties during urination. There is a temperature and severe pain. Inflammation causes puffiness in the tissues of the prostate gland. Squeezing of neighboring organs leads to a decrease in the production of healthy and active spermatozoa.

The most dangerous is chronic prostatitis. This form of the disease can take a long time. Many patients find out about its presence only at the next medical examination or visit to the andrologist. The severity of this disease is associated with the difficulty of determining the causes that caused inflammation. The doctor is compelled to select an effective method of treatment for a long time. A prolonged course of pathology leads to irreversible changes in the reproductive function. The production of spermatozoa can completely stop.

Level of sugar Also a violation of the morphology of spermatozoa is observed in young people who have a history of diabetes mellitus. The disease causes a change in the hormonal background, vascular tissue and reproductive organs. Against the background of diabetes mellitus, there is a thinning of the walls of the vessels, a change in the amount of testosterone, a decrease in metabolic processes. All these processes lead to a deterioration in the quality of the collected ejaculate. Thanks to diabetes, doctors observe a pathological change in the morphology of spermatozoa.

The morphology of the sperm depends on the health of the reproductive organs. It can be broken due to the receipt of various damages. A severe bruise or cut leads to the squashing of the spermatic canals and cords. Eliminate these problems only after passing the survey. External signs of the problem may not be observed. Deficiency is determined in the course of studying the causes that caused the deterioration of the morphological qualities of the sex cells.

Additional factors

The patient's lifestyle also has a negative impact. For proper functioning of the reproductive organs, active physical activity, useful food and the absence of bad habits are necessary. Low motor activity is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow to the pelvic organs. This leads to a shortage of food supply tissues. The organs cease to function normally. Eggs produce less sperm. The morphology of the produced ejaculate changes.

Smoking and taking a variety of alcohol causes pathological problems in the vascular tissues. The walls are no longer fully reduced. They lose their elasticity. Such habits cause additional disorders not only in the morphology of spermatozoa, but also in other organs.

The patient's diet also plays an important role. Increased consumption of fatty foods, large amounts of salt and sugar provokes the development of a variety of pathological processes. Also there is a set of excess weight. To eliminate the negative changes, you need the help of a nutritionist.

Dangerous for sperm quality and availability of professional features. Prolonged exposure to cold, dampness or heat causes inflammation of the testicles.

Carrying out of diagnostic measures

Morphology is established with the help of spermographic research. To conduct spermogram the doctor appoints a number of preparatory measures. The following conditions should be observed, which allow to obtain the correct result:

  • Sexual Activity termination of sexual activity;
  • elimination of alcoholic beverages from the diet;
  • refusal to visit bathhouses and saunas.

For some time in the seminal fluid there is an accumulation of cells of different ages. The average duration of their viability is 5 days. The formation of young spermatozoa occurs daily. In order to accumulate viable cells of different ages in the seminal fluid, a person must stop sexual activity. The remaining failures are associated with preventing further negative effects on the production of ejaculate.

After the training, the doctor prescribes a spermogram. To study it is necessary to collect one portion of ejaculate. Cells are able to maintain activity only under certain temperature conditions. For this reason, doctors recommend that the collection be done 20 minutes prior to the analysis or immediately before it.

The resulting portion of sperm is placed in special conditions. A small amount of ejaculate is placed on the microscopic glass. The surface of the glass is divided into several zones. The study is conducted on one zone. If the material in it is insufficient, the field expands. With the help of spermogram the doctor establishes the diagnosis.

You can confirm the diagnosis by conducting additional examinations. A variety of negative processes in the reproductive system can be established using an apparatus for ultrasound. Only after these events the doctor is identified with the problem. In some cases, a repeated spermogram is required.

Possible diagnoses

The cause of the deterioration of the morphology is established. The doctor makes a diagnosis. Men are interested in what the following concepts mean:

  • asthenozoospermia;
  • azoospermia;
  • teratozoospermia;
  • nikrospermia;
  • akinospermia.

Asthenozoospermia is diagnosed with a large number of live immobile gametes. They may have little mobility. The presence of such spermatozoa is diagnosed in patients with inflammation, sexual infections and viruses.

Azoospermia is often detected if the rules for conducting preparatory measures are not observed. In the collected ejaculate, the normal content of spermatozoa is not found. Their number does not exceed 2%.In this situation, an additional examination is required.

Teratozoospermia is accompanied by the detection of a large number of abnormal germ cells. Deformation of spermatozoa is observed in chronic infections of the reproductive system.

Nicrospermia is indicated in patients whose spermatozoa completely died. This diagnosis requires confirmation by other analyzes. If such a pathology is confirmed, a man can not conceive.

The quality of semen is taken into account when establishing the causes of infertility in the family. The diagnosis is made in both partners. For a man, a good morphology of spermatozoa matters.

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