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Which sedatives for the nervous system are better and more effective?

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valerian tablets

Contents of the page

  • 1 Soothing: why are they needed?
  • 2 Soothing medicines without a prescription
  • 3 Effective herbal preparations: List of
  • 4 Combined products with sedative effect
  • 5 Soothing tablets
  • 6 Alcohol solutions
  • 7 Soothing medications based on bromides
  • 8 Homeopathic remedies - List of the best
  • 9 Folk remedies with sedativeeffect

Calming agents for adults help to put in order the nervous system and resist the daily stresses that, together with the frenzied rhythm of lifebecame a real scourge of modern society. We all know that to maintain mental health it is necessary to lead a correct and measured way of life, avoid conflict situations and protect personal space from the invasion of personalities that cause negative emotions. In reality, it's not enough for anyone, because it's impossible to fence off from the surrounding world.

Soothing means: what are they used for?


Sometimes, light and short-term stress is even useful - it's a kind of shake-up that makes a person get activated and direct all the forces to solve pressing problems. But when emotional loads become excessive, a time-out is necessary, otherwise everything can end in a nervous breakdown, increasing the likelihood of a severe mental disorder. Avoid this help sedatives from the nerves for adults, which will appoint a qualified specialist.

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Do not listen to advice from friends or a pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy and buy fashionable sedatives that are quite expensive. First, you need to decide what you need medications with a sedative effect. Perhaps you do not sleep well at night, and in the daytime you are in an overly excited state and you are covered with bouts of irritability that do not have the best effect on the relationship with the surrounding people and family members.

In this case, there is no need to take strong tranquilizers or antipsychotics, it is quite possible to dispense with drugs with sedative effect, which are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. What effect does sedation have on the nervous system of an adult?

  • Normalize the functions of the vegetative system and relieve tremors( trembling) of hands, excessive sweating, rapid heart rate, nerve spasms of the intestine and increased anxiety.
  • Weaken the excitability of the nervous system, strengthening the processes of inhibition in the subcortex and thereby, most relieving the attacks of aggression, increased irritability, a tendency to tearfulness and conflict.
  • Sedative drugs facilitate the process of falling asleep, but at the same time, unlike soporific drugs, do not affect the cerebral cortex and do not violate normal physiological rhythms. They only reduce the susceptibility to external and internal stimuli and provide a natural and healthy sleep.

Specialists include specialists in the treatment of neuroses and neurasthenia, they increase the therapeutic effect of taking such powerful drugs as tranquilizers, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, which allows to reduce the dosage of these drugs and prevent unwanted side reactions.

Sedatives are used in the treatment of many diseases, for example, alleviate the condition of a patient with hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, menopause or with heart and vascular problems.

Medications without prescription

Sedatives are released in various dosage forms. On the shelves of pharmacies are presented sedative tablets, drops, solutions, teas or herbal preparations. It is unambiguous to say which of them is the best, it is impossible, because each person is individual and the effect of the use of this or that medicine largely depends on the causes that cause increased irritability and nervousness.

With mild neurotic disorders, declaring themselves sleep disorders and excessive excitability, you can do without medical advice. It is enough to resort to easy sedatives, which are released in a pharmacy without a prescription.

They will help to remove the voltage and reduce the threshold of sensitivity due to the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition. Most often with temporary ailments or in emergency cases, when it is necessary to calm down before an exciting event, use safe sedatives on herbs. With them, and begin our review.

Effective preparations on a plant basis: the list of

Soothing means - motherwort

The healing power of plants has long been used to treat nervous disorders. And today, plant-based preparations are considered the safest for health, since they are not addictive, practically have no contra-indications and side effects and do not have a toxic effect on vital organs.


Extract of this plant is the basis of tablets and tinctures, which are released in pharmacies freely, without a doctor's prescription. From the roots, leaves and stems of valerian prepare a variety of teas, collections and medicines with a soothing effect. For example, they produce briquettes from valerian rhizomes, Valevigran capsules or Sonnick preparation, which, in addition to valerian, contains a complex of vitamins.

Valerian preparations are cheap and affordable, they reduce nervous excitability, help to speed up falling asleep, cope with the effects of daytime stress. In this case, tincture of valerian works much more efficiently than tablets, but because it contains ethyl alcohol, it can not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Take the drug in strict accordance with the instructions, since exceeding these doses can provoke bradycardia( slowing of the heart rate).Valerian-based products are inexpensive - from 30 to 60 rubles.


. Let out tablets with extract of motherwort, alcohol tincture and lily-of-the-valley leaves. In pharmacies offer herbal collection with motherwort, which should be brewed, like tea and take the instructions. The sedative effect of the motherwort is similar to the effect of taking valerian preparations. The average cost of drugs - from 2 to 50 rubles.

Passionflower ( Passiflora)

Passiflora-based drugs are used for normalizing sleep, as well as in complex therapy aimed at eliminating neuroses. Due to plant alkaloids and flavonoids contained in passionflower, it is possible to cope with increased anxiety, get rid of irritability, obsessive conditions, unreasonable fears.

In addition to the sedative effect, the products with passionflow provide an easy spasmolytic and anticonvulsant action and help get rid of the headache. Tablets and syrup Alora on the basis of passionflower is suitable for women in menopause. The price of drugs - from 70 rubles.


A tincture of peony and tablets is produced based on the extract of this plant. It is recommended to use for symptoms of vegetative - vascular dystonia and manifestations of neurasthenia. The pion preparations act gently, have almost no contraindications, their use in stress helps to strengthen the nervous system and helps to withstand the adverse effects of external factors. The cost of medicines is from 30 to 80 rubles.

St. John's Wort

St. John's wort extract is a part of the tablets of Negrustin, Deprim and Neuroplant, which, simultaneously with a sedative effect, exhibit the properties of an antidepressant.

The intake of such tablets in depression relieves increased anxiety and irritability, improves mood and normalizes the functions of the autonomic and central nervous system. Average price of Negrustin - from 180 rubles, Neuroplant - from 360 rubles.

Combined funds with sedative effect.


. A list of sedatives is supplemented with preparations created on the basis of combinations of herbal ingredients. They provide a pronounced sedative effect and quickly cope with the effects of stress.


Combined sedative based on valerian, passionflower, St. John's Wort, Melissa, hops, hawthorn, elderberry and guaifenesin. The drug is released in the form of tablets and drops and is prescribed for nervous overwork, stress, mild forms of neurasthenia, accompanied by a headache and unreasonable fears.

This remedy is often included in the complex treatment of insomnia, migraine, menopause, irritable bowel syndrome, itchy dermatoses caused by psychological causes. Dosage should be selected individually. With special care, the drug is used with a tendency to allergic reactions, epilepsy, diseases of the digestive tract. The price of the drug is from 220 rubles.


Melissa-based tablets, valerian extract and ethanol facilitate the process of falling asleep and help to eliminate unnecessary nervousness. Restriction to their use is the period of pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance, kidney failure. The cost of a sedative is 340 rubles.

Persen( Persen Forte)

Many patients believe that Persen is the best and fastest sedative for nerves. The drug Persen is available in tablets, Persen Forte - in capsules. Their composition is almost identical, both products contain a combination of extracts of mint, melissa and valerian, only in the capsules of valerian is 2.5 times larger.

Both drugs help to normalize sleep, relieve nervousness and anxiety, alleviate depressive conditions. Restriction to use is children's age( up to 3 years), pregnancy, lactation, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, low blood pressure. Medicines are not recommended for use longer than 2 months, otherwise there are problems with bowel movement. The cost of drugs - from 250 rubles.

Drops Phytosed

The basis of the medicine is the extracts of lemon balm, coriander, oats, hops, motherwort and sweetbread, dissolved in an alcohol base. The content of ethanol limits the use of the drug for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding and for men who drive vehicles.

It is undesirable to use this remedy with reduced blood clotting. The drug is recommended for fighting increased nervousness, its reception helps to eliminate anxiety and nervous tension, reduces fatigue by improving sleep. The price of drops is from 80 rubles.

A good sedative effect is also distinguished by combined plant doses, which can be found in the department of phyto-drugs. Phytosedan 2 and 3 vegetable collections are popular with pharmacies visitors, including herbs such as

  • sweet clover,
  • motherwort,
  • mint,
  • oregano,
  • valerian,
  • licorice,
  • thyme

Herbs are packaged in special filter bags,which brew like tea and take several times a day before meals. Such fees have an antispasmodic and soothing effect and are recommended for sleep disorders, migraines, increased nervous excitability and high blood pressure.

Calming tablets

The most powerful sedative effect is shown by drugs from a group of tranquilizers and nootropics, many of them are released only by prescription. For example, such a tool as Phenibut.

Phenibut tablets

are based on aminophenyl hydrochloride hydrochloric acid, their action is directed to the unimpeded transmission of the nerve impulse and the improvement of nerve cells( neurocytes) nutrition. The drug is intended to eliminate psychopathological disorders:

  1. anxiety states,
  2. neurasthenia,
  3. autonomic disorders,
  4. insomnia.

This remedy is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment for alcoholism, and is prescribed before surgery to increase the effect of anesthesia.

Phenibut intensifies the action of hypnotics, relieves attacks of dizziness and headache. At children it appoint in the course of treatment of a stammering and nervous tics, and also apply at a motion sickness and other vestibular frustration.

Contraindications to use - pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance, peptic ulcer, liver pathology. The drug can cause serious side effects, so take it under the supervision of a doctor, short courses.

Afobazol tablets - instructions for use and reviews of the drug

Tablets Afobazole

A drug from a group of tranquilizers, with a strong sedative effect. Released without a doctor's prescription. Reception of the drug normalizes the functions of the nervous system, helps to relax, relieves tension and acts gently, without sleeping pills. The course of treatment Afobazol helps to cope with increased anxiety, fears, anticipation of troubles and defeat excessive emotional tearfulness.

As a result, you will get rid of the organic manifestations of fear and anxiety - rapid breathing and palpitations, tremors, dry mouth, excessive sweating. The drug is well tolerated, does not cause side effects. But in people with hypersensitivity can trigger allergic reactions. Afobazol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Its cost starts from 280 rubles.

Tablets Tentenen

Inexpensive and safe sedative without drowsiness and inhibition during admission. Strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes the emotional background, reduces nervous tension, irritability, provides a good mood and positive perception of the world around us.

It is recommended for taking with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions caused by regular stresses. It copes well with vegetative frustration, irritability, fears, improves memory and the ability to assimilate a large amount of information. There are no side effects, contraindications have practically no( except for individual sensitivity).The average cost of Tenoten is from 170 rubles.

Alcohol solutions


Calming agents in the form of drops act much faster than tablets, and in emergency situations help relieve nervous tension and eliminate disturbances of the heart rhythm. Before use, such drops should be dissolved in water in a certain dose, indicated in the instructions to the drug.


In the solution - extracts of mint, hops + phenobarbital + ethyl bromizovalerianate. This is an effective and cheap sedative, which is taken with insomnia, excessive anxiety, heart neuroses. It is used in short courses, as with long-term admission causes:

  1. depressive states,
  2. conjunctivitis symptoms,
  3. rhinitis,
  4. dizziness,
  5. impaired coordination,
  6. increased drowsiness.

Not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver and kidney disease. The price of the drug is from 70 rubles.


The composition of this agent is almost identical to Valocordin, but there is no hops extract in this preparation. Its effect on the nervous system is not so pronounced, but Corvalol helps to eliminate the symptoms of cardiovascular disorders( spasms, palpitation) reduces pressure, relieves nervous tension in case of failures in the vegetative system, relieves intestinal spasms.

However, when taking the drug, there is increased drowsiness, slowing of the heart rhythm, dizziness, possibly the development of allergic reactions. The price of the medication is from 65 rubles.

In addition, inexpensive and effective alcohol solutions based on belladonna, lily of the valley, valerian, oregano, melissa, St. John's wort, orange, lavender are popular with the population. In the list of claimed funds:

  • Drops Zelenin;
  • Valosercin;
  • Valosedan;
  • Valocormid;
  • Nervous flux.

Composition of such preparations is supplemented with such components as menthol, phenobarbital, ethyl ether, which allows to achieve a pronounced sedative effect in cardioneurosis, insomnia, disorders of the vegetative system.

Medications based on bromides

Adonis Brom

Bromine-based sedatives are released in the form of drops or mixtures, their action is aimed at eliminating the imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain and the normalization of the functions of the nervous system. For men, such remedies are absolutely safe, they have no effect on sexuality and do not cause a decrease in sexual desire. Although everyone knows the anecdotes about the army life and tea with bromine tincture, which completely discourages the soldiers from fantasizing about a sexual topic.

Bromides are safe when used correctly, however long and uncontrolled administration of such drugs in high doses threatens with severe intoxication of the body. Therefore, take sedatives containing bromine, you need in strict accordance with the instructions. Popular bromides:

Tablets Adonis Brom

Contain glycoside goricvet and potassium bromide. It is recommended to be taken with a neurotic syndrome, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm and manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The drug can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, digestive system disorders. Contraindication to admission is peptic ulcer, pregnancy, lactation, heart pathologies( angina, bradycardia).


Tablets provide a soothing effect, enhance the inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Are shown at an anxiety, excitability, disturbances of a dream, jumps of arterial pressure.

Taking the drug may cause daytime drowsiness, blockage, apathy, dyspeptic manifestations, or hypersensitivity reactions.

Homeopathic remedies - a list of the best

Adherents of homeopathy recommend the following remedies that provide a soothing effect:

  • Valerianachel;
  • Notta;
  • Calm;
  • Edas 306;
  • Gelarium;
  • Nevesed;
  • Leovit;
  • Nervohel.

The basis of these drugs are combinations of plant components and sweeteners. Homeopathic granules must be absorbed under the tongue. So active substances quickly penetrate into the blood and in a few minutes have the necessary therapeutic effect.

Folk remedies with the soothing effect of

Mint increases or lowers pressure

Herbalists have long been using herbal remedies for the treatment of nervous disorders. To this end, prepare decoctions, infusions and teas on the basis of medicinal herbs, showing a sedative and relaxing effect. Which plants have similar properties? First of all, it's all known:

  • valerian,
  • motherwort,
  • mint,
  • melissa,
  • clover.

It is these herbs that pharmacists include in the composition of many medications with sedative( sedative) action.

In addition, well relieves stress decoction broth, peony tincture or tea with St. John's Wort. You need to use these funds several times a day. To eliminate insomnia and ease the process of falling asleep, drink soothing tea or a medicinal decoction you need half an hour before going to bed.

Herbal teas can be recommended to children and pregnant women, as it is always possible to choose the optimal, safe composition that will not harm the body. As for the ingredients that make up the basis of such tea, you can consult with your doctor beforehand to find out possible contraindications.

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