
Folk methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis: grandmother's recipes and tips

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folk remedies for rheumatoid arthritis Systemic chronic connective tissue disease rheumatoid arthritis is of an autoimmune nature.

This disease leads to the defeat of small joints, a violation of their functions. In addition to the traditional treatment of arthritis, there are many folk ways of getting rid of it.

They are more accessible than medicines and have a high degree of effectiveness. Consider the main aspects associated with the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies.

Contents of the article

  • Summary of the disease
  • Place of folk methods in the treatment of the disease
  • Lifestyle of the patients
  • Complex of therapeutic physical exercises
  • Formula of nutrition
  • Folk recipes

About the disease

The reasons for its occurrence are still unknown. The autoimmune nature of arthritis is discussed.

This means that the immune system triggers the mechanism of damage to the joint cells, which leads to a gradual deformation. Until now, official medicine does not know the reason that rebuilds the work of the immune system. This fact significantly complicates the treatment of the disease.

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Inflammatory lesion of the articular tissue is characteristic. As a rule, there is a bilateral inflammation of the joints of one group. Most bruises, knees, neck joints.

The patient is concerned about soreness in the joints, especially during palpation( palpation).The skin over the joints of rheumatoid arthritis is reddened, its edema is noted.

After a long period of rest( especially at night), the patient feels stiffness of movements, and he needs to "diverge" for a while.

Patients notice that their appetite worsens, weight decreases, fast fatigue develops.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a "wavy" course, that is, periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of remission.

As the development of the disease develops deformation of the joints of varying severity.

Place of folk methods in the treatment of the disease

If necessary, rheumatoid arthritis can be treated at home with the help of grandmother's advice and recipes.

The treatment is aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease, restoring the disturbed metabolism in the joint, preventing further destruction of it, and preserving its functions.

Therapy of the disease should be carried out under the constant supervision of narrow specialists. Having made the decision to be treated with folk remedies, it is necessary first of all to consult an arthrologist, orthopedist, and also a physiotherapist.

Therapy is very time-consuming, so patients need patience.

The main folk methods and tools that are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis:

  • phytotherapy;
  • proper nutrition;
  • gymnastics;
  • baths, lotions;
  • home ointments.

Herbal preparations Herbal preparations can be used in combination with other drugs, including traditional medicine.

After regular intake of herbal decoctions and infusions, the first signs of improvement are observed after two to three weeks. A strong therapeutic effect occurs within one year after the start of treatment.

Important in popular therapy is proper nutrition. It excludes exacerbation of the disease and slows down further destruction of the joints.

The use of curative gymnastics, as well as external therapeutic agents, slows down the course of the disease and contributes to the preservation of their normal functions.

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Lifestyle of patients

People suffering from this disease should take care of their joints with the utmost care. They are absolutely not recommended to run. However, it is also not recommended to be without traffic. It is necessary to constantly maintain muscle tone, ligaments, and joints in the tonus.

Instead of running it is advisable to choose slow walking in the park, walk in the fresh air. For patients, swimming is beneficial, but only on condition that the water is comfortable, not icy.

It is permissible to engage in fitness, aerobics, but again without unnecessary loads.

Complex of therapeutic physical exercises

This disease shows a complex of therapeutic physical exercises. They are recommended to do in the morning, but that they do not cause fatigue:

  1. Being in bed, slowly turn your head to the left and right.
  2. Slowly raise your arms and lower them.
  3. Compress the hands and bend your fingers to the point that they are slightly strained. There should be no pain.
  4. Slowly bend your legs in your lap. exercises for arthritis
  5. Slow knee bends left and right. They must be done within the limits available for movement, so that there is no sensation of pain.
  6. Alternately raise the left and right leg.
  7. While in the position on the left side, take the right leg out. Repeat the same for the right side and left foot.
  8. Bend your arms at the elbows. Perform rotational movements in the shoulders. The elbows should describe the rotational movements, with the greatest possible amplitude.
  9. Slowly raise and lower hands.

All these exercises must be repeated three to five times.

During the day, the complex of exercises should be repeated, gradually increasing the number of exercises.

Suffering rheumatoid arthritis should be taken into account that they are strictly prohibited from smoking and drinking alcohol. These bad habits significantly complicate the course of the disease, and also worsen the condition of the joints.

Nutrition formula

Cod liver A diet with this disease should improve the condition of the joints and not provoke their deformation.

First of all, the daily diet should contain omega-3 acids.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the joints.

The main sources of such acids are:

  • fish oil;
  • cod liver;
  • nuts;
  • linseed oil;
  • is a fatty fish.

To relieve the symptoms of the disease, it is very important to eat dishes containing tryptophan.

This amino acid facilitates the course of rheumatoid arthritis.

The best sources of tryptophan are:

  • peanuts;
  • beans;
  • soy milk;
  • seeds.

Vegetables and fruits are of great value for patients as sources of vitamins. The same applies to eggs. However, when the content of a large amount of cholesterol in the blood, these products should be restricted on the contrary.

It is useful to eat bread from wholemeal flour or with bran: these foods contain a large number of B vitamins. It is also necessary that the menu contains vitamins D and C.

Remember that the disease usually causes the following products:

  • citrus;
  • milk;
  • products from rye flour;
  • corn products;citrus
  • oatmeal;
  • pork meat;
  • cocoa;Tomatoes, peppers, potatoes;
  • spices;
  • rich broth;
  • hard cheese.

They should be limited in the diet. Food should be fractional and sparing.

Folk recipes

Herbs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis relieve pain and inflammation in the joint. Here are a few simple recipes for cooking decoctions against this disease:

  1. Celery .Phytotherapists consider it a miracle cure for the treatment of the disease. Prepare fresh juice and drink it two teaspoons three times a day.
  2. Tanning decoction is an effective remedy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The broth is prepared as follows: one glass of boiling water is taken 5 grams of flowers. It must be brought to a boil and held on fire for one minute. The glass is drunk for several meals in one day.
  3. For a tincture of sunflower seeds take 25 grams of heads with petals and pour them 200 ml of alcohol. The capacity to close and infuse the mixture is 5 days in a dark place. Then it is filtered and drunk with pain - 25-30 drops, three times a day.
  4. For burdock burdock is used. For this, the roots of the plant must be crushed.4 tablespoons of raw material is poured with 8 - 9 liters of water and boiled for up to seven minutes. The broth is cooled to room temperature. In it it is necessary to wet the sheet, squeeze it and wrap it around the body. From above it is better to wrap yourself in a blanket. So it is necessary to lie down for several hours. decoction of sunflower
  5. The broth of the elm must be taken internally. To prepare the broth, take a young shoot, peel it from the bark, dry it and grind it. The resulting powder is brewed in the form of tea.
  6. Improves joint health infusion of herb thistle .Two tablespoons of chopped dry herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and insist. Drink half a glass three to four times a day.
  7. For preparation of the ointment, it is necessary to mix a chicken yolk, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and as much turpentine. Ointment is applied to the affected joints every day.

Folk remedies are a good alternative in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

They show good efficacy and almost complete absence of side effects.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to be patient, since the people's treatment of this disease is long.

Help to save joints and prevent their defeat therapeutic exercise, diet.

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