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Stretch marks on the hands of a stronger sex

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  • Etiology of striae
  • Reasons for striae
  • Symptomatic of striae
  • Methods of elimination

Stretch marks on the hands of men appear under the influence of various reasons. Strings in themselves do not pose a threat to man. The problem is aesthetic. To get rid of them you need to put a lot of effort. The correct approach to treatment helps to quickly eliminate the scar and normalize the production of its own cells. For a good effect, you need the help of a dermatologist. The doctor will choose the right food and prescribe the necessary procedures.


The etiology of the striae

The skin of a man consists of several layers. A deep layer is called a dermis. Dermis is the thickest layer of skin. It contains various glands, cells. Their food is provided by capillaries. If the process of development of new cells is disturbed, then a microtrauma appears. The wound is tightened by cells that form scar tissue.

Scar tissue is significantly different from the underlying skin. It does not have the ability to stretch, does not have elasticity.

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The scar on the skin appears gradually. At the first stage of development on the body appears a slight reddening, which gradually acquires a cyanotic shade. After that, a small red strip appears on the surface. This is a young stretch. Gradually, the cells of the scar tissue tighten the entire wound, and the scar becomes lighter.

Completely white stretching is considered old. Measures to remove stretch marks must be taken at the first stage of development.

Causes of striae

Stretch marks on hands arise for various reasons. The stretching of the skin is affected by the following factors:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • A dramatic increase or decrease in body weight;
  • Protein nutrition;
  • Neurological disorder;
  • Microtraumammation of the skin.

Teenager-athlete A frequent cause of the appearance of stretch marks is a hormonal change. In a male body, testosterone plays a role. It affects the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the functioning of the reproductive system. At the same time, its level can vary significantly. The main jump in hormones occurs in men during adolescence. The boys are gaining in height and weight. Internal organs do not have time to gain the necessary sizes. Skin sharply stretched. There are microcracks on the dermis. During this period, stretch marks may appear on the arms.

A significant change in the development of scars is a sudden change in body weight. Striae can appear both with weight loss and when typing. The reason for changing body weight is often an improper intake of food. The increase in body weight is affected by fatty, fried and heavy food. Also, a one-time supply norm is not observed. With a sedentary lifestyle, the weight of a man increases dramatically. On the inside of the shoulder joint is a large number of mast cells. These cells retain fat in the subcutaneous tissue. Their localization is associated with the presence of lymph nodes in the armpit. To protect the nodes from hypothermia, the body lays fat on their surfaces. With a sharp set of weight, the hands of the man quickly grow fat. This leads to the development of stretch marks.

With a sharp decrease in body weight, a similar problem arises. An improperly chosen diet has a devastating effect on the health of internal organs. Rapid weight loss leads to stress in the body. In this case, cells that accumulate fat can die. There is a dermal pouch on the shoulder joint. The sagging skin is covered with a lot of stretch marks. Removal of striae in this case is very problematic.

Many men dream of having a pumped-up body and a tightened figure. Doing sports is not the only way to increase the mass of the muscle frame. Many athletes resort to the reception of protein nutrition. Cocktails of protein together with training give a quick desired effect. Muscles of the man on hands type necessary weight. Rapid expansion of the muscular skeleton leads to ruptures of the inner layers of the skin. In men engaged in strength training, stretch marks appear on the arms, abdomen and the femoral region.

When the protein diet is observed, the areas affected by stretch marks proliferate rapidly. Therapy is carried out only with the help of special apparatus. Compresses and ointments do not help in this case.

The nervous system also has a deleterious effect on the condition of the epidermis. Under the influence of impaired transmission of impulses, the supply of oxygen to the cells of the dermis fails. With a lack of oxygen, some cells die. Cracks develop on the surface, which gradually cicatrize. To stop the appearance of stretch marks on the background of neuralgia, you need to undergo a test, and drink a course of medications.

Contusion of the hand Microtrauma of the dermis can appear on the hands and because of a fall or a severe injury. In this case, the patient has a small piece of stretch on the damaged area. Avoid the appearance of striae with trauma can be with the help of special ointments, which contribute to increased blood circulation. Blood increases the trophic nutrition of tissues. Dermal cells are quickly restored.

Symptomatic of striae

Various symptoms serve as signs of the appearance of striae. When stretching on the hands of the patient, there are signs such as:

  • Burning on the affected area;
  • Reddening of the damaged area;
  • Hematomas and bruising on the arm.

The first symptom of damage to the dermis is the burning sensation in the affected area. Burning is accompanied by microtraumas of the skin. In some cases, the symptom is accompanied by itching and a little hives. Gradually, the skin appears reddening in the form of a band. The bar increases in size. Under the epidermis there is bruising or bruising. After healing, the stretch marks out above the skin. This period can last up to 6 months. Full formation of stretching occurs within a year.

Methods of elimination

Therapy stretch marks on the hands depends on her age. Young striae are easier to medicate. Older stretch marks should be removed only by the hardware method.

To remove young stretch marks on the hands, such drugs as "Kontraktubeks", "Avent - cream from stretch marks", "Mustela" are used."Kontraktubeks" refers to medicinal products. The action of the gel is based on acid. Acid burns the upper layer of scar tissue and completely destroys it. The acid is an extract of onions. Due to the plant composition, the gel does not cause allergic reactions. Also, the extract stimulates the production of its own collagen. There is a replacement of scar tissue with the epidermis. Young stretch marks with the help of a cream are quickly eliminated.

Mustela and Avent refer to cosmetic products. These creams are used at the stage of the appearance of itching or burning. Later terms have no significant effect. Men should not hesitate to purchase these funds. Timely impact on the stretch will help to quickly eliminate it.

Removing stretch marks Older striae should only be removed using the hardware method. To remove the striae, such methods of influence are used, as:

  • Laser removal;
  • Skin polishing;
  • Acidic effect;
  • Cleavage by mesoprocess.

Modern cosmetologists often use the laser method. It is not traumatic for a man and gives a quick visible effect. Under the influence of laser heat, scar tissue melts. The thermal effect enhances and regenerates the dermis. For several sessions of laser therapy stretching disappears completely. The downside of therapy is price. If the arm has several stretch marks, the treatment will be costly.

Another effective method is the grinding of the skin. A stream of microparticles is sent to the scar tissue, which breaks the cells. After that stretching becomes more smooth and light. The downside is the incomplete removal of large stretch marks.

Acid peeling is well proven in the treatment of striae. A special acid is applied to the stretch surface, which contains fruit extracts. Acid burns the upper layers of the rumen, there is a massive death of cells. The dead cells are gradually peeled off the surface of the stretch. The procedure is repeated until the scar disappears completely. In some cases, up to 20 sessions are necessary for a cosmetologist.

Mesotherapy is considered a new way to eliminate striae. This method is based on the direct effects of medications. The drug is injected through microneedles into the stretch under oxygen pressure. Oxygen molecules rapidly spread the drug over the stria cells. Cells die, a young epidermis is formed. This effect brings discomfort. The procedure can not be called painless. The effect of it is fast and noticeable.

Scarring of the skin in men is quite common. Modern conditions of the surrounding world affect the pathological processes in the body. Stretching is not a problem to be feared. They are easily eliminated with proper treatment.

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