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Yoga in the hernia of the lumbosacral spine - detailed information

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Eastern methods are not always given due attention because of their specificity and the lack of need to take some heavy and habitual drugs. So, yoga can help to relieve the discomfort in the hernia of the lumbosacral section. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the information provided and to start preparing for classes.

Yoga with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine

Yoga in hernia of the lumbosacral spine

Content of the material

  • 1 Causes for the development of a hernia of the lumbosacral
  • 2 Preparation for yoga in the hernia of the lumbosacral
  • 3 Restrictions and features for yoga
    • 3.1 Video - Exercises for a spinal hernia
  • 4 Basicasanas with a hernia of the lumbosacral section
  • 5 Recommendations for the implementation of asanas in the treatment of hernia

Causes for the development of a hernia of the lumbosacral department

FactorThere are several reasons for the development of the disease at once.

  • traumatizing any part of the spine that can trigger a pathological process due to swelling and bruising of the tissues, and it can begin several months after the stroke;
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  • insufficient amount of water in the tissues, which leads to a significant thinning of the connective tissue between the vertebral discs;
  • , when enthusiastic about vegetarian culture, the body is deprived of all the useful amino acids that are needed to build muscle and connective tissue between the vertebrae;
  • sedentary lifestyle can also provoke a hernia, since the spine will not receive sufficient load, which can lead to partial atrophy of connective tissue and muscles;
  • at constant excessive loads on the body, especially when accompanied by abrupt movements, vertebral discs may begin to sag, which will result in the development of a hernia;
  • constant sitting or standing in uncomfortable poses, which leads to an incorrect distribution of the load along the entire spine.
Development of a herniated intervertebral disc

Development of herniated intervertebral disc

In the table you can see not only the causes, but also the percentage of patients who fell ill herniation of the lumbosacral department due to a specific factor.

Cause Number of patients
Injury 15%
Insufficient amount of water in the body 2%
Failure of meat and dairy products 5%
Sedentary life 21%
Increased burden on the spine 45%
Constant sitting in an uncomfortable position 12%

Attention! The above statistics can not take into account all cases of spinal cord injury, since all patients can not take part in the survey.

Preparing for yoga practice with a hernia of the lumbosacral

Before starting to practice yoga, it is necessary to undergo a preparatory stage, which will allow the body to receive maximum strength and energy from the eastern therapy. Approximate menu of the correct power supply

  1. Completely reconsider the food, having made a ration with necessary quantity of fiber, fats and carbohydrates. Calculate the specific indicators will help a dietician who will weigh the patient, determine his BMI, review the history and current status of the patient. Only a sufficient number of vitamins and beneficial microelements will restore the exchange balance in the body, which will significantly strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Complete refusal from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Their derivatives remove and oxidize a significant portion of useful micro-substances. This negatively affects the condition of the whole organism, including the spine. Especially dangerous in the presence of bad habits is the loss of calcium, which is responsible for the strength and strength of bone tissue.
  3. Have a full sleep and give up considerable physical exertion. This is necessary to ensure proper rest of the spine and relieve the load from it. If the patient will be in a sitting position for a long time, walk and exercise heavy physical exertion, the hernia will cause more and more discomfort, which can also lead to surgical intervention.
Before performing asanas, it is necessary to ensure a full rest of the spine and relieve the load

Before performing asanas, it is necessary to ensure a full rest of the spine and relieve the load

. Attention! When choosing a yoga for the removal of symptoms of a hernia of the spine, it is necessary to strictly follow the techniques. If you break them, there may be a pinch of nerves, a displacement of the discs and a proliferation of hernia.

Restrictions and features when practicing yoga

In the presence of a history of hernia of the lumbosacral section, all yoga exercises should exclude strong physical activity and activity, because of this, the symptoms of the disease greatly improve. When performing asanas there can be no specific time for classes, as everything depends on the complexity of the illness, the condition of the patient and his age.

If the pose suddenly brings pain or seems excessively difficult, you need to see a doctor who will replace the asana or help you find out the cause of the pain. Sometimes it lies in the violation of the technique of doing the pose. The maximum number of repetitions of the complex is three, since increased fatigue does not benefit patients and can provoke even stress and depression.

It is worthwhile to understand that despite the positive aspects of the technique, there are a number of limitations for it, including the lack of a medical examination and the age of patients under six years old. Sometimes for lessons it will be necessary to use a rug and other improvised means.

Attention! Yoga exercises affect the whole body, increasing its immunity and resistance to external infections and pathogens.

Video - Exercises for hernia of the spine

Basic asanas with a hernia of the lumbosacral department

Specialists and instructors distinguish only five postures that must be observed and followed in the presence of the described diagnosis in the anamnesis. Only they will give real results and at the same time they will not cause harm to the whole organism and will not complicate the disease.

  1. Urdhvottanasana .It is necessary to take a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. With a perfectly even back, gently untwist your hands behind your head and form a lock with your brushes. After that it is necessary to change the position of the hands. With each sigh, the knuckles are first looked up, then the inner side of the palms. Breathe should be slow and slow to rotate with your hands. Be sure to draw in your belly and keep the entire torso taut.


  2. Asan dog face down .First you need to accept the starting position. On elongated hands, fix your fingers on the straight foot, it is also desirable to keep your legs straight and together. After that, smoothly on the breath, we roll on toes, and then with the next breath on the heels. The back should not change its position. Once you can no longer perform the asanas, it must be completed smoothly, with your hands behind your head and secure them to the castle. The back also remains bent. After standing for 10 seconds in this position, you can either network or stand up.
    Asan dog face down

    Asan dog face down

  3. Urdhva svanasana .The starting position is the same as in the second asana. But at the same time the legs should be spread over the width of the shoulders, and the shoulder part should be pressed to the trunk. Then repeat the rolling, as in the previous pose. This exercise is the only one that experts recommend performing until noticeable fatigue.
  4. Butterfly .First you need to lie down and place your legs and arms out to the sides at the most convenient angle. After that, on inhalation, it is necessary to raise the legs in a straight position, and when exhaling, lower them and dilute again in the sides.
  5. Shavasana .According to the patients, this posture is the most pleasant, since it does not require any physical exertion. It allows you to relax and relieve tension. To perform, it is necessary to lie on the floor on the stomach or on the back, assuming any convenient position. In this case, the body should be relaxed as much as possible. Despite the seeming simplicity, this asan is one of the most difficult. In this position, you can even fall asleep, as this will speak about the maximum level of relaxation.


Attention! To begin treatment and training is necessary with a single repetition of each asana. Gradually, the load should be increased and engaged for at least half an hour. If the back begins to get tired, it's better to stop the exercises.

Recommendations for the implementation of asanas in the treatment of hernia

When performing these exercises, you can gradually add other asanas, but you should consider several important wishes:

  • should not perform asanas if it causes significant discomfort and painful sensations;
  • always perform all movements gently, smoothly, leisurely without sudden movements;
  • the first five sessions should be abandoned to perform asanas that require twisting, since the body needs to get used to the loads;
  • the resulted asanas after accustoming, on it it is necessary literally 5-10 days, it is necessary to execute three times a day every day;
  • if it is impossible or difficult to do some movement, leave it or gradually train, so as not to damage your back;
  • do not think that the first session will remove all the symptoms from you;
  • yoga is worth doing all my life, since even complete withdrawal of symptoms does not guarantee that the disease will not return and not become complicated again.
Yoga is worth doing all my life

Yoga is worth doing all my life

Attention! After this set of exercises, the patient will notice how gradually the spine will improve, the muscles will become more elastic and it will be easier to transfer incoming loads.

Observance of the recommendations and systematic implementation of the described postures for the removal of hernia and removal of its symptoms from the lumbosacral section will make it possible for several sessions to feel a real improvement in their condition.

To prevent complications, to do yoga better under the guidance of a competent instructor and consult with your doctor beforehand. Sometimes a specialist can limit the number of allowed asanas until the patient is accustomed to a new load for him.

In addition, a doctor may advise combining yoga with other techniques. It is useful to perform therapeutic massage, take relaxing baths. If necessary, drugs will be prescribed. This is the only way to forget about problems with the back and spine for a long time.

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