
The baby belches coagulated milk with mucus, with a sour smell, after eating

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1 What is a reflex and what are the reasons for its development?

This reflex does not cause discomfort to the baby. If a child is older than six months, and he drinks water, then regurgitation will be out of the water. The cause of regurgitation can be difficult birth. But when this happens, the parents begin to worry, as this phenomenon makes you watch the consistency of the liquid, volume and color. Most often this process occurs lying down, then there is a danger of drowning, so you need to immediately turn the child to the barrel, or, in his arms, put on his shoulder. Simple rules related to feeding will help reduce the amount of food return, and you will not have to wait for a doctor.

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  • The reasons that a child regurgitates with coagulated milk can be:

    1. Too much food intake. The body itself begins to return excess food. This is especially true for infants on artificial feeding. If there is not enough fat in the mother's milk, the baby tries to eat more and overeats, and the ventricle does not cope, and as a result, regurgitation occurs. After this comes the hiccup.
    2. Excess air. If it is incorrect to apply to the breast or there is a big hole in the nipple of the bottle, the baby swallows the air together with the milk. This also happens if during feeding the baby cries.
    3. Immaturity of muscles. There may be an underdevelopment of the sphinker, which is a muscle located between the esophagus and the stomach, which prevents food from entering the esophagus. This happens in preterm infants and in children with low birth weight.
    4. Dysbacteriosis with non-observance of the diet of nursing.
    5. Low-quality mixture. Stirring may manifest itself as a reaction to some components of the mixture.

    2 Differences from vomiting

    Vomiting differs from regurgitation in that it starts unexpectedly and regardless of the amount of milk or mixture intake. Vomiting, basically, is a sign of an intestinal infection. When regurgitating, milk returns in the form of milk, and vomiting has a yellowish tint and a sharp unpleasant odor. Both that and the other happens with the deterioration of the well-being of the baby. Regurgitation with sour milk. Vomit has an acidic smell, due to the fact that the milk or mixture is partially processed, so the appearance resembles the cottage cheese mass. Virtually always regurgitation has a sour smell, it is a sign that milk has reached the stomach.

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    Picture 2

    Regurgitation with a delay. Regurgitation can occur immediately after feeding and after 30-40 minutes, and sometimes a couple of hours. In children up to four months, this is considered normal. Can regurgitate after sleeping or with eructation.

    In the form of a fountain. If regurgitation is released under pressure, there may be several reasons: irritated bowel, immaturity of the stomach, intestinal obstruction and increased nervousness of the nervous system. If this happens, it will be necessary to consult the treating child's doctor, since regurgitation with a fountain is not the norm.

    When to call a doctor:

    1. If blood is found in curdled milk.
    2. If the masses have a brownish hue, this is a sign of irritation of the intestine.
    3. If the baby starts to regurgitate after each meal, sometimes a fountain.
    4. If on returning food from the stomach the baby is crying and bending.
    5. Children become sluggish.
    6. If, after regurgitation, the baby's integuments change color. Here it is necessary to take into account the following: if the epidermis took a bluish hue, then help should be provided immediately.
    7. If the baby is more than six months old.
    8. If vomiting is accompanied by fever, there is dehydration and hunger.
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    If the child has intestinal obstruction, this is a serious problem, it can be caused by the accumulation of the original mucus in the ventricle and feces in the intestine. Often, the cause of non-patency can be tumors in the small intestine. The cause is and the violation of the nervous system during childbirth. In this case, such a child does not have regurgitation, but a vomitive reflex.

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    Alternatively, for the normalization of the intestine, special mixtures with food fibers and a thicker consistency will help. The doctor may ascribe medicines that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

    3 First aid and prevention

    To ensure that the child does not suffocate, immediately lift the child upright or put on the stomach to get rid of the vomit. So that the child does not suffer a sour taste, you can wipe the mouth with cotton wool soaked in boiled water, or rinse it in another way.

    It is advisable to put the baby on the tummy for a couple of minutes before feeding. This will help to escape excess air( like helping with colic and how to charge).And also with the correct position of the head and the grip of the nipple, you can avoid regurgitation. A simple and ancient way - after feeding, wear a ten minute "pillar".This helps to get rid of trapped air. In addition, immediately after feeding, you should not bathe your baby or massage him. In the opposite case, milk can curdle.


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    Picture 4

    During the regurgitation of the child not only milk but also acidic gastric juice is thrown into the child's esophagus, this leads to irritation of the esophagus in children from frequent regurgitation. This is manifested when lying on the back, so this baby can not sleep in a horizontal position and this constantly cries.

    If the curdled milk is not much, and this process takes place a couple of times a day, then it is not necessary to worry, the most important thing is that the child does not lose the previous look and activity. If the baby has no constipation, no diarrhea, and the tummy is soft, this means that the general condition is normal.

    If the baby is gaining weight well, then the frequency of regurgitation should not worry, it is a normal process. There is no remedy for this process, but it can be eased with dill water, which is easy to prepare by yourself.

    As a rule, the regurgitation process stops by seven months, then the child can sit himself.

    It is good for all babies to take frequent walks in the fresh air, before going to bed to do a tummy massage, in the afternoon to do gymnastics, help swimming and swimming. The main thing is the patience and calmness of parents, and the process itself will pass with time.


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    Opinion of doctors. .. ยป

    • 1 What is a reflex and what are the reasons for its development?
    • 2 Differences from Vomiting
    • 3 First Aid and Prevention

    Sometimes moms notice that the baby spits with curdled milk. This frightens them and forces them to find a way out of the situation without delay.

    In medicine, the process of regurgitation is called a "gastroesophageal reflex".The regurgitation of milk, which is a natural process in infants, helps them cope with excess food.

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