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What is better than Maalox or Almagel - comparison of drugs

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Maalox( tablets, suspension) - instructions for use, analogues and reviews on the drug

Page Contents

  • 1 Comparison of the Maalox and Almagel characteristics
  • 2 Difference between the two
  • preparations 3 General characteristics of

To compare what is better - Maalox or Almagel, it is first necessary to understand the pharmacological properties of both drugs. Both medicines belong to the group of antacid agents and are gastroprotective agents.

Maalox and Almagel are suspensions that are used to treat acid-dependent pathologies of the esophagus and digestive tract diseases. The composition of both drugs includes aluminum hydroxide and magnesium. It is these active substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid and envelop the mucosa of the digestive organs, providing a therapeutic effect. The drugs have similar characteristics, as well as some differences between them.

Comparison of the characteristics of Maalox and Almagel

Almagel - instructions for use, analogues and reviews on the drug

The action of gastroprotectors is aimed at restoration of digestive functions, neutralization of harmful toxins in poisoning, constipation, diarrhea. Preparations restore the work of the stomach and intestines, regulate the acidity of the stomach, eliminate flatulence. The composition Almagel included benzocaine, which has analgesic effect. Both drugs are effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and poisoning.

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The comparative table
will help to consider the basic parameters of medicines
Characteristics Maalox Almagel
Medical group


Form of production

Suspension, tablets

The main effective substances in Aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, mint oil Aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, benzocaine
Indications for use -stomach ulcer, - hernia of esophagus,

- reflux esophagitis,

- increased acidity,

- gastritis,

- dyspepsia,

- discomfort and pain inbelly,

- heartburn,

- burp.

- digestion recovery for various disorders, - foodborne toxicosis,

- abdominal discomfort after smoking, overeating and drinking alcohol,

- esophagitis,

- peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum,

- hernia of food opening,

- bloating,

Gastritis with high acidity.

  1. Renal failure.
  2. Children under 15 years.
  3. Intolerance to fructose.
  4. Individual intolerance.
  5. Low level of phosphorus in the blood.
1. Dysfunction in the liver.
  1. Children under 10 years.
  2. Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Individual intolerance.
Adverse reactions from the body - allergy, - diarrhea,

- constipation,

- hyperaluminia,

- vomiting.

- nausea, - vomiting,

- changes in taste,

- stomach pain,

- abdominal cramps,

- drowsiness,

- constipation.

Safety for the whole body For a large body, Vomiting can occur with high doses Possible development of hyperaluminia
Prophylaxis of hepatic diseases As directed by a doctor, the course of therapy lasts about 14 days
Therapy course
Analogues of preparation Almol, Gastracid, Anacid, Rivolux, Palmagel, Alumag Gastal, Gastrasid, Rennie, Gaviscon
Manufacturer France Bulgaria
Average price For tablets 20 pieces - 230 rubles, suspension 15 ml( package) - for 30 pieces 520 rubleher,

for the suspension in a bottle of 250 ml - 366 rubles.

For the suspension in the bottle 170 ml - 245 rubles.

The price of drugs can vary in different limits and depends on the form and packaging.

Gastroprotectors neutralize hydrochloric acid in the digestive organs to the desired limit and stabilize the pH of the contents of the stomach. Preparations form a protective shell and cover the gastric mucosa in an even layer. As a result, the body does not form carbon dioxide and does not cause flatulence.

Drugs are non-toxic and well tolerated by the body. Vomiting and other side effects may occur in case of an overdose. Reviews of both drugs suggest that gastoprotectors improve digestion, prevent diarrhea and constipation, stabilize the functions of the digestive organs. Decide what is best - Maalox and Almagel, should only be a doctor. It takes into account the features and symptoms of the disease.

Difference between two

abdominal pain

preparations There are minor differences between similar drugs:

  1. Difference in contraindications. Maalox is not used in treatment for violations in the work of the kidneys. Almagel is not used for liver failure.
  2. Maalox is allowed to be used from the age of 10, and Almagel can only be used from the age of 15.
  3. The most significant differences in the composition of both drugs. Suspension of the diamond contains sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, hyethellose, lemon oil. Auxiliary substances in Maalox are hydrochloric acid, mannitol, hydrogen peroxide, mint oil.

The main difference between the two drugs is the different proportions of the active ingredients. The drug Almagel contains a ratio of aluminum and magnesium 3: 1.Maalox contains the same amount of aluminum and sodium hydroxide. Important! Maalox is 2 times faster acting and has a longer lasting effect than Almagel. The drug Almagel slows down the bowel motility. These features of the drugs must be taken into account in the treatment.

General characteristics of

Indications for use Almagel

Mealox and Almagel have a similar therapeutic effect and are used in the treatment of various epigastric disease. Preparations quickly eliminate heartburn, digestive disorders, remove harmful toxins from the digestive tract. Both drugs have an antacid effect and neutralize hydrochloric acid, which contains gastric juice.

Medications include the same active substances - aluminum and magnesium hydroxides. These components stabilize the acidity of the stomach and improve the functions of the digestive system. Preparations of the gastroprotective group reduce the secretion of pepsin and reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice. Both suspensions are enveloped and protect the gastric mucosa from adverse effects.


has long been looking for a safe drug that would reduce stomach acidity. I have a high acidity since childhood. On the advice of the doctor, she took Almagel for 2 weeks. Drank 1 scoop 10 minutes before eating. I always try to control my diet. After the beginning of the treatment, Almagel noted that she was feeling better. Abdominal pains disappeared, the chair returned to normal.

Natalia, 45 years old

I drink a Maalox suspension to lower the acidity of the stomach. The drug acts very quickly and removes excessive gas formation. After taking the medication, aching pain and heartburn. In my opinion, Maalok is slightly better than Almagel. The drug acts very quickly and eliminates discomfort in the stomach.

Victor, 34 years old

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