Types Of Diseases

A Dangerous Symptom for Men's Health

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The severity in the testicles is a sign of any pathological process. To identify the cause of a dangerous illness, you should undergo a medical examination. The determination of the cause is the main criterion in the selection of the necessary treatment. You also need to know about the danger that this symptom holds. If it is a sign of a pathology such as torsion, untimely exposure can lead to removal of the gland. This will lead to further difficulties in planning pregnancy.

Health problems

Many members of the stronger sex can not share this delicate problem with a stranger. This causes a prolonged development of the symptom. That's why you should not be embarrassed by doctors. Any negative change in the paired organ should be discussed with the attending physician.

Etiology of the symptom

The severity of the joint glands is accompanied by a variety of ailments. The following diseases are distinguished, for which this phenomenon is typical:

  • Orchitis;
  • Torsion;
  • Varicocele;
  • Epidemic erection.
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All these diseases are accompanied by a severity in the testes and other additional symptoms. The presence of additional signs helps the specialist to correctly establish the diagnosis. Determination of the causes of these diseases is necessary for an accurate determination of the further therapeutic effect.


Orchitis is caused by inflammatory processes in the scrotum. When the orchitis in a man there is a change in the work of one testicle. More often this phenomenon is observed on the left side. There are also various characteristic symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of pathology Orchitis is accompanied by the development of gravity in the sac. It changes its normal shape. There is edema of soft tissues. The patient experiences pain during palpation of the inflamed gland. This phenomenon can arise under the influence of various factors.

The disease is diagnosed with a change in the hormonal background, severe hypothermia or trauma to the groin area. If the hormone level is violated, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. This hormone is involved in the work of the entire system of men. The decrease in testosterone causes a slowdown in metabolic processes in the glands.

Testicles play an important role in the childbearing function. They are responsible for the proper formation and development of spermatozoa. If there are any negative problems in the gland, this function becomes impossible.

When the hormonal background changes, the production of sperm with testicles decreases. Pathological forms of germ cells are also observed. Orchitis causes a change in male genital function.

Inflammation of the body is also observed with a temperature drop. Orchitis is diagnosed in men who have undercooled the body. In this case, there is a decrease in the temperature regime in the scrotal area. Low temperatures cause inflammation of one of the paired glands. This causes swelling in the body and a change in its shape.

Orchitis may occur if the scrotum is severely injured. Damage to soft tissues entails deformation of the gland walls. They are squeezed. A lesion of affected cells appears on the damaged area. They cease to function and die. This phenomenon is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues. This leads to the appearance of orchitis.

To effectively combat this disease, it is recommended to visit a specialist. Only an experienced doctor will be able to identify the initial factor that affected the development of the disease. After the diagnosis, the doctor selects the appropriate treatment. It helps to relieve the severity of the testicles.

Torsion of the gland

A feeling of heaviness The severity of the testicles is also detected when torsion. To understand how the process arises, one must know the structure of this organ. The testicles are located in the scrotum. The connection of the vas deferens and the organ is accomplished by means of spermatic cord. The cord is surrounded by a vascular tissue. The main significance in the nutrition of the testicles is played by the lobar plexus. This pathology is characterized by the twisting of the lobate beam with the spermatic cord. This process is accompanied by a decrease in blood supply in the testicle. The prolonged absence of oxygen causes a gradual death of the cells of the gland membrane. If the patient does not receive the necessary care in the hospital, the iron is completely removed.

It is noted that torsion occurs in people who are at rest. Such a disease affects the body during sleep. The causes of this pathology are not revealed. It is impossible to establish a risk group.

The main feature of this process is the severity of the testicles. This symptom indicates a lack of blood supply to the body. If the patient has noticed the severity, he must immediately visit the clinic. Elimination of torsion is carried out only by surgical method. There are no other types of treatment for this ailment.


The problem accompanies the patient and with such a disease as varicocele. This changes the structure of the vascular tissue of the small pelvis. The main value in the blood supply to the testicles is the inguinal vein. It is the main source of oxygen. When ingested, the blood passes through the lobate plexus. It consists of a bundle of small vessels. The walls of these vessels are thin and elastic. With the development of varicocele, a change in these qualitative characteristics of the lobate beam occurs. The examination reveals negative changes in individual parts of the vascular tissue.

Varicocele is diagnosed when small tumors or nodules are found on the vessels. They cause a decrease in blood circulation in the scrotum area. This phenomenon often affects the left side. This is due to the special location of the inguinal vein.

We consider such varicocele factors as:

  • Diagnosis of the disease Congenital abnormalities of vascular tissue;
  • Getting various damages;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Often, the severity of the glands is found in people who have a congenital varicocele form. For this form is characterized by improper formation of tissues during intrauterine development. Nodules develop gradually on the fascicle. The degree of the disease increases with age.

Pathology can also be found in patients who have received a variety of scrotal injuries. Danger presents a severe bruise. In this type of injury, the walls of the vessels are squeezed and the position of one of the sex glands changes. Together, these processes cause difficulty in nourishing the tissues and further development of nodular disease.

Varicocele therapy is performed after determining the degree of the disease. Several stages of the nodular process are distinguished. At the first stage, thinning of a small area of ​​vascular tissue is observed. In this case, constant monitoring by a specialist and control of nutrition is assigned. The second degree varicocele is eliminated by various medications. The third stage can be eliminated only with the help of surgical treatment.

Any stage varicocele is accompanied by various symptoms. The main symptom of pathology is the severity of the sex glands. It occurs when there is a violation of the passage of blood through the vessels. If the patient has this symptom, he needs medical help.

Dropsy of gonads

This pathology in medicine is called hydrocele. Water drop is a popular name. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac. The disease is found in infants. But sometimes dropsy affects adults and the stronger sex.

In this case, the patient has such pathological signs as:

  • Disease history Severity in paired glands;
  • Edema of the scrotal sac;
  • Reduced palpation of the testicles;
  • Tenderness when moving.

Fluid accumulation affects the diagnostic features. Palpation with hydrocele is difficult. Eggs are not probed through the scrotum. Also, the patient complains of the appearance of soreness in the movement. Any movement is accompanied by heaviness in the paired glands.

Externally hydrocele is detected with a strong edema of the scrotal sac. In some cases, a large accumulation of liquid in the bag is detected.

The cause of hydrocele are various negative changes in the body. The main influence of various pathologies occurs with the acquired hydrocele form. Such a disease often affects people with various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. With these diseases, there is a difficulty in the functioning of the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes attract fluid accumulation in separate organs and tissues. The same phenomenon is observed in the scrotum.

The cause of the hydrocele may be varicocele. The nodes formed on the walls of the vascular bundles affect the blood circulation in the inguinal zone. The decrease in oxygen nutrition affects the state of soft tissues. They stop shrinking. The liquid accumulates in the bag. There is a hydrocele.

All these pathological processes affect the condition of the lymph flow in the groin. Elimination of hydrocele is carried out in a variety of ways. The main impact is carried out using a surgical technique. Removal of fluid is carried out by various types of surgical intervention. In infancy, hydrocele is eliminated on its own. If the pathology has not disappeared before the age of 2, consultation of the urologist and the surgeon is necessary. These doctors will help determine the further treatment of the child.

Than a symptom of

Severity in the paired glands is an alarming symptom. It indicates a variety of organ diseases. Do not treat pathology with disdain. The severity of the scrotum can cause such negative phenomena as:

  • Infertility development;
  • Impotence;
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract.

Symptom can cause such a dangerous complication as infertility. Heaviness can be a sign of such a disease as torsion. When torsion is necessary to conduct surgery for the first 24 hours. Further therapy of health care will not. After the expiration of this time there is a complete atrophy of the gland. The organ must be removed. In this case, the patient retains only one testicle. If a man has additional pathologies of the preserved gland, a diagnosis is made - infertility.

Dangerous severity and for the sexual function of the patient. If the cause is orchitis or infection of the body, there is a decrease in sexual activity. In this case, congestion has a detrimental effect on the erectile function. The patient is diagnosed with impotence. It can be eliminated only after careful examination.

Symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system are different. All these ailments need the help of a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine why there is a heaviness in the testicles.

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