
Poisoning with fungi: signs, first aid, through how many symptoms appear?

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1 What can cause poisoning?

  1. If a person ate a poisonous product, then the symptoms of poisoning with fungi appear due to the effects of poisons on the body.

Different mushrooms contain different types of poisonous substances. In addition, different types of poisons can be more affected by different organs.

  1. Completely edible mushrooms are not entirely safe.

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We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

  • Symptoms of fungi in the intestine
  • Symptoms of umbilical hernia
  • Tablets from poisoning
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

Symptoms of poisoning can appear if they are improperly cooked. Poisoning occurs due to toxins released by bacteria.

  1. The above problem can also arise from eating poor-quality products.

Doctors warn that worm and old fungi can cause very serious consequences. Harmful fungi collected near industrial facilities, highways and railways. The thing is that a large number of harmful substances accumulate in their tissues, which can cause severe disorders.

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  1. Individual intolerance.

Mushroom poisoning can be detected even if a person has complied with all the necessary rules for the preparation of these products. In this case, doctors diagnose an individual intolerance to mushroom food. With this diagnosis, the only thing that can be done is to completely abandon the products that cause unpleasant symptoms.

2 Symptoms

Mushroom poisoning, as a rule, causes quite severe symptoms that can not be overlooked:

  1. Gastrointestinal lesions.

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Patient complains of severe pain in the abdomen. This sickly condition is characterized by nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

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  1. CNS lesions.

These symptoms directly depend on which mushroom was eaten. So, for example, motor excitement, hallucinations, inhibited state can appear. A person can lose consciousness.

  1. Heart and vessel problems - the first signs of poisoning in this case include a rapid pulse and low blood pressure.
  1. Painful condition of kidneys and liver - oliguria is observed at the initial stages of poisoning. After this, kidney failure occurs. In especially severe cases, a renal coma may occur.

3 Types of fungi and symptoms of

poisoning As mentioned above, fungal poisoning, unpleasant symptoms, directly depend on the type of this product. So, for example, very bright unpleasant symptoms appear when using pale toadstool. This fungus is considered the most poisonous. More than 50% of people who have been poisoned by this fungus die in a rather short time. The adult person can die because of the use of only 30 grams of toadstool. The toxins in this fungus do not disappear even after the most careful treatment.

The first signs of toadstool poisoning make themselves felt 8-18 hours after the use of this product.

Patients begin to complain of visual impairment, dizziness, severe abdominal pain, frequent vomiting and headaches. There are also signs of dehydration, the patient experiences unbearable thirst, there are convulsions and general weakness of the body. After a couple of hours, the limbs become colder, the pulse weakens, the body temperature drops and the skin begins to turn blue. After that, there comes an improvement, but not for long. On day 2-3, vomiting and diarrhea almost completely disappear and symptoms of hepatic renal failure appear. Doctors warn that if you start treatment of such poisoning later than 3 days later, you probably will not be able to avoid a fatal outcome.

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Picture 3

Another very poisonous fungus is the fly agaric. Poor state of health after using fly agaric appears much earlier than in the case of pale toadstool. Patients begin to complain of poor health after 2-6 hours. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms appear in half an hour. The patient complains of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. In severe poisoning( when the CNS is affected), blood pressure may drop and shortness of breath may appear.

If symptoms of poisoning with mushrooms( fly agarics) appear late, then the condition of the patient strongly resembles intoxication. The patient has hallucinations and fits of rabies. He begins to rave and talk incoherent, meaningless speech. If a person has eaten too much mushrooms, then the treatment in this case will not bring positive results. Death can come only half a day after eating. As a rule, old people, children and people with kidney and heart problems die from this type of poisoning.


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Poisoning by lines occurs quite often. The first painful signs begin to appear in about 6-10 hours. The patient complains of vomiting, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and attacks of nausea. If the fungus contained a small amount of poison, the disease state may be limited to these symptoms. In severe cases of poisoning, the next day there may be signs of jaundice. On day 3, cardiovascular failure may occur, leading to the death of the patient. It is very important to start treatment of this type of poisoning in time. In this case, there is a chance of recovery. Also, you can avoid poisoning if you cook these mushrooms correctly. With a good heat treatment, the toxic substances of the lines are destroyed.

You can get poisoned by false hacks. If there is a poisoning with such fungi, the symptoms make themselves felt very soon: after 1-6 hours. There is general weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and nausea. If the victim has not eaten too much, the full recovery usually occurs 1-2 days later.

4 What is botulism

Eating canned mushrooms can cause such a serious disease as botulism. The causative agents of this disease( sporebearing sticks) are found in the soil. That's why experts advise before canning the mushrooms properly to wash and clean them. On the surface of the mushrooms, together with small particles of the earth can be pathogens botulism.

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Unpleasant symptoms of the above-described disease appear 12-72 hours after eating. Patients complain of poor vision and bifurcation of objects. Everything around seems to be vague. The patient suffers from nausea, vomiting, headaches, dry mouth, cramps, diarrhea and difficulty swallowing. Treatment of botulism should begin immediately after the appearance of the first described above symptoms. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

5 First aid

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance and describe your state of health. The sooner the right treatment is started, the more chances for a successful recovery. While doctors are going, it is necessary to take all necessary measures that will help to cleanse the body of poisonous substances that have got into it together with mushrooms.

So, first aid for poisoning with mushrooms is as follows:

  1. Gastric lavage.

To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of a weak solution of potassium permanganate or just as much plain warm water. After that, you need to press your fingers on the root of the tongue. This will help induce vomiting.

  1. If mushroom poisoning has occurred, doctors advise drinking a large dose of sorbents. For 1 kg of human weight should be about 40-60 g of the drug.
  1. If a painful condition does not cause diarrhea, you can drink laxatives. They will help to quickly clean the stomach.
  1. To prevent disruption of normal circulation, doctors recommend putting heat on the patient's stomach and at his feet.
  1. First aid for poisoning with mushrooms implies the reception of strong tea.
  1. Suspicious food should be stored until the doctor arrives. This will help specialists identify the "culprit" of poisoning and prescribe the right treatment.
  1. You can induce vomiting with self-prepared medicinal fluids.50 grams of table salt should be diluted in 350 ml of warm water. The resulting liquid should be drunk. Instead of salt, you can use the same amount of mustard powder.

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And what to do when poisoning with mushrooms, if a person is unconscious, is a common question. The answer to it is simple enough: to wait, because, if the victim is unconscious, it is in no way possible to cause him to vomit. This can cause vomiting in the respiratory tract.

6 Medical treatment

Treatment of the above-described painful condition directly depends on the type of fungi. If a patient exhibits more parasympathetic symptoms, doctors inject him with AT.This procedure is carried out every 30 minutes until complete recovery.

To eliminate bronchospasm, doctors use Eufillin or Iazdrin. As mentioned above, poisoning with poisonous mushrooms can cause a malfunction in the heart. To maintain cardiac activity, doctors inject caffeine. Poisoning with mushrooms excludes the use of drugs that contain acids. The thing is that the acidic medium promotes the rapid assimilation of such a toxic substance as muscarin.

Before you start taking any medications for poisoning, it is important to identify the main causes of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, that is, determine which mushroom has caused the poisoning. This is the only way to expect a speedy recovery. Prevention of fungal poisoning involves the use of only proven species of this product. In addition, all fungi must be subjected to thorough heat treatment. Children from such food are better protected.

Contents of
  • 1 What can cause poisoning?
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Types of fungi and symptoms of poisoning
  • 4 What is botulism
  • 5 First aid
  • 6 Medication

Mushroom poisoning is diagnosed quite often. Mushrooms are foods that are difficult to digest intestines. That is why they are not recommended to eat old people, children and women in the period of carrying and feeding the baby.

To edible are mushrooms, which can be served to the table without additional processing. Conditionally edible are mushrooms, which must be soaked in running water or boiled for a long time before cooking. The latter include those types of this product, in which, with pre-treatment, lacteal and toxic acids are secreted. If such mushrooms are not subjected to pre-treatment, then very soon there will be signs of poisoning with mushrooms. Incomplete not only those fungi that contain poison, but also have a bad smell. The number of truly poisonous species, fortunately, is small. The toxic substances of such fungi do not disappear even after a careful heat treatment.

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