
What is needed to improve memory and brain function: drugs, folk remedies, tips

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Good memory and brain work Good memory shows, first of all, about the health of a person, his clear mind and ability to learn new things that are necessary for all age categories.

Students of secondary schools and students of colleges and universities - to learn the material and successfully pass tests and examinations, engineers and technicians and specialists - to perform job duties at their place of work for the purpose of attestation, the elderly - so that the brain does not fadeand for further maintenance in normal physical form.


  • The first step on the way to perfect memory
  • Tablets for improving brain activity
  • Features of some
  • preparations Popular ways to improve brain function
  • How to make the brain work - mind training
  • What to exclude from life for memory improvement
  • Healthy lifestyle

First stageon the way to the perfect memory of

To date, almost all people are affected by loading, many of us forget where to put the keys, turn off the gas, and if we come to the counter, then do not rememberwhat to buy. Usually this happens when there is a lot of unnecessary information in the head. Especially it is not good when the age is not more than 25 years, since the constant facts of forgetfulness can be aggravated.

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Available ways to improve brain activity and memory:

  1. Include in the diet carbohydrates , which due to the transformation of their structure is converted into glucose. For example, a glass of fresh berries, an omelet and a piece of whole-grain bread, eaten in the morning, will help fill the stock of this substance. The work of neurons
  2. Small physical exercises or dance classes will help to bring blood to the brain. Scientific research has established that after such loads, new information is assimilated by 20% faster than those who neglect active movements.
  3. When typing the text of , which is reflected on the computer monitor, changing the usual font, memory will develop faster, although it will not be noticed immediately.
  4. Set yourself tasks to find the required information .For example, when performing work duties, you need to understand the legal framework.
  5. Fixing in the memory of the parking space .To do this, stand a little at your car and direct your eyes to the left, then to the right.
  6. Quality alcohol in a small amount of before dinner will stimulate blood circulation, which promotes the development of memory.
  7. Thorough cleaning of teeth with the use of the dental floss before going to sleep also normalizes the work of all organs, including the brain. On the gums accumulate bacteria derived from food residues, which can cause inflammation.

Benefits for the brain

Tablets for improvement of brain activity

Drugs that can be taken to improve memory and activate brain function:

  1. Glycine - one of the known means, regulates brain activity and metabolism, reduces intoxication. After his reception, sleep normalizes, and mood improves. It's a vitamin for the cells. This drug refers to the metabolic or possessing property of transforming all the reactions occurring in the body, the drug, to maintain the process of vital activity.
  2. Nootropil - the drug is taken with the purpose of concentration of attention, memory improvement and normalization of brain activity. The Nootropil contains pyracetam and other excipients. Means refers to nootropic drugs. Its use improves consciousness, memorizes information, creates an obstacle to the formation of blood clots. Does not affect the increase of excitability of the nervous system.
  3. Intelland is a toning agent that contains natural ingredients, including vitamins and minerals. With its regular intake, the metabolism is stimulated, the brain is saturated with useful elements, fatigue is reduced significantly, indispensable in depression, stress and anxiety.
  4. Piracetam is a known nootropic agent used to concentrate attention, restore memory, from dizziness, with hypertension, atherosclerosis, for treatment from the inhibition of consciousness. Its action is aimed at facilitating the memory effect, stimulating the normal function of the vestibular apparatus, reducing the level of depressive states.
  5. Fenotropil - a drug referred to nootropic, is an effective remedy for memory improvement. Significantly improves the activity of brain cells, facilitates memorization while mastering new knowledge, helps to activate memory when passing exams, tests or attestations. There is a rapid exchange of information between the left and right cerebral hemispheres, the activity of the cells is restored and the mood improves.
  6. Tanakan is a phytopreparation that improves blood circulation in the body. This effect on the body is based on the nutrition of cells with glucose, as well as the fact that this drug prevents the formation of thrombi, the elimination of noise in the ears, restoration of visual acuity. Due to the normalization of blood circulation, the ability of the brain to learn increases.
  7. Pikamilon is a tool used to normalize blood supply in all types of stroke, head trauma, glaucoma, migraines, the ability to perceive significant mental and physical stress, reduce irritation and anxiety. The medicine refers to nootropics.
  8. Aminolone are tablets intended to improve brain activity and memory, which have been affected by trauma, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by high blood pressure, as well as atherosclerosis, dizziness, developmental dysfunction in children, panic attacks and alcohol intoxicationor drugs. Refers to nootropics.
  9. Pantogs is a medicinal product intended for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy, as well as for people with high emotional loads, Pantogam, with diseases that are caused by changes in blood vessels located in the brain. He is also prescribed to children with severe mental retardation with attention deficit and stuttering. Nootropic agent.
  10. Membrane - this drug refers to angioprotectors, and its basis - components of plant origin. Increases the tone of blood vessels, provides a normal function of metabolic processes. It is used to reduce headaches, dizziness, noise in the occipital region and in the ears, with insufficient blood supply to the extremities.

Pharmaceuticals for improving memory, brain function and enhancing the body's capabilities:


medications Some drugs that improve memory and brain function can be applied more effectively and safely if you know these nuances:

  1. Glycine is not toxic and is dispensed without a prescription, its main purpose is supplementary nutrition of brain cells.
  2. Nootropil is best used according to the doctor's prescription, because the state of the organism after the diseases or injuries suffered is different and this must be treated with special care.
  3. Influence on the body means for improving the memory Intelland also does not need to be checked independently, it is better to follow the advice of a specialist. Pyracetam
  4. To receive Piracetam was effective, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor about which scheme to take the medicine. In order to buy this product, a prescription is required.
  5. Fenotropil - excellently activates brain cells for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only the treating specialist will be able to determine precisely whether his use will not harm his state of health, therefore he is not in free sale, a vacation strictly according to prescriptions.
  6. Tanakan in tablets is sold on the advice of a doctor, and in liquid form is allowed to purchase without prescriptions.
  7. Pikamilon, Aminolone and Pantogam without instructions from health workers are not released.
  8. The memorial is sold depending on the dosage, for example 40 to 80 mg - it is released without the instructions of a specialist, and 120 mg and above only by the prescription of the doctor.

Popular ways to improve the brain

Folk remedies for improving memory and brain activation:

  1. It is useful to take tincture of clover .To do this, take 0.5 liters of vodka and pour the flowers of this plant, then leave it for 2 weeks in a cool place. One tablespoon of the medication taken before bedtime will greatly improve the clarity of the mind, in addition, there will be a noise in the head. pine buds
  2. Horseradish with lemon - available products for cleaning blood vessels and normalizing blood circulation. Infusion of juice 3 lemons, mayonnaise jar and 3 tablespoons of honey, aged for 3 weeks in the refrigerator, use 1 teaspoon twice a day.
  3. When the spring recovers, is recommended to chew young pine buds just before eating, the memory will be restored, and the aging process will be slowed down in the body.

Of course, the impact on the brain and the body as a whole and provides nutrition. It should be ensured that the food is present in the protein, including products such as dried fruits, bitter chocolate, baked apples or potatoes, braised carrots, walnuts, bananas, sunflower seeds, salads in olive oil.

The use of fresh and even frozen blueberries benefits not only the aggravation of vision, but also the cerebral circulation.

How to make the brain work - mind training

It's never too late to train a mind. There are simple solutions to this issue:

  • starting from the first letter of the alphabet to around the twentieth pronounce words, try to do it quickly, for example, A-algorithm, B-bison, B-fiber and so on;
  • try to pronounce as often as possible foreign words learned in school;
  • to pronounce the numbers in reverse order, starting from fifty to zero, gradually increasing;
  • play as if in childhood in the names of cities - after hearing the last letter in the city name say the name of the next;
  • try as much as possible to come up with synonyms for different words.
In general, solving crosswords, memorizing poems and solving complex problems perfectly coaches the brain.

In the people there are also non-traditional ways of memory recovery. Of course, it is difficult to believe in them, but they have a place to be.

One such means is "golden water".Although scientists say that this noble metal does not react with water, but those who tried to be treated by this method respond only positively to this procedure.

There is another interesting way, although it does not seem to everyone to be effective, but still people who have done these exercises several times, recognized the effect of this method.

If in a half-liter container put an ornament of gold without precious stones, then boil until the volume is reduced by half and take three times a day by a teaspoonful. After 14 days, strengthen the heart muscle and memory will improve.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that neither method will harm the body.

What to exclude from life for improving the memory of

junk food In the modern world, many harmful tips are given, among which not everyone can immediately tell whether it is necessary for him or not. Understanding comes later.

A lot of information flows do not allow you to relax, the brain is overloaded and in turn it malfunctions, from here begins forgetting the most basic.

Five basic tips that will save the power and youth of the brain and restore the shattered memory:

  1. It is not necessary to eat a lot of sweet, floury and salted , from this in the body only delays the removal of fluid, constipation occurs, headache is provoked and, accordingly, blood circulation in the brainalso violated.
  2. You can not drive a fixed lifestyle , because in this case, the blood does not circulate enough, and internal organs, including the brain, do not have nutrition.
  3. Constantly staying at home is also not recommended by , because the brain needs oxygen.
  4. Excessive consumption of alcohol also adversely affects the development of memory.
  5. You can not take medicines without a doctor's prescription , side effects can spoil your health and your whole life in general, and the body will be addicted to the means.

Healthy Lifestyle

Studies have shown that regular exercise, proper diet and diet, and quitting can improve memory.

It is important to be able to keep a correct posture, consciously straighten, even if the slouch is present from childhood. When the shoulders are stretched and the neck is tilted back, the blood circulation in the brain improves.

Keep an eye on the emptying of the intestines, and to keep the chair regular you need to keep an eye on the daily menu.

To live a long and healthy life you have to work on yourself, force yourself to work, play sports, walk, eat only fresh food, develop your mental potential. After all, only a healthy person is happy.

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