
Treating epilepsy with folk remedies - recipes, rituals and beliefs

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Herbal treatment for epilepsy

The realities of today show that some people suffering from epilepsy, at the moment, are 4-10 people per thousand. According to some epilepsy data around the world, about 50 million people suffer.

Epilepsy is characterized by repeated seizures of ( unprovoked behavioral disorders) that do not have well-defined causes.

The diagnosis is not made in the case of single seizures, but only in the case of such manifestations more than two times.

Since this is one of the most common neurological diseases and is potentially incurable, official medicine pays enough attention to epidemiological studies.

Medical research in recent years has allowed us to better understand the disease, the conditions for its occurrence and progress, and also to develop a strategy for overcoming it and preventing it.


  • How to provide first aid for an epileptic seizure
  • Folk medicine in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Treatment of epilepsy with herbs
  • Folk beliefs and rites
  • insta story viewer
  • Other traditional medicines and methods
  • Reviews on the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies
  • Findings

How to provide first aid for an epileptic seizure

seizure First aid for an epileptic seizure - what you need and what you can not do during a seizure, video

Epilepsy is a chronic illness that manifests itself in the form of convulsions(

) The place of traditional medicine in the treatment of epilepsy

This disease is also caused by animals, which makes it possible to conduct clinical trials, but even now many people use the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies.traditions are tested by time and many lives, and it is also widely known that it is on these developments that the best achievements in pharmaceuticals and the treatment of "falling sickness" by representatives of official medicine are based.

Folk medicine and epilepsy have long gone hand in hand. In the history of mankind, exorcism, acupuncture, yoga and many other things have been used for a long time in the treatment of epileptics.

Unfortunately, even today, you can often get to various "experts" of folk traditions that provide recipes and treatment for all diseases, which creates additional problems.

After all, even healthy people do not always go to a doctor in a medical facility, but prefer advice of healers, whose place is occupied today by the Internet.

This is what makes doctors and researchers refer to traditional recipes and, as far as possible, identify those that really work and, on the basis of their real positive impact, offer patients.

Treatment of epilepsy with herbs

Useful for the treatment of epilepsy at home are tea from of walnut leaves, a mixture of sage and valerian, herbal picking of hop cones, herbal infusion leaves of lemon balm and peppermint, sweetgrass grass and elecampane root.

In addition, often enough people use herbs, which are not in the pharmacy.

For example, angelica officinalis, herbs of rape, fragrant smelly and others. But if you want, you can find them.

We offer several time-tested and human herbal medications:

  1. 1 teaspoon of walnut leaves in boiling water, about one glass. Cook for exactly 15 minutes over a low heat. Take a broth for a month for 1 cup a day. After 30 days, you must stop taking tea for 10 days. To fix the result, the procedure must be repeated throughout the year. Also, to increase the effectiveness of this method of treatment 2 times a month, you need to mix 1 glass of walnut leaves with three liters of hot water and take a bath in this broth.
  2. You need to grate 1 teaspoon of sage and root of valerian in powder and mix. Then divide into portions of 4 grams and take a day every 2 hours, and from 9 pm and 7 am to take a break. The complexity of the recipe is that it is necessary to drink the powder with a special decoction: 1 teaspoon of sage leaves per liter of boiling water. Decoction before use must be filtered. The procedure is repeated 2 months during which alternate 1 week, when powder is taken and 1 week without powder. Repeat this cycle of treatment must be exactly 6 times.
  3. You can also use a chernobylnik, it is also called an Artemisia vulgaris.150 g of dry tops of this plant are filled with one liter of kvass. All this mixture must be poured into a clay pot, tightly closed, coated with dough and put for 3 hours in a warm oven or oven. Hold for 20-30 minutes, and after the baked dough cool to remove the lid and strain through gauze. Take for 19 days for 3 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

All of the above recipes are aimed at reducing the excitability of the central nervous system and preventing spontaneous muscle contractions.

astheno neurotic syndrome Astheno-neurotic syndrome - the causes, symptoms and treatment for the exhaustion of the nervous system.

The exact causes of the occurrence of pituitary adenoma in medicine are not known, but there are assumptions that are worth knowing in order to minimize risks.

Popular beliefs and rites

Signs of an epileptic attack are known since ancient times. Their beginning was described and known by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who explained epilepsy by divine intervention. In those days, this disease was called "Hercules" or "divine."

In the Middle Ages the tradition continued, but acquired an ecclesiastical interpretation.

The disease was designated as "sacred" or as a "demonic disease" of .This approach led to the fact that the epileptics avoided and avoided "not to get infected".Even more radical treatment of epilepsy was surgical intervention or, more precisely, trepanation of the skull in order to release the "evil spirit".

Also in the treatment of epilepsy conspiracies and rites were used.

The patient was covered with a canvas during a fit and read prayers. There was a tradition to take water from 3 different sources and after ritual mixing to wash the patient with water.

There are many more examples and treatment methods that this disease has survived for many centuries of human development, but today "black disease" is 70% cureable.

Other traditional medicine tools and techniques

application of magnets Today, more and more researchers of this disease tend to believe that a healthy and active lifestyle contributes to reducing and preventing epileptic seizures.

An interesting fact is that that patients well stimulate hand compression into fists, music lessons, drawing and other creative manifestations. In some cases, the improvement came after some "magical" influences or reading of the prayer.

also notes the use of magnets if they are placed under the bare feet of feet, palms, to the temporal areas of the head. It is determined that it is best to use magnets three times a day. According to reviews, this method has no side effects.

Indeed, what is epilepsy? The answer to this and other questions can be found in this video:

Reviews on the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Many people note positive changes in the treatment of magnetotherapy. Also, the patients themselves note that doctors are increasingly using for homeopathy.

Let's study specific reviews:

  1. Sergey, 33 years old. "If you first treat the cause, which caused epilepsy, and only then proceed to treat the disease - treatment will be more effective. The main thing is that the treatment would not be medicated, but carried out ecologically clean and natural herbs. "
  2. Daria, 42 years old. "In general, in the fight against such a disease all means are good. Magnets helped me a lot. But my friend's attacks go away, when the prayer is read over him. So that's it. "


In general, traditional medicine offers a variety of treatment options for people suffering from epilepsy. Folk methods do work.

Their plus in , that they are created on natural components that do not harm the body. The downside of the same is that there are many kinds of epilepsy and it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of person this or that person has.

But still popular recipes have a certain versatility, and they win from the means of official medicine.

That is why today's official medicine has paid close attention to the centuries-old developments of medicine men of folk medicine.

Combining today's medical experience and historically established, centuries-old popular recipes, you can achieve a positive result.

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