
Laboratory study of seminal fluid

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Contents of
  • What is this indicator of
  • Preparation for analysis of
  • Causes of pathology
  • Treatment of

A poor spermogram in men is detected in rare cases. Seed fluid changes its parameters for many reasons. Especially this parameter is important in identifying problems with conception in married couples. The planning family is sent for a series of studies. A woman's ability to ovulate, hormonal background and patency of pipes. For a man you need to have a good spermogram and a hormonal background.

Sperm analysis

What is this indicator of

Spermogram is necessary for revealing the composition of the secretory fluid of the ejaculate and the number of mobile spermatozoa.

Secretion fluid must have a certain viscosity and composition. If one of the parameters is broken, then conception is impossible.

Spermatozoa must have the correct structure and rectilinear mobility. It is possible to clarify this only in the laboratory when placing semen under a microscope.

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Spermatozoa are divided into several types. For this, they are subdivided in form, mobility and quantity. There are four main types:

  • Cells that have the correct structure and rectilinear mobility;
  • Sperm, correct shape, but moving in a circle;
  • Spermatozoa with various pathologies in the structure;
  • Dead sex cells.

All four types of germ cells are always present in the body of a man. The correct spermatozoon has a head, neck, an intermediate section and a tail. If one of these parameters is changed, then it is referred to the third type of germ cells.

For full conception, sperm must move in the forward direction. Even if the cell has the right shape, it may not have motor activity or moves around in a circle. Such cells can not fertilize the ovum, and conception is unlikely to become possible.

Laboratory research In the body of a healthy male, spermatozoa of various types should be present in different amounts. Spermia of the first type in a healthy representative of the stronger sex account for 70% of the total ejaculate volume. If this amount is reduced, the patient's fertility decreases.

Sex cells of the second type should not exceed 40% of the total number of spermatozoa. In this amount also include cells of the third type. Dead sperm can not be more than 15%.

Preparing for the analysis of

. To the spermogram the man should prepare in advance. To do this, he must observe the following rules:

  • Sexual rest;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Do not visit saunas;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Refusal of alcohol.

One week before the test, the patient should observe complete sexual rest. This is necessary to determine the lifespan of the sperm. The average period of life of the reproductive cell lasts 3-5 days. This is due to the fact that sperm can reach the ovule in the female body not immediately. He continues to live for 2-3 days. If this rule is not followed, then the number of dead spermatozoa will be significantly less. Such an analysis is not informative.

Proper nutrition is necessary for the production of healthy and viable germ cells. If a man abuses fat and fried foods, the cells lose their activity and die.

Sperm cells do not tolerate temperature drop. It's not for nothing that the male scrotum is carried beyond the internal organs. Cells quickly die with heating or supercooling. Visiting of baths or saunas should be stopped 5 days before the spermogram delivery.

Showering A man must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene. If the penis has any damage, then without timely cleansing of the skin, the body can get pathogenic microorganisms. Microbes cause inflammation in the pelvic organs and worsen the spermogram.

Sex cells are very sensitive to alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol-containing beverages cause mass death of spermatozoa and shorten their life span. The alcohol intake should be discontinued 3-5 days before the test is taken.

Causes of pathology

Poor results in spermogram occur in men for various reasons. There are a number of factors affecting the composition of the semen:

  • Genetic diseases;
  • Wrong eating habits;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • External impact.

Genetic diseases lead to poor heredity. If the older generation had problems with conception, then the younger members of the family will have poor sperm counts. Treatment of such pathology should be conducted under the control of a geneticist.

Improper eating habits in the modern world lead to a deterioration in the overall health of men. Sex cells lose their activity when consuming fried and fatty foods, fast food and alcohol.

Physical activity of a person can significantly change spermogram data. If a man has a sedentary lifestyle, stays in a sedentary position for a long time, his blood circulation is disturbed. Blood ceases to flow in sufficient quantities to the pelvic organs. The prostate gland does not have enough oxygen, and loses the ability to produce the required amount of healthy sperm. The male's performance is deteriorating.

Diabetes in men The most dangerous for the spermogram of pelvic organs and diabetes. Inflammatory organ pathologies entail a change in the production of sex cells and hormones. In such patients, a common diagnosis is impotence. Diabetes mellitus pathologically affects the state of the vascular system of the peripheral parts of the human body. The walls of the vessels lose their elasticity, become thin and brittle. Blood ceases to arrive in sufficient quantity and there is a deterioration in the spermogram.

Venereal diseases pose a danger to the overall health of the patient. Many of them manifest themselves under the influence of pathogenic viruses. Such diseases must be treated under the strict supervision of a specialist. Some of these viruses can not be cured.

External factors depend on the conditions of life of a man. The modern world offers a wide range of equipment. Computer and mobile radiation is dangerous for the health of a man. Many people wear mobile phones in their trouser pockets. Radiation spreads to the inguinal zone. Under the influence of harmful rays in the body there are spermatozoa that have an irregular structure. This is dangerous for the future generation. A child conceived by such a cell may have a number of genetic diseases and health problems.

What pathologies are detected by

Poor sperm count can develop for various reasons. Physicians identify the following changes in semen:

  • Bad sperm;
  • Viscosity of the secretion of the ejaculate;
  • Number of cells per ml of liquid.

If more than 50% of pathogenic germ cells are sown in the ejaculate volume, then a man can not have a child. The viscosity of the ejaculate secret also affects the ability to conceive. If the liquid has a high density, the spermatozoa can not actively move around and quickly die in the cervix. Too liquid state secretory fluid is also bad. Sex cells in such a liquid are distributed over a long distance, it is difficult to reach the oocyte.

Married couple The physicians attach special importance to the pH of the sperm count. The normal environment for spermatozoa is saline. The woman's vagina is enlarged with an acidic environment. If the secret has other indicators, the microflora of the uterus will adversely affect the viability of spermatozoa. In medicine, there is such a thing as "incompatibility".Such pairs cause death of germ cells in the cervix. Modern medicine has learned to deal with this problem. The woman is given the period of ovulation, when the ovum leaves the ovaries. At this time, a woman is administered a special drug that changes the pH of her microflora. Spermatozoa quickly pass through the cervix, the chances of conception increase.

Treatment of

Poor sperm counts are not a verdict. The doctor needs to identify the reasons for which the number of active spermatozoa decreased. After identifying the problem, the patient is prescribed treatment. Therapy for a bad spermogram includes the following activities:

  • Medication;
  • Physiological effects;
  • Proper nutrition.

Drug treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. The doctor selects treatment depending on the reasons. Many patients are prescribed concomitant medication. For him it is necessary to take such drugs as: "Spemoton", "Spemann" and others. These drugs are based on plant substances. The combination of such elements leads to an improvement in spermatogenesis in men. Preparations should be taken for at least three months, until a positive planning result is achieved.

Classes with a coach Physical activity should be conducted under the supervision of a sports coach. To improve the indications of the spermogram, it is necessary to increase cardiac loads. In this case, the patient is monitored by the pulse rate, which should not exceed 150 beats per minute. Increased physical activity helps to increase blood flow in the vessels, and strengthens the nutrition of tissues.

The patient's attention should be taken by meals. In case of bad tests a man should consult a dietician who will help to choose a suitable diet. With a bad spermogram, the man is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  • Different seafood;
  • Walnuts;
  • Dairy products;
  • Beekeeping gifts;Spinach and parsley.

Seafood is the leader in the number of substances that improve the analysis. Especially this can boast an oyster. It has been used as a natural aphrodisiac since ancient times. If a man does not have the opportunity to purchase mussels, then they can be replaced with mussels. The patient should consume at least 100 g of the finished product.

Walnuts have a substance that is a natural substitute for testosterone. It helps to significantly increase the indications of the spermogram and the male's potency. Many doctors recommend using nuts together with honey. Such a mixture replenishes the human body with essential vitamins and microelements, helps restore the hormonal background.

Recently, experts around the world have paid much attention to the consumption of spinach and parsley. Green is rich in natural antioxidants and androgens. These substances increase the content of testosterone in the body of a man. Testosterone affects the production of healthy spermatozoa. The parameters of the spermogram are improving.

If a man has received disappointing analyzes of seminal fluid, then he should not despair. Doctors will help you understand the causes of the disease and pick up the necessary treatment.

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