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What products dilute blood and prevent the formation of blood clots?

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Contents of the page

  • 1 The need for blood thinning products
  • 2 When should the blood be diluted?
  • 3 Causes of blood thickening
  • 4 Medications
  • 5 Blood thinning products - a table with a list of
  • 6 Folk recipes for the dilution of blood

In the treatment of a number of diseases, there is a need for blood thinning, which is achieved by drugs or by adjusting nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to know which products dilute blood, because your health and well-being depend on it.

Necessity for blood thinning products

With traditional drug therapy, blood clotting leading to blood clots and dangerous complications associated with vascular obstruction is treated with anticoagulant drugs.

However, like any medication, anticoagulants cause a number of undesirable side effects. Prolonged intake of such medications leads to a violation of the chemical composition of the blood and provokes thinning of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which in the future can lead to peptic ulcer and bleeding in the duodenum.

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Therefore, as a preventive and maintenance therapy, it is advisable to include in the daily diet products that dilute the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. If possible, it is desirable to completely replace them with medications, of course, if this treatment option is approved by a doctor who is in charge of the patient

When should the blood be diluted?

According to statistical research, in recent years, the leaders in mortality among the population have become cardiac and vascular pathologies associated with impaired blood circulation due to increased blood density. The tendency to the formation of blood clots and excessively rapid coagulation of blood arises under the following conditions:

  • all forms of the course of coronary heart disease;
  • acute and chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebothrombosis - that is, with deep vein thrombosis and in the case of postthrombophlebitic syndrome that develops after surgical interventions;
  • all kinds of varicose lesions and addictions to them;
  • the presence of venous insufficiency, both at the initial stage of development, and in the chronic stage;
  • pulmonary artery thromboembolism;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels( brain, cardiovascular system);
  • stroke and transient ischemic attacks;
  • use of hormonal methods of contraception;
  • disorders of blood circulation in blood vessels;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • excess weight, obesity( especially against the background of diabetes mellitus);
  • elevated levels of platelets and red blood cells in the blood.

In the presence of any of the above pathologies, it is necessary to take measures aimed at normalizing the blood state and preventing the formation of blood clots causing clogging of the vessels.

Causes of blood thickening

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Among the main causes that cause blood clots, called dehydration due to lack of incoming fluid, nutritional errors, beriberi, bad habits, digestive disorders, chronic stress.

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking alcohol. The decomposition products of ethyl alcohol cause an intoxication of the organism, have a harmful effect on the brain and blood vessels and cause dehydration of the body. As a result, the blood condenses, and prerequisites arise for the development of a heart attack and stroke. Smoking is no less dangerous factor, killing the vessels, which provokes the development of atherosclerosis and associated complications.

Chronic stress, inaccuracies in nutrition, lack of vitamins, contribute to the increase of blood clotting factors and provoke thrombus formation. The picture of trouble is complemented by diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by enzymatic deficiency, which leads to acidification of the blood and increase its viscosity.


Common causes leading to blood thickening are the intake of certain medications, excess of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet, a hereditary tendency to increase blood coagulability or diseases of the internal organs( liver, pancreas).

Changing the properties of blood quickly affects the overall well-being and causes increased fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, memory problems and concentration of attention. Such symptoms are an alarming signal and an occasion for a medical examination. Ignoring the problem threatens serious health consequences, and increases the likelihood of developing such dangerous conditions as hypertensive crisis, pulmonary embolism, heart attack or stroke.

Blood thinning products - a table with a list of

Sauerkraut: a bit of history

It is important to understand that no diet will abolish treatment, and a list of the most effective products that dilute blood should be coordinated with doctors.

However, if there is no disease as such, but there is a hereditary predisposition, the presence in the daily diet of a certain set of dishes that have a liquefying effect on blood will be an excellent insurance and prevention of blood flow disorders and related complications.

This table shows the products that must be consumed with increased blood viscosity.



Product name Health impact
Vegetables Tomatoes, both fresh and canned, especially "in own" juice;

Cabbage of all varieties and varieties, especially ordinary white cabbage - sauerkraut with cranberries;


Fresh Bulgarian pepper.

These vegetables, with constant use directly affect the rheological processes in the blood, effectively updating the composition of blood cells and preventing the occurrence of blood clots.
Fruits Pomegranates - with caution because they significantly increase hemoglobin



Red oranges

Apples of all sorts

Apricots and peaches


Regulate the balance in the chemical composition of the blood, due to the high content of acids and vitamins.
Juices All vegetable, fruit and berry. The effect is the same as that of vegetables, berries and fruits, however, only freshly squeezed juices and nectars have a positive effect. In the "restored" products purchased from the right acids and substances, as a rule, too little is contained.
Berries Blueberries



Wild strawberries

Currants of all varieties


Due to their qualities, a combination of them has a direct liquefying effect, but only fresh. In jam or in the freezing of qualities that affect the viscosity of the blood, no longer have.

Chokeberry is completely contraindicated, as it is a natural thickener.

Bee Products Honey


Very powerful biostimulants of all biochemical processes in the body, including the circulatory system. They have a direct effect on the elasticity and strength of the walls of the vessels.
Vegetable oils Flaxseed




All vegetable oils( except corn) have an anti-atherogenic effect on the processes of blood formation, that is, they reduce the risk of excess and cholesterol deposition, reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.
Spices Garlic




Hot chili pepper

Natural vinegar, especially apple

Stimulate the regeneration of blood cells and activity in the bloodstream.
Drinks Ordinary drinking water

Mineral waters with mandatory magnesium content

Green tea

Rooibos( tea from African spiny plants)



Herbal decoctions.

Maintaining the water balance in the tissues of the body is especially important in terms of both health in general and the issue of thickening in the blood.

Quite often, the viscosity of blood increases due to a stable lack of fluid, actually dehydration of tissues.

Many drinks, for example, coffee, juices, black tea are not physiologically a drink, that is, do not participate in the body's water balance. Therefore, they can be excluded from the diet and give preference to the beverages listed in the table.

Blood thinning products - cranberry juice

Perfectly reduce the viscosity of blood natural juices from sour fruits and berries( especially citrus), they should be prepared immediately before consumption. Packaged juices from the store, in which a lot of sugar, preservatives, flavors, for these purposes will not work. Another limitation is the presence of peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal lesions( gastritis, stomach ulcers).In this case, freshly squeezed juices are contraindicated.

Of course, this is far from all products that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, however, it is the main groups presented in the table that have the highest rates of influence on the state of the circulatory system( according to the latest statistics in the field of dietetics).
What's banned?

Since there is a list of products that dilute blood, respectively, there is a list of those products that, with a tendency to such a pathology or with existing diseases, it is better to exclude from the diet:

  • bread products from wheat flour, buns, biscuits, pastries, confectionerycakes, cakes);
  • sweets - chocolate, sweets, caramel, sugar, jam;
  • all food products containing animal fats - butter, margarine, dairy assortment, hard cheeses;
  • smoked products, canned food, meat and sausage products;
  • fat meats( pork, lamb, goose);
  • products with a high content of starch - potatoes, bananas and so on;
  • lentils, white beans, peanuts;
  • walnuts;
  • almost all kinds of alcohol, except dry red wines.

Increased blood viscosity contributes to the excessive use of black coffee, hard-boiled tea, carbonated drinks. In the list of dangerous products is also green, for example, regular use of dill, spinach or parsley can provoke adverse changes in blood properties.

How to be in pregnancy

Piracetam in pregnancy

The process of bearing a child is accompanied by a complete restructuring of the female body and fluctuations in the hormonal background, which can trigger the appearance of certain diseases. In particular, pregnant women often have problems with increased blood viscosity, and as a result, associated with them varicosities, thromboses and other ailments.

In addition, during pregnancy, often conceal themselves hidden diseases, which are exacerbated by the violation of the immune system. As a result, nine months of waiting for the baby become a kind of litmus paper, a test that reveals all the chronic sores that a woman has. This is especially true of the state of the vessels and the tendency to violate the blood thickening.

Usually, the main problem with the permeability of blood vessels and the risk of thrombosis in pregnant women is associated with the lower limbs. It is at the feet in the period of bearing the child that the main load occurs. With blood stasis in the vessels of the legs, varicose progresses very quickly. In severe cases, unwanted complications develop, for example, thrombophlebitis.

Since the use of medicines for women waiting for supplementation in the family is significantly limited, food products that can influence the density and speed of blood flow in the vessels go to the first place.

As recommended by the official information posted on the stands of women's clinics, the main emphasis in nutrition, correcting the density of blood is done on:

  • vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • fruit.

It is not necessary to significantly change the drinking regime and increase the consumption of liquid and mineral water. This method is contraindicated during pregnancy, because it overloads the kidneys.

Fresh fruits

In the diet must include as much fresh fruit and vegetables as apples, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and meat products are replaced with fish, preferring low-fat varieties.

Under a complete ban, almost all spices fall, especially ginger and bay leaves, as their regular use can provoke premature detachment of the placenta and lead to serious pathologies during pregnancy, up to the loss of the child. For the same reason, do not use homeopathic drugs.

However, the same dill, fresh and in small quantities, as a greenery in a salad, will be very useful.

In principle, the main accent from the point of view of cooking is done just for fractional and frequent meals with light vegetable salads dressed with a mixture of vegetable oils, with a spicy addition of fish or pickles. You can also show imagination, and pamper pregnant with fruit salads, vegetable side dishes and many other dishes that are useful for the condition of blood vessels. Select a menu for a pregnant woman should a dietician, based on the data of her tests and recommendations of the observing gynecologist.

While engaged in the correction of one's own nutrition, it must be remembered that useful products that normalize blood circulation affect other body systems. Therefore, it is necessary to competently apply to the formulation of the right diet. It is best to do this in conjunction with a dietitian, which, taking into account the results of laboratory tests and medical examination, will help to choose the right menu and the right products that help reduce the viscosity of the blood.

Folk recipes for blood thinning

To improve blood circulation and make blood less viscous, juice from raspberries or green tea, brewed with raspberry leaves will help. As a part of a raspberry there are aspirin-like substances which positively influence structure of a blood.

  • To reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels, blueberries or celery juice will help, which is recommended to drink 100 ml daily, before breakfast. These funds perfectly dilute blood, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminating stagnant phenomena and preventing the appearance of edema.
  • The root of the ginger has a beneficial effect, which has bactericidal action and improves digestive processes, as well as ordinary garlic that dilutes blood like aspirin. To improve blood circulation, it is advised to take garlic tincture. Prepare it as follows:
  • A pair of cloves finely ground, placed in a glass dish and poured 150 ml of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, then filter and take 10 drops, dissolving them in a spoonful of water. Drink tincture you need 30 minutes before eating.
  • The juice from leaves of dandelion , decoction of elderberry or willow bark will be especially beneficial. From alternative methods of good effect it is possible to achieve hirudotherapy( treatment with leeches).
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