
What color should the sperm be?

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Semen is a seminal fluid consisting of a large number of spermatozoa, enzymes and vitamins. The white color of sperm is considered to be natural, as an indicator of the absence of any deviations from the norm. In fact, the fluid characterizes some indicators that can change under the influence of certain disorders in the work of genital organs, injuries, infectious and inflammatory diseases. When changing the color of the ejaculate, its consistency, density and other indicators, it is appropriate to talk about pathologies that are subject to competent treatment.

Color of sperm

Normal sperm

Male seed production is carried out by:

  • seminal vesicles;
  • of the prostate( prostate);
  • of the testicles.

Seminal vesicles are located on the posterior surface of the prostate, and the vas deferens from them lead to the urethra through which the seminal fluid exits. The role of seminal vesicles is to produce a seminal fluid that constitutes the main( maximal) part of the ejaculate.

The prostate gland is the internal genital organ, not only involved in the production and extraction of seminal fluid, but also responsible for the regulation of urination and erection. Sperm, which is produced in the prostate gland, is no more than 25% of the total volume. Eggs located in the scrotum are no less important organ. That part of the ejaculate, which is produced by testicles( 5% of the total volume), is the most important, since it is the testes and their appendages that produce spermatozoa.

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Healthy is considered to be the white color of semen with a grayish tinge. At many representatives of a male semen happens yellowish-white or milky-white that is also the norm. The basis of semen is a seminal fluid consisting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and minerals. Despite the fact that only 5% of the total amount of seminal fluid is spermatozoa, they give whiteness. Therefore, a greater number of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid contributes to a more saturated shade. Conversely, a small amount of sperm leads to the transparency of the ejaculate.

Causes of sperm color change

Seventh color may be affected by a number of different characteristics, some of which do not pose a particular hazard to the patient. Since normal white, grayish and yellowish shades of ejaculate are considered, there should be no cause for concern. If the same shade changes to a darker one, and if there are suspicions of any deviations from the norm, a man should consult a specialist( urologist, andrologist or sex therapist).

Sperm color can be determined by:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in men;
  • experiments with sexual activity leading to urethral trauma;
  • with prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • frequent sexual contact;
  • by taking medications of a certain group( we are talking about antibacterial drugs and vitamin complexes);
  • use of dyed products, both natural and artificial.

Each of these factors has its own effect on the color, quality and consistency of the seminal fluid. The color of the sperm can vary and be: transparent, yellow, pink( red), green, dark, brown. At the sight of an unusual color ejaculate, a man panics, and not without reason. It is necessary to undergo the spermogram procedure to detect or exclude any changes occurring in the body.

Laboratory studies of sperm

Transparent color

Transparent semen can be a normal phenomenon, and sometimes causes fear. Transparency depends on the use during the day of fluid in large quantities or from frequent sex, when there is not enough time for sperm production. But if we exclude the considered points, then in this case we can speak about the state of azoospermia, in which sperm are not observed in the seminal fluid. This is one of the signs of infertility in men.


If the ejaculate is bright yellow, then it contains urine, which should not cause concern to the man, because the sperm goes the same way as the urine. Yellow sperm can give some medicines or certain foods that can affect the color of the ejaculate. But if the semen is dirty-yellow, it is possible that in the genitals an infectious process develops that requires immediate intervention.

Pink( red) color

Pink sperm color can be true or false. False says about the use of coloring food products( for example, beets) or beverages with the addition of chemical dyes. In this case, there is nothing to worry about. With the true color of sperm in pink, there can be two cases. The first is observed with microtraumas of capillaries of the urethra as a result of active sexual life. A similar condition passes by itself without taking any medications and interfering with the specialist.

The second is more serious and is subject to mandatory examination and treatment. The case can turn into an inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the prostate or the urethra. Determine the nature of the current disease will help spermogram method.


Green sperm with an unpleasant odor can be the result of infectious processes formed after sexual acts with an infected partner. It is not necessary that a man be disturbed by any other symptoms that indicate infection, since the disease can be of a hidden nature.

Dark color

Dark seminal fluid should be alert, as it contains old blood. This indicates the presence of serious diseases, up to malignant formations, which requires an immediate visit of a specialist with subsequent careful examination. This condition is typical for diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles. If the process is susceptible to the prostate, the patient may feel pain when urinating.


With brown sperm should also be alerted, since a similar picture indicates the development of the same diseases that occur with dark ejaculate.

With any change in the color of the ejaculate, you need to understand its cause. If it turns out that the cause of the color( yellow or pink) is food or minor micro-trauma after sexual intercourse, you should simply wait a while and not strive for any action. But in case the liquid becomes darker with time, it has a putrid smell, we should not ignore such a phenomenon. The sooner you turn to a specialist, the probability of a successful cure is much higher. On self-treatment, all the more, there should be no question.

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