Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Scraping with endometrial hyperplasia

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Some types of endometrial hyperplasia are the first signal about the onset of oncology. Lack of proper treatment will inevitably lead to cancer. Scraping with endometrial hyperplasia in order to obtain tissues for examination - is still the main diagnostic method for .This procedure allows you to determine the onset of oncology.



The procedure is performed to diagnose numerous gynecological diseases. The mucous cavity of the uterus does not scrape off completely - the doctor removes only its upper layer. To do this, use special tools or medicines to expand the cervix. Scraping with endometrial hyperplasia is almost always combined with the hysterecopy procedure.

Such a control and diagnostic study allows you to determine how effectively the treatment is performed and what procedures can be prescribed in the future. An accurate assessment of the state of health without scraping is not possible. Based on this, it becomes quite obvious that scraping the uterus cavity is a necessary procedure. Without it, the treatment of hyperplasia will be done blindly, and patients will have to watch their health around the clock, expecting any results. The re-emergence of the symptoms of the disease will signal the ineffectiveness of previous treatment and the need to prescribe a different course of therapy.

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Untreated hyperplasia of the endometrium is quite dangerous, because its consequences are cancer.

Consequences of

The procedure does not take much time, it is conducted under anesthesia - local or general. After the diagnostic scraping of the uterus was carried out, the women can observe quite natural consequences:

  1. After anesthesia, pains similar to menstrual pains appear in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. Their duration may be several hours;but sometimes the pain period stretches for several days. You can remove pain syndrome with medications, special treatment is very rarely required.
  2. After the procedure in the uterine cavity, bloody clots or secretions are released from the vagina. These are quite normal consequences.

Possible complications of

Clearing the uterine cavity, like any other procedure, can bring some complications.


The accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity is due to the spasm of its neck. This can happen immediately after scraping. This situation is considered dangerous, since the risk of infection is very high. To prevent the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity, treatment with preparations of the group of antispasmodics, which support the body with relaxed ones, is prescribed. A sudden cessation of discharge after the procedure and severe pain in the abdomen become the first signs of the accumulation of clots


This pathology can be observed relatively rarely. Basically, it occurs when there is a clotting disorder. Diagnostic curettage presupposes the presence of scant excretions, sometimes lasting several weeks, but the bleeding open threatens the life of the patient .Prevention of a threat of this nature is carried out by special injections appointed by the doctor. An immediate reason for turning to a specialist requires the appearance of strong bloody discharge.



To prevent infection of the uterine cavity after scraping, mandatory prescribe antibiotic treatment. Initial symptoms of penetration into the body of infection are:

  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity a few days after the procedure;
  • chills.

If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor.


Diagnostic scraping extremely rarely affects the childbearing of .There are practically no cases of termination of the woman's ability to conceive a child.

The appearance of the following symptoms causes immediate and compulsory medical advice:

  • deterioration of state of health, dizziness, attacks of sudden weakness, loss of consciousness;
  • appearance of heavy bleeding and continued it for more than an hour;
  • high temperature;
  • appearance of discharge with fetid odor;
  • severe pain that does not stop after taking pain medications;
  • a sharp cessation of bloody discharge, natural after scraping.

Endometrial hyperplasia therapy

There are often cases when scraping is undesirable, and many women are worried about the possibility of treating the disease medically. Cure hyperplasia can be, bypassing such a procedure as diagnostic curettage, but you will need to be patient, waiting for the result after each treatment course.

Treatment of the disease is made depending on a variety of reasons:

  • the age of the patient;
  • cause of the disease;
  • state of health;
  • desire for further childbearing;
  • results of histological studies.

The doctor can prescribe a conservative treatment that presupposes intravenous solutions, medical baths, tampons, drugs, medicines. Sometimes a radical method of treatment is needed - removal of the uterus , but it is carried out if the hyperplasia caused serious changes in the uterine cavity.

Drug Therapy

The doctor has the drugs of several groups. Of these, he will select the right drug and the necessary dosage. This will avoid side effects:

  • acne;
  • excess hair;
  • weight gain.

The main method of drug treatment of hyperplasia are progesterone-based drugs. They contribute to the complete disappearance of the disease. Take the drug orally for at least six months. During this time, the female body begins to produce the necessary hormone in sufficient quantity on its own.

Artificial hormone is completely analogous to that produced by the body. Synthetic analogues restore the monthly cycle, they can cure the disease, if fully comply with the doctor's prescriptions. You can take a synthetic analogue of progesterone to women of any age group. The most effective: DUFASTON and NORCOLUT. The only minus of drugs can be considered their ability to cause the appearance of bloody discharge in the intermenstrual period.

In parallel with hyperplasia endometrium is treated with vitamins, sedatives, physiotherapy procedures. You can apply acupuncture.

An alternative method of treating endometrial hyperplasia involves placing a special spiral in the uterine cavity. It contains gestagens that exert local hormonal influence, which is undoubtedly a big plus, as the whole body becomes protected from an overabundance of hormones. The spiral is fixed for 5 years. Sometimes a woman may be bothered by minor side effects in the form of small bloody discharge.

After passing the necessary medication, each woman is entitled to additional treatment, which helps to restore the work of the ovaries. For this purpose, preparations that stimulate ovulation are used.

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