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How to treat a herniated lumbar spine at home - detailed information

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Lumbar hernia is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, about 90% of all cases of hernia falls on this part of the spine. Most often, this ailment affects men aged 30-50 years, but it can also occur in younger people, including women.

The danger of lumbar hernia lies in the fact that over time it can lead to serious health problems and even disability, so treatment should be started as early as possible.

Today, both conservative and surgical, and folk remedies are used for the treatment of this disease( specific methods are selected individually), but most experts advise adherence to an integrated approach.

How to treat a herniated lumbar spine at home?

How to treat a herniated lumbar spine at home?

material Content

  • 1 Causes and hernia
  • 2 symptoms Pharmacotherapy
  • 3 means of alternative medicine
    • 3.1 honey and apitherapy
    • 3.2 Comfrey
    • 3.3 Garlic
    • 3.4 Horse fat
    • 3.5 Red clay
    • 3.6 Herbs
  • 4 Massage
  • 5 Physiotherapy
    • 5.1 Video - Exercises for lumbar department
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Causes and symptoms of hernia

The main cause of lumbar hernia is a strong pressure directly in the intervertebral disc, which mMay cause the following factors:

  • backbone in history( osteochondrosis, curvature of different scale);
  • severe back injury;
  • obesity( especially in cases where the body weight is much higher than normal);
  • sharp and strong turning body of the body in one direction, resulting in a rupture of the fibrous ring from which the intervertebral disc consists.

The risk group for the development of this disease includes those who often have to lift weights( athletes, loaders), as well as people who spend a lot of time in one position - at the computer or while driving.

Herniation of the lumbar region begins asymptomatically, but eventually the disks begin to deform, and the person feels severe pain( "lumbago") in the affected areas, as well as severe numbness and stiffness.

Stages of formation of the intervertebral hernia

Stages of formation of the intervertebral hernia

Depending on the damaged segment of the spine, other symptoms may appear: weakening, paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the feet, absence of the knee reflex, discomfort when walking. In advanced cases, patients may experience problems with urination and defecation, in women - gynecological disorders.

The prognosis for patients depends on timely treatment of the disease, and it should be appointed after a physical examination and conducting the relevant studies. To treat a lumbar scar tissue can be done at home, but such activities will have only symptomatic character - in order to completely get rid of the problem, one should resort to the help of specialists.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of lumbar hernia, a number of drugs are used that relieve painful symptoms and restore the functioning of the affected area. It should be noted that most of them are used only in the acute period of the disease or during the recovery period, therefore, medications can not become an alternative to full-value therapy.

Differences in the normal disc and intervertebral disc with hernia

Differences in the normal disc and intervertebral disc with hernia

Drug group Drug name Features Disadvantages

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Dolaren Eliminate pain syndrome, partially or completely restore normal functioning of the spine. NSAIDs are available in the form of tablets or in the form of intramuscular injections or ointments Negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract( especially if taken as tablets), do not eliminate paralysis

Painkillers Novocain Have a powerful analgesic effect Require great caution when administered,can be used only in exceptional cases

Glucocorticosteroids "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone", "Methylprednisolone" Well relieve pain syndrome Have a large number of side effectsth effects

Diuretics Diacarb Remove edema from the affected area The application requires strict control, as the drugs can cause serious disorders

Drugs for improving blood circulation in the vessels Emoxipin, Pentoxifylline Facilitate the restoration of the affected area Possible side effects of

Drugs for improving the state of nervous tissues "Cerebrolysin", "Actovegin" Improve blood supply to tissues, including the brain The effectiveness of the drugs is disputed by some specialists

Chondroprotectors "Chondroitin", "Glucosamine" The cartilage tissues are regenerated The effectiveness of the drugs is disputed by some specialists

. Alternative medicine and folk recipes are often used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but before using them one should make sure that there are no contraindications andallergic reactions.

Alternative medicine

Honey and apitherapy

Bee products - honey, bee venom, propolis, royal jelly - are often used in the fight against diseases of the back and the musculoskeletal system, including hernia manifestations.

Beekeeping products are often used in the fight against diseases of the back

Beekeeping products are often used in the control of diseases of the back

  1. Bee venom is used to rub the affected areas: it has irritating properties, which makes it good to relieve pain. Instead of grinding, you can use a more radical technique - bee stings, but do not forget that the poison of these insects is a strong allergen.
  2. For the massage, you can use a mixture of honey and mummies. Dissolve 1 g of mummy in water, add 100 g of honey, mix, apply mixture on the waist and massage well. This tool must be applied during the recovery period.
  3. In the diet it is recommended to introduce royal jelly - it strengthens the immune system and activates the body's defenses.


Comfrey is a known medicinal plant that is widely used in folk medicine for the healing of fractures, wounds and other injuries. On its basis do lapping, ointments and compresses, as well as means for ingestion.

Ointments and compresses based on the root of comfrey - effective means in the fight against the intervertebral hernia

Comfrey-based ointments and compresses - effective remedies for the control of the intervertebral hernia

  1. Take the fresh root of the comfrey, grind well and mix it with honey in equal parts. Drink a teaspoon in the morning before eating a ten-day course. After this, you need to pause for ten days, then repeat the treatment twice more.
  2. Another option - oil from the roots of the plant. Grind 50 g of dried comfrey roots, pour 500 g of vegetable oil. Insist 10 days, drink 2 tablespoons a day, after which it is desirable to massage the affected area.
  3. With the internal reception of the comfrey you need to combine external application. To do this, take 25 g of dry roots, soak them for half an hour in water, then pour 350 ml of vodka. Put in a darkened place for two weeks, after which make from the tincture compresses on the same pattern( course 10 days, after which 10 days respite).


Garlic - a common folk remedy in the therapy of lumbar hernia

Garlic is a common folk remedy in the treatment of lumbar hernia

Another common folk remedy in the treatment of lumbar hernia is garlic. To make infusion for external lotions, chop 600 g of garlic, pour 300 ml of alcohol or vodka, put in a dark place for 10 days. From the received infusion to do applications on the affected area, wrapping well on top. Keep the product for 40-60 minutes, then remove and dry the skin( take a shower or rinse the product is not required).

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the next day it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of turpentine. Mix 2 cups of water with 20 g of grated baby soap and 200 ml of salicylic alcohol( 1% concentration).To collect in a bath water, temperature - 37 degrees, to pour in 3 items of l.of the product obtained and lie in water for 10 minutes.

Convaginal fat

One of the most effective methods that nicely removes pain syndrome and relieves inflammation, but for this it will have to get a product such as horse fat. Take 200 g of fat( you can mix it with a teaspoon of iodine and two yolks), cut into thin plates and make a lotion from it, wrapping the product in a folded gauze. Fasten on the waist and wear 24 hours, then take a shower and replace the applique with a new one.

Red clay

Specialists in folk medicine claim that clay "pulls" disease

Specialists in folk medicine claim that the clay "pulls" the disease

Piece of red clay mash with the addition of hot water, make it the application as above, tie it to the lumbar region. Specialists in folk medicine argue that clay "pulls" the disease, so it must be changed as it dries. Such a prescription can be used without restrictions, since there are no contraindications and side effects in red clay.

Medicinal herbs

Lotions, decoctions and compresses from medicinal herbs with a lumbar hernia well relieve pain and regenerate tissues. For this, plants are used that relieve inflammation and swelling, and also possess antitumor properties: yarrow, initial letter, celandine, burdock root, sabelnik, althea.

  1. Root of the saber( 100 g) pour a liter of 40-degree alcohol. Leave in a shaded place for 21 days, after which drink on a tablespoon, diluting in 150 ml of water three times a day on an empty stomach.
    Tincture from the roots of sabelnik - an excellent remedy for hernia lumbar region

    Tincture from the roots of the sabelnik - an excellent remedy for hernia lumbar

  2. Take 100 g of roots of elecampane and sabelnik, as many leaves of sweet clover and 150 g of unripened seeds of hemlock. Mix all components, pour into a three-liter jar and pour in the same 40-degree alcohol, insist 21 days. Rub the resulting remedy in the lower back, then use an antitumor or anti-inflammatory ointment, preferably on a grassy basis.
  3. A tablespoon of aspen root, pour a glass of water, boil for an hour, then cool and drink on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  4. Dried St. John's wort infusion with vegetable oil( you can use sunflower oil), insist in the dark for about two weeks. Strain so that only the liquid of reddish color remains, rub into the affected areas. After that, massage with honey, lightly patting the lower back - in the process pain pain may occur, but this is normal, so treatment should not be stopped.
  5. Oil for grinding can be prepared from birch leaves. To do this, it is necessary in June to collect the young birch leaves, put them in a container and fill with pure corn oil( 2-3 liters).Infuse the week in a well-lit place, after which another two weeks dark, it is good to filter.
  6. Fresh leaves of Kalanchoe should be cleaned from the film and fixed on the loin. Such a compress is recommended before bedtime.
Compress of leaves of Kalanchoe relieves pain and helps in the treatment of hernia lumbar region

Compress of Kalanchoe leaves relieves pain and helps in the treatment of lumbar lumbar spasm

Before using alternative medicine for lumbar hernia, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as most of them have contraindications and side effects. If allergic reactions or worsening of general health occur during use, treatment should be stopped immediately.


Technique of massage with a hernia of the lumbar region

Massage technique for hernia of the lumbar region

Massage with a lumbar hernia relieves pain and improves the overall well-being of the patient, but has a number of characteristics.

Do not massage affected areas during exacerbations, otherwise it may lead to rupture of the fibrous ring or infringement of the nerve roots.

Movement should be smooth and careful( light pats, strokes, etc.), without strong pressure, and do not give the patient unpleasant sensations. After the massage, you can lubricate the lower back with warming ointment or honey.


Simple physical exercises are good at the initial stages of the disease and during the regeneration period: they increase the overall tone of the body, improve the blood circulation of the affected areas and activate the regenerative processes of the nerve tissues.

You need to do gymnastics very carefully, starting with the simplest exercises and gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Exercises on the board Evminov

Exercises on the board Evminova

  1. Exercises on the inclined plane( Evminov's board).This is one of the most useful and effective exercises for the treatment of any type of hernia, including lumbar. It is necessary to strengthen the smooth board under the slope of 45-60 degrees and lie on it for about 5-20 minutes a day so that the body seems to flow down, and the spine slightly stretched. Such exercises stretch the distance between the vertebrae, eliminate the infringement of rootlets and improve blood circulation.
  2. Exercises on the floor. When lying on any hard surface, raise your legs and chin, raise your pelvis with fixed shoulders, shoulder blades and feet.
  3. Exercises on all fours. In the lumbar hernia it is very useful to walk on all fours with a straight back, and also perform the following exercise: raise the opposite arm and leg, fixing them at the top point for 5 seconds.
Physical exercises with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Exercise with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Finally, it should be noted that folk recipes, therapeutic exercises and massage are not always an alternative to conservative therapy or surgery. If the condition does not improve, and other symptoms attach to the pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Video - Exercises for lumbar department

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