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What if I feel sick and have a stomach or headache?

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Contents of the page

  • 1 What is nausea?
  • 2 Why does it make you sick?
  • 3 If sick after drinking
  • 4 Tablets that help with nausea
  • 5 Child is sick - what should I do?
  • 6 Pregnancy
  • 7 Folk remedies for nausea

Nausea, contrary to a general misconception, is not always a harbinger of vomiting, since medically, it is a completely independent symptom. Decide what to do if you feel nauseous, you need to proceed from the reasons for this condition. That is, first you need to find out, the symptom of which pathological process in the body was nausea.

In some cases, this unpleasant phenomenon signals the presence of serious enough diseases and requires medical intervention and a complete examination of the body. In others, it is just a symptom of a violation of diet, overeating, malnutrition or the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

What is nausea?


Nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region, which is accompanied by a feeling of faintness, increased salivation, general weakness and is caused by mild muscular contractions of the walls of the esophagus and stomach. Nausea often precedes vomiting and accompanies most diseases of the digestive tract.

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But, the feeling of nausea can arise not only due to pathologies, but also under stress, nervous overstrain, severe shock or fright. As an independent phenomenon, it is treated with the help of certain medications. If the cause of nausea are gastrointestinal diseases, then this symptom is eliminated in the process of complex therapy of the underlying ailment.

Why does it make you sick?

Treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint All treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint can be divided into the following types: medicamentous;physiotherapy and massage;Exercise therapy;operative intervention. The ratio of techniques to each other and their sequence is determined by the type of bursitis.1. Medicinal products. Aseptic bursitis( acute, subacute, chronic) requires the removal of inflammatory phenomena and the elimination of pain. For these purposes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are excellent, both in the form of ointments, gels, and in the form of tablets and even suppositories( with concomitant gastritis) and patches( for prolonged action).For the removal of the pain syndrome and as an anti-inflammatory drug are recommended: inside or rectally diclofenac or ketoprofen, in tableted form - aceclofenac;to eliminate severe pain nimesulide is suitable, and for the elimination of common symptoms( fatigue, fatigue and temperature), drugs like the ibuklin that combine anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are recommended. Ointments and gels: also based on ketoprofen, diclofenac, combined preparations based on troxerutin, dimexide and analgesic component. For convenience, ketoprofen and diclofenac are released in the form of patches, effective from 12 to 24 hours. Compress with dimexid will accelerate recovery due to active influence on the process of inflammation. Infectious bursitis requires antibacterial treatment, which usually starts with broad-spectrum antibiotics. After the analysis of the puncture fluid, the therapy is adjusted taking into account the obtained data.2. Physiotherapy is used in a subacute period or in a chronic form of inflammation. Usually it is UHF, UFO, paraffin, ozocerite, ultrasound therapy, laser, phonophoresis with steroids.3. In the aseptic process it is necessary to ensure the rest of the shoulder region, sometimes appoint cold compresses.4. With a long-term current disease, which can hardly be treated conservatively, steroid preparations are injected into the cavity of the bag. Steroids are required in the form of injection into the bursal cavity and in trauma( often together with novocaine).5. Opening of the bag with the evacuation of inflammatory exudate and careful washing of the bursa with antibacterial and antiseptic solutions are used for extensive infectious processes.6. Treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint with frequent relapses, a long-term current process, with inflammation that does not succumb to conservative therapy, as well as when depositing calcium salts, forming fibrous strands or hygromes in the cavity is reduced to surgical intervention - excision of the bursa. The healing period is from one to two weeks, the probability of recurrence is extremely small.7. LFK at the initial stage is carried out under the supervision of a health worker, then treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint at home is possible. Gymnastics begins to perform after the elimination of inflammation or after some time for surgery, to restore the previous volume of movements in the shoulder joint and muscle strength. Selection of exercises is made depending on the type and course of the disease.8. In the rehabilitation period shows massage, acupuncture, manual therapy. These techniques allow to restore normal trophic tissue, help the patient to quickly return to the old way of life.

Before deciding what to do with nausea, and what medicines to take, you need to undergo a medical examination and find out why this condition occurs. Among the most probable causes of this phenomenon, physicians distinguish the following conditions:

  • inflammatory processes and diseases of the stomach and intestines( gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis, etc.);
  • liver pathology( hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatosis);
  • diseases of the gallbladder( bends, formation of stones, bile stasis, inflammatory processes);
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • perforation of the wall of the stomach;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • narrowing of the esophagus;
  • diverticulosis of the intestine or esophagus( abnormal protrusion of the walls of the organ);
  • stress, nervous breakdown, severe shock and other "nervous" causes;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • pathologies associated with impaired brain function;
  • malfunctioning of the vestibular apparatus.

If there is at least one of the above reasons, then nausea is just one of the symptoms of the disease. To get rid of it, you need to treat the underlying pathology. However, do not forget that it can often be nauseated as a result of banal overeating, allergic reaction or alcohol abuse.

If vomiting after alcohol

methods of treatment of alcoholism coding

All that concerns the combination of nausea and alcohol, the characteristic manifestations can be divided into two groups:

  • toshnits during the feast, immediately after drinking alcohol;
  • toshnits next morning, after a dream, much later a fun evening pastime.

In the first case, when vomiting immediately after drinking, the probable cause is a search with the amount of alcohol or an incorrectly selected drink. People say about this state - "the body does not accept", no matter how funny it sounds, but it's just like that. And, sometimes a person can drink a minimum amount of alcohol( just a couple of glasses) and feel faint.

To get rid of the feeling of nausea, you need to try changing the drink, or to undergo a test to see how much the enzymes that break down the alcohol are in the body. In the absence of these enzymes, the body is not able to break down ethanol, as a result, intoxication occurs when using minimal doses of alcohol.

In the case of the second option they say that they are sick with a hangover and then everything is much more serious. When a feeling of nausea comes after sleep, it is a signal from the internal organs to which ethanol has a toxic effect:

  • of the liver;
  • of the biliary tract and the gall bladder itself;
  • of the heart;
  • of the duodenum and stomach;
  • of the kidney;
  • arteries.

In case of nausea the next day after a feast( hangover), we advise you to seek medical help and examine the body. Such a syndrome acts as a litmus test, that is, against its background there are visible health problems. In this case, you can stop nausea only after it is determined which functions of which organs are violated.

Of course, this does not apply to cases of abuse of alcohol. With chronic alcoholism or the use of surrogate drinks, the sources of nausea are completely different and it ends, as a rule, with vomiting.

Tablets that help with nausea


If the head is aching and vomiting, the likelihood of a viral infection, such as influenza, is high. However, if nausea arises by itself, without the attendant symptoms characteristic of colds or digestive disorders, then it may well have neuro-somatic roots.

In this case, drugs that are called in use - "from nausea" - will help. The fastest of them are:

  • Splenin;
  • Torekan;
  • Cried;
  • Etaperazine.

These are strong remedies that are used to eliminate permanent, painful bouts of nausea. In addition to them, there are about a dozen names of medicines, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at eliminating muscle spasm in the stomach and esophagus. That is, they directly affect the biological mechanism that triggers a feeling of nausea.

Similar drugs have a number of contraindications. So, all drugs designed to fight nausea are contraindicated for people with intolerance:

  1. dimenhydrinate;
  2. dimenhydramine;
  3. of chlorotheophylline.
It is useful to know
And, of course, they can not be taken by pregnant women. Independently to buy medicines from a nausea should not be, they should be appointed by the doctor after the spent inspection directed on elucidation of the factor provoking a similar status.

So, if the cause of nausea - emotional turmoil and stress, will help safe sedatives on herbs - tincture of motherwort, peony, valerian or combined remedies - Novo-Passit, Sedasen.

If you are crawling in transport, then you can fight with manifestations of "seasickness" with the help of homeopathic granules Avia-Sea or Vertigochel. With a low blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness and nausea, a cup of strong black coffee or a Citramon pill will help.

If the nausea does not release during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe a Bonin or a homeopathic remedy Kokkulin. In those cases when attacks of nausea provoke high intracranial pressure, a qualified neurologist should select the treatment regimen.

The child is sick - what should I do?

If a child suffers from nausea, worried parents tend to show it to the doctor as soon as possible. And this is correct, because you can eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon only after finding out the reasons that cause it. Usually, if there is no food poisoning, the children will feel nauseous in the following cases:

  • The cause may be overeating or eating incompatible products. For example, a pair of large hamburgers, a portion of airy cotton and a large glass of cola with a horn of ice cream, is more than enough to cause this symptom in a teenager 12-14 years old, not to mention small children. Nausea is a common manifestation of allergy. Contrary to the general opinion, allergic reactions in children are not only in the form of diathesis, a cold or conjunctivitis. Often, an allergy to certain foods manifests itself as nausea.
  • Panic conditions and severe fright may well cause a baby to have a nausea. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to lead the kid into the room of fear in the amusement park, sometimes a sudden sudden sharp sound in order to provoke such a reaction.
  • Vacillation, imperfection of the vestibular apparatus, both in childhood and in adulthood, cause nausea when traveling in transport, swinging on a swing and visiting entertainment attractions.

The simplest thing that can be done is to give the child carbonated mineral water and put him to bed, in no way wrapping, on the contrary, the room should be slightly cool. If nausea occurs regularly, for obvious reasons, you need to contact the pediatrician in time to find out the reasons.

Nausea in women

what should I do if I feel sick?

Many women are worried about the question of what to do if the stomach is sick and nauseous, but there is no menstruation, overeating, food poisoning and other related diseases. The answer is quite simple, as is the very reason for this phenomenon. A woman should stop lifting weights. It's not about classes in the gym, the cause of discomfort - more than banal. It's about going to food stores and wearing heavy bags.

How often do women return from supermarkets with two bags in their hands full of groceries for the whole family? Almost always. It is possible to argue endlessly about what becomes the reason for purchases, unintended by the list.

For example, the store manages to buy products for the stock, accidentally appear on the sale of vegetables and fruits at a reduced price or the whole point is that they took a cart that does not feel the weight of the products recruited from the counters. The result is always the same - a woman comes home with heavy bags and it happens every day. As a result, excessive stress provokes various abnormalities from the internal organs, accompanied by nausea.

The threshold permissible for movement and weight lifting is completely individual, much depends on the constitution and the state of the woman's health. To determine your personal weight barrier, you do not need to contact specialists, there is the most accurate criterion, this is the feeling that carrying a load is difficult.

As a rule, a woman can not lift and carry loads over 6 kg in arms stretched along the body, when using a backpack - the situation changes slightly, and the weight permissible for movement - increases by 1.5-2 times.



In addition, women can vomit before menstruation or during pregnancy, and before the onset of menstruation in addition to nausea, there is also a pronounced weakness and dizziness.

At the early stages of pregnancy, the main cause of nausea is toxicosis, which occurs when hormonal changes in the body and preparing it for future motherhood. Attacks of nausea usually occur in the morning. Therefore, a pregnant woman is advised not to get out of bed, drink a little water, acidified with lemon juice, and then eat a cookie or a small apple.

After this, the nausea will quickly recede. It is not necessary to use a lot of liquid in an attempt to drown out unpleasant sensations, it can provoke a fit of vomiting. Drink better warm mineral water without gas, not strong black or green tea with lemon, half an hour after breakfast.

Very often, the cause of an attack of nausea in pregnant women is a sharp smell, overwork, and sometimes dizziness comes even at the sight of food or a sharp change in body position. Therefore, doctors advise to avoid stress, to ventilate the room more often in order to eliminate all unpleasant smells, to walk more outdoors and always keep lollipops with a sour taste.

Folk remedies for nausea

Cleansing with lemon juice

Taking offense of nausea will always help something sour. It can be a slice of lemon, acidified water, sauerkraut juice, any fresh fruit with sour taste or candy. Good relieves fainting kefir, besides it helps to normalize the balance of microflora in the intestines. Therefore, a glass of low-fat sour milk drink in the morning or evening, before going to bed, helps many to cope with nausea attacks.

If nausea rolls, you can cut a lemon or an orange and just inhale its fragrance. The same property is possessed by the majority of essential oils. You just need to apply a few drops of any ether( citrus, bergamot, lavender, mint) on a handkerchief and inhale this smell when there are unpleasant sensations.

Tea with mint and honey

Mint increases or lowers pressure

If nausea appears in the morning, tea with mint will help. It is best to prepare a drink from the evening, and in the morning to drink it without getting out of bed.

Another effective tool is tea with ginger. The root of ginger needs to be rubbed and gradually added to the tea. To improve the taste, you can dissolve in a ginger drink a spoonful of natural floral or lime honey.

Very quickly eliminates the attack of faintness ordinary cloves. This spice can be found in any house, the housewives use a dry clove in culinary experiments and add it to homemade pickles and billets. It is enough to chew one dry nail to almost instantly feel relief. For the same purpose, it is recommended to use ethereal clove oil. A few drops of ether can be dropped on the handkerchief and carry it with you, inhaling the aroma of spices with the approaching nausea.

Many people help to remove the attack of nausea pickled cucumber, brine from sauerkraut, herbal tea with the addition of chamomile, sage or rosemary. In case of emergency, you can simply drink a glass of clean water, with 1 tsp dissolved in it.apple cider vinegar. With nausea caused by motion sickness in the transport, special breathing exercises or a stock of sugar candies with mint flavor will help.

Additional recommendations

the doctor the dietician

If a person often feels sick for no particular reason, then you should not deal with this phenomenon on your own, at home, you should contact a specialist. Quite often this unpleasant symptom signals about the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes, and pathological changes in the heart muscle, not obvious with general examination and listening;
  • on cerebral infections or the disturbance of neurochemical processes in its cells;
  • on pathological changes in artery walls.

An extremely dangerous symptom is nausea, which occurs as an independent manifestation after a rest in exotic countries. For example, after returning from trips to the countries of Africa and Asia. This may be a sign of infection with severe viral or parasitic infections.

With short-term attacks of nausea caused by motion sickness or a violation of diet, it's quite easy to manage on your own. But if this syndrome is chasing you all the time, do not hesitate to contact a doctor.

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